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Everything posted by bigfish1965

  1. Okay..well those fish shoulda dropped them. They would be about 22 or so inches. Maybe there was just too much competition for spots. Thats not necessarily a bad thing.
  2. I don't think all the females necessarily drop their eggs each year. There are often times when they do not find a suitable place or the competition is too great. What size were the laden females?
  3. Badger; It wasn't intended to be harsh, but to make people try and come up with a solution rather than just get upset. We've had a long history of trying to get the government to fix problems for us when something is wrong. It isn't always the governments job or responsibility to do so. By not using fuel wisely we've collectively driven up the price. By shopping big box stores rather than the local merchants we've killed small business. We've only ourselves to blame for a company that makes obscene profits. Price shifting is inevitable as companies that use fuel eventually have to pass increases along. Several trucking companies have fuel price surcharges already. As for dropping the tax..do you think it will result in a corresponding drop at the pumps? Our dollar is very strong resulting in lower costs for Canadian oil companies..but this never did result in lower prices. The one thing this will do is push more competition into the market as profit margins make new ventures more viable. this will bring down prices. Gas costs 1.13 because we will still pay 1.13.
  4. Okay..then tell me what should the government do? Price controls? Not possible. The demand around the world is strong enough that they just won't give us any gas. Sure we produce enough oil to last us almost forever, but since oil is not a nationalized resource (like water is) it cannot be controlled. Would you really expect a modern democratic government to nationalise oil? no chance. The oil companies would simply pull out...you'd have all the oil in the world, then, but no way to refine it. Of course then the government could step in and take over, but all governments have a history of not being able to run a business. So then they over pay the workers and give them giant pensions and the price goes stupid anyway (or they take a loss and drive up your taxes to make up the difference). We aren't talking about health care or education..we are talking about a commodity...no one is forced to buy it. Get a propane car or a natural gas car or an electric hybrid. Do I liek the price of gas? No..but I choose to live a 30 minute drie from work for peace and quiet and this is one of the many pitfalls that may be associated with it. I sold the bigger boat and got a smaller one..I don't drive a Hummer or an SUV...I amalgamate trips over the day into one. I don't do this to save the world, but to save money. But I am lowering demad..and if everyone lowered demand the price would come down. If you want to know whose fault the high prices are, look in a mirror each time you buy gas. Sure the oil companies are giving it to you hard, but you are still willing to take it. Take the bus, get off your fat rear and walk or ride a bike. They won't change unless YOU DO.
  5. My Sabres looked uninspired in game 1. Ottawa is certainly the only team that can skate with them and has a slight size advantage. The Sabres certainly have shown a 'never say die' attitude though. Hopefully it prevails again. Whomever wins this series will likely win the whole thing. The Sens are certainly playing extremely well as a unit and seemed to have lost whatever luggage they were carrying around in the first half of the year. Lindy is an exceptional motivator...hopefully he gets the Sabres going again.
  6. At this point we are going to look into the matter a bit more. We no longer can tell where the majority stands and we no longer have a consenus among admins. One option being thought out is that all viewers can see linked (using IMG tags) but only members can make uploaded images pop-up into fullsize. We do have a problem with people using uploaded images on other web sites. Since we cannot watermark the uploaded images (yet) we use up bandwidth without any return. We do thank you for your input and it is very much appreciated..especially to those that gave thoughtful responses.
  7. I was watching the one video and thinking the same thing..half throttle and does a donut on the water. Dang. Hold on boyz!
  8. Gerritt and Biteme linked to their PM images I think. So what happened was someone used the PM system to attach an image. This image comes with permissions..since it is Gerritts image he can see it, but no one else can. Save to your PC (or Mac!) and upload in the thread, Gerritt and Biteme.
  9. Anyone who was familiar with the fishing in Niagara knows that Gill Finigans, run by Reg and Lorna Jones, was the only spot in Niagara Falls to get tackle. Well that is about to come to an end. Two consecutive years of unusually weathered winters and trying to compete with the big box stores finally took their toll. They will be having a closeout sale starting next Wednesday and going to Saturday. Everything is at least 20% off. The store is at 4400 Queen Street in Niagara Falls. Sad to see another one go especially when the owners are dear friends.
  10. I've got enough energy fund mutuals that I may just break even.... I wonder if I can get a mini-van in a tiller.
  11. It looks like sea-doo bought up a bunch of ad space with google. I clicked one of the ads and watch about 25 minutes of videos. IF they ever make a fishing boat..I'm in. The turns those things make are crazy! I'd bet you could convert one of them into a decent fishing boat quick enough.....hmmmmm.
  12. Why you think douG won't come this year???
  13. Before you adjust the tab, adjust your trim and the pull will subside greatly. All motors produce a significant torque.
  14. Check to see if you have Java enabled and check to see if you have some sort of ad blocker software on.
  15. I'm often amazed at people who think the inflaters are too expensive (not picking on you, Richard, lots of people feel the same way). Most of us...in fact nearly all of us, if faced with the following dilemma... Veterinarian: I can save your dogs life, but it will cost $200. ... we would almost instantly get out the chequebook or credit card. But when faced with saving our own lives, somehow $200 is too much. Inflaters are non-intrusive, dependable and can save your life. You don't even know you are wearing one. Many, many times I've got home from fishing only to discover I still had the inflator on. Forgot I was wearing it. It's not just YOU that you have to consider. It is your family, friends and kids. Each May long weekend there are drowning deaths in Ontario of fishermen. We know it is going to happen. When we see it we all wonder...why were they not wearing life jackets? At the very least please always wear your PFD when the boat is underway. If you still think it is not a big deal, ask your kids, your wife, your parents and see what they think. If you don't owe it to yourself, you at least owe it to them. Thank you for posting such a timely reminder!
  16. ALso note thesw recalls... http://www-odi.nhtsa.dot.gov/cars/problems...PrintVersion=NO http://www.recalls.gov/rruscg.asp
  17. Don't know if this affects us in Canada, but in the US a recall of certain boat trailers was issued... http://www-odi.nhtsa.dot.gov/cars/problems...PrintVersion=NO
  18. Classifieds are not an issue because we receive a benefit as active mmebers by getting a chance at some deals. Not worried. I can also set classifieds to not count towards post totals.
  19. Interesting points so far. I can do either, I think..that is allow only members or only members with 2 or more posts see the pics. I know that it is much easier to make it members only, but both are do-able (AFAIK).
  20. Doing a rain dance for you, Thom. Amazing how such a short distance away, we have had more rain than we can possibly use.
  21. Just an informal poll and the results, either way, are not binding. We have other considerations to take into account, such as bandwidth and sponsors input as well.
  22. To get back on topic... Would it make things better if I set it so that only members can see posted images?
  23. What is funny is that our government cannot barely get through the day without tripping over the carpet and someone is worried that we have secret spy-coins. Now thats funny.
  24. This is a brand new boat? No question I would want a replacement. They will likely want you to go to your insurance company for items lost that were not part of the boat and your insurance company would then likely go after the manufacturer for reimbursement. If there was big waves they can fill up a boat quick that has the rear end pointed into the wind...but I wouldn't think that much water... Isn't there an auto-bilge on it?
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