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Everything posted by bigfish1965

  1. I have the power drive. No complaints. Foot pedal takes a bit of getting used to..but with practise, you can get good at it.
  2. OMG the spawn of RICH! Just kidding bud. Congrats on the new addition. You're likely quite right..life is now different than you can imagine.
  3. Dutch is quite right. Culturing a virus or bacteria can take time. This way they can figure out which one it is. VHS or the prior mentioned carp virus would seem most likely. Hopefully we get some cool weather to slow down the problem and the stench.
  4. Nice fish! Thanks for the pics!
  5. The last of the great fishing topsites died a painful and horrible death. First Bent Rods went after getting too big and tanking their server, then ours got gang mugged by spammers and last week the Bigfish Tackle topsite ranking script collapsed and died under the weight of spam and sheer size. We still have our stats link on the bottom, but no more site rankings. Too bad the spammers had to wreck it all.
  6. That isn't the site I did for them. I did their fan site which is http://www.7nfan.com Their fans know the band as 7N.
  7. http://outdoorscard.mnr.gov.on.ca/english/...p?tid=&s=47
  8. What say you? Have a preferred style if you do like music?
  9. Thanks for the Intro! I'm glad you signed up and welcome to the site. If you have any questions, ask away. If you have any issues, myself or any of the moderating team will be glad to help you out. We like pictures.
  10. Google 'lolcats' if you don't get it.
  11. I got some new movie software, so I was using stills and songs to practice cutting sound tracks and doing video fades and stuff. Anyway, decided to use the time to make a Lakair Movie. I hope you like...not sure about how long it will take to load. HD version now available.. download by right-clicking and select 'Save link as' or 'Save target as' File size 29 MB http://www.tmf.ca/lakair.wmv Should be finished uploading by 8:45 PM.
  12. Yeah..this is kinda crazy. Yahoo somehow just fell in love with the site and is on a constant index of everything. Once we know they are finished I'll see if I can reset the stats back to something more realistic. Even with discounting the bots, we would ahve set new records, but just no way to know that it would ahve been... Glad we bought the extra bandwidth this month.
  13. Tinman (Team 3) and Addy79 (Team 9) are now added to the rosters! Welcome your new team mates.
  14. I get that alot, actually.......
  15. Sorry about the snoring and doug's 'other' bodily functions. Glad you guys had fun!
  16. Okay I'm not sure how I'm going to format this post just yet cause I'm really tired, but I suppose I should do up sumthin! First, I want to congradulate one member here who won the 32" HD television. I won't say who so as not to ruin the surprise, but I know it is a member who was at Lakair this weekend. Anyway, I arrived Thursday afternoon. The drive up was quick, but also spent dodging the incredible number of deer alongside hiway 400/69. I guess the skeeters were driving them nuts. Even saw a mama and baby moose. Luckily they were not right beside the hiway like the deer were. Fun driving trying to guess what all these critters were about to do as they peered across the road like that. Thursday I launched the boat and went around chatting to all those in attendance. The wind was quite strong and the approaching front was obvious. I headed out to pike bay for some walleye but the winds had picked up so much by then that trying to stay on a spot was not possible and i headed in empty handed. Friday I wanted to hit a few pike spots before the Saturday tourney and again the winds kept me from crossing over to my intended spot and ended up fishing beside Dawg in a smaller bay and having some pike chew the end off my brand new storm spinner bait on the third cast. That was a quick $7.49! We headed over to Tombstone Island and Kevin made up a nice shore lunch out of the few fish that had been caught. The lack of pike caught was not boding well for the tourney. While we were out there, a warm front came through and the temps quickly soared from about 13 Degrees to over 25 in a matter of an hour and a half. Perhaps there was hope for Saturday after all. Friday night was the regular drinking and chatting night and more and more members arrived at the camp. We all managed to get caught up on each others doings and what had been happening. I finally got to meet Carol and Cliff and they were every bit as nice as I had hoped. We headed out for some walleye fishing and we only managed one beteweeen us which was returned cause it was in the slot. But we did manage to test out different music to see what the fish preferred. Hands downt he winner was some celtic rock (we were listening to Sewven Nations) Eventually most of the gang arrived and we turned the evening into a party (surprise, surprise). Saturday morning most were up early and out trying to pin point a spot. Luckily for me douG's tourney partner forgot what time zone he was in and douG was in need of a ride. After signing up and posing for the annual group picture, we headed out for points unknown. Our goal was pretty simple...find green cabbage weed and hope the fish is there. Our first spot revealed nothing greena nd water just a bit too warm. We headed for deeper water and began making would was supposed to be a grid-type pattern trolling to find fish. Not long into the new spot, we noticed green cabbage, baitfish on the sonar and finally douG gets into the first fish of the day!. We marked the spot on the GPS and began making progressively smaller cricles trolling around and through the spot. Each time we passed right over it...another fish! Sometimes we couldn't even finish getting the line out before we had the next one on. We started trolling about 20 ft behind the boat and going as fast as we could without wrecking the spinnerbait action (which was around 2.5 to 2.7 MPH). We cranked the tunes and it really turned the fish on! Seven Nations was again the choice music for the day. Pike love celtic rock..who woulda thunk it ?!? We tossed back lots of hammer handles as the fish kept getting bigger as time went on. I had my limit and so did douG so we headed back in. douG's net minding skillz have certainly improved over last year! Bless his heart. We had to do fin clips to keep the fish records right cause they were all fairly close in size. We got extremely lucky to stumble on the spot and figured we had a nice live well of fish to take back in. We got back and weighed in almost last. All my fish were the same size (26 inches). I was pretty suprised to have the winning total since I saw a few fish that were bigger than mine. I also expected the area we were in to be packed with boats since it was certainly no secret. I think everyone else thought it would be busy too and headed to different waters. I even manged to use my new C3 6501 I picked up from lew. What a smooth reel! I had a great time and it was really needed. It was awsome to see everyone again and it was even better meeting those members for the first time. You don't need to spend lot of time at the GTG's to know why this place is so special. I will keep the trophy well and displayed in the most innapropriate area I can find in the house. Here's some pics...no particular order.
  17. It appears our banner software has crapped out. I honestly cannot find the issue. I'm hoping it is on the server side somewhere, cause all looks good from here. If we can't find the issue, we do have a total back-up and a new system already on the server ( lucky we were playing with new software, huh?). If this isn't on the server (hosting issue) we'll have it back online next week cause everyone is going to be gone for the weekend. It will take alot of time and coffee to transfer the accounts if we have to, but we will get it done.
  18. Emotions are high on both sides of this issue and none of us have the answer to all the troubles we are facing. In the interest of harmony and since we all know that this will turn a bit heated, let's instead focus on the first day of summer and bass season.
  19. There will be one in the cabin, Lexx. I have mine.
  20. The RJ is in the house! Team 6 welcome your new member. Also last chance before Lakair for anyone wanting in.
  21. If, somehow, I approach a boat that I wasn't expecting or did not see until I was close, I maintain full plane as Cliff has said. This produces the least wake (other than dead slow of course). Anglers are usually more considerate boaters than non-anglers in my experience. If you are in a channel, then you are in an open area and the travelling boat has the ROW. But, boaters are always responsible for their wake.,
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