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Everything posted by bigfish1965

  1. Using a long zoom in low light gives you the grain, nauti.... at least thats my experience. On sunny days it ain't a problem. Happy as larry, huh? Crazy Dover sayings....
  2. Fish lack the hypothalamus which is where pain (as humans know it) is perceived. A fish's brain is far less complex than a mammal's. Fish understand invaders, parasites, danger etc. and rely on fight or flight responses. If a fish felt pain like a person does, they would not run away from the pressure of a fish hook which increases the pressure on the hook point. If they felt pain as humans do, they would move towards the pressure to reduce pain like a human or mammal would. P3TA is very big on anthropomorphizing animals and wants people to think we are the same. We are not. P3TA bases their stance on a study that invovled injecting fish with bee venom. The fish were shown to rub the injected area on the tank bottom continually until the venom subsided. This they surmised meant pain. In fact, this could have meant the fish had recognized a parasite since fish would never receive a bee sting in real life, it would not be within its instincts to know what to do. Fish who have hooks in the mouth continue on their lives normally provided the hook doesn't interfere with eating.
  3. Richard, there's nothing to suggest that handling a walleye OOS is any less injurious than handling a 22" walleye that is out of slot. How about fish caught after a limit is reached? Again...illegal to possess. The same would then apply to someone catching a musky on a Conservation license. Illegal for them to posssess the fish, but if a picture is done in a timely and careful manner, it is no different. The argument is rather weak considering we have many lakes in Ontario where the seasons are different on different parts of the lake. Like I said I can go to Port Dalhousie right now and walleye is open year round in parts of it, and closed till May 1st in other parts of it. Would my handling of a fish from the south side be more injurious than handling a fish from the north side? The laws apply to possession and targetting only. Some would also argue that catching a fish with a guide also 'doesn't count'. I doubt you would share that philosphy.
  4. No difference. Both are illegal to possess.
  5. Why do we have to go through this? It is illegal to POSSESS fish that are OOS. Possession is placing a fish or retaining a fish so that it is reasonable to assume an immediate release is not intended. If it were illegal to take a picture of an OOS, it would also be illegal to take pictures of fish that are NOT IN THE SLOT! How many pictures have you taken of musky that were not legal for possession???? There has not been a single charge laid for someone snapping a quick picture of a fish that was OOS where the fish was released right after. Also remember there are many places in Ontario where bass and walleye are open all year. There are open all year right here in my area. Next year they won't be.
  6. IS it possible for online casinos to cheat? Yes of course. There is no reason for the house to cheat in poker other than to drive up pot rakes. Most higher stakes games are maxed out on the rake by the flop, so giving out a bunch of good hands doesn't afford them any edge. Being in gaming for 20 years I can say that there is no amount of cheating you can do that is worth the reputation of your casino. You have to recognize the odds and also recognize that 95% winners still lose 5% of the time. Don't call down all in bets with less than a set and never when facing four card flushes or straights. AA is only a 35% favourite pre-flop against 9 players but 80% against 1. So even a 220 to 1 shot to get aces still only nets you about 60-80% chance of coming out on top. I used to play online LOTS and used to pay my mortgage each month with the winnings. But I always knew that statistically really good days would result in really bad days down the line. The difference is good players know when to tighten up and make their decisions on bad days with their head..not with their emotions. There are great players and these guys regularly take home lots of money...but there are days when even they lose. If your boat gets run over by a straight flush, there's nothing you can do. I see just as many bad beats in real life as I do online.
  7. You don't need html enabled in order to post pics. Just click the 'insert image' icon and paste in the URL of the pic. This is NOT the page that the image is on...it is found in the properties of the picture by right clicking on the image and selecting 'properties'. The correct URL will end in a file type like .jpg (or alternatively .jpeg, .png or .gif). You all have very easy to use photo albums right here and they are available to you in your My Controls area.
  8. 5 bucks says someone posts bass pics from up north that ARE in season and some people will assume that since they are closed in their area, they must be closed everywhere...
  9. You're better off with an email client that has a 'smart' filtering system for spam. These filters scan the headers, senders and content of email and assign it as spam if it meets your criteria and sends it to the spam folder. Spammers often use spoofed email addresses or dynamic IP addies, so trying to block by sender is often a waste of time.
  10. Canon S2IS and S3 IS are great cameras. Get a tripod if you are using huge zoom like 10X or more. You need the hands of a brain surgeon and that level of zoom.
  11. I wasn't gonna post the link..but here ya go... http://www.7nfan.com
  12. Team nine has 69 inches. Eat our dust.
  13. They are all fodder for the mighty Sabres.
  14. Events need to be viable in order to continue. Unless a sponsor is the primary one and gets to be part of the name of the event, there isn't much of a return. Most corporations aren't willing to be happy with the 'intangibles' they get back. If last years sponsors see a big drop in sales from not having this series, it will be back.
  15. Generally, linking to a competitors site is considered impolite. But if it is about Florida fishing or something that is not covered ehre, then it isn't usually a problem. We keep this site alive financially by selling ads and by having members click Google ads they like. So to drive viewers away to other sites is not want we want to try and do and it is not fair to advertisers.
  16. Replies were disabled to prevent bumping. I think it is more than enough we supply the spot, but some were bumping their own topics to keep it up top.
  17. One of my pet project web sites won a Golden Web Award as one of the top sites on the internet for March/April '07. From the award presentation certificate.... My business site has been shut out two years in a row, but this one won first try. Clearly I am doing something very wrong and very right at the same time. The award is for design and not traffic, obviously, since the site has a very narrow potential readership.
  18. It matters not. Whomever gets 8th place is just fodder for the Sabres. GO SABRES!
  19. It seems that parties are interested in what we have to say when in opposition, but famously unavailable once they reach power. It is important to make this an election issue. It certainly comes down to money and resources. Who has the political will to increase MNR funding by the 50 or so million dollars it needs since this clearly means a drop of the same amount in either education or healthcare? At this point that is a tough sell. We need to increase user fees in order to maintain the natural resources. This means fees for anglers, hunters, guides, charters and resorts. Won't be popular. But since the aforementioned use the resource at some type of measurable level, there is likely no easier way. Now I know guides will scream, but a $25 per trip fee isn't going to break anyone nor is a $50 per week fee for resorts. Increase the license fees and increase fines for violators.
  20. Fun stuff... I found this game and initially I failed to find a strategy that worked, but soon got the hang of it. I got to level 35 or something like that. http://www.handdrawngames.com/DesktopTD/DesktopTD12c.swf Computer Stuff... Ever wondered how to create special characters in your posts? How about something like ☺or © or ½ ? Do it with 'Alt codes'. Simply hold down the 'alt' key while typing in the appropriate numbers. Here's a complete list! http://www.tedmontgomery.com/tutorial/ALTchrc.html Ever wondered how to tap into our RSS feeds here on OFC? There's lots of ways to do it. Firefox uses 'Live Bookmarks' and there are a myriad of other ways to do it. Read more here.. http://reviews.cnet.com/4520-10088_7-5143460-1.html http://www.faganfinder.com/search/rss.php Fishing Stuff... Don't forget to visit the OFC News site...there's lots of great info posted by our news hound, Spiel and his group of ne'er-do-wells. http://www.ontariofishing.net/news.shtml Here's the official Wikipedia entry on fishing...some interesting reads.. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fishing Sponsor of the Week... ( In case you are wondering how I pick the sponsor of the week..it is simply wahtever banner is on my screen while I am typing this) This weeks sponsor is Trophy Musky Charters... Let Richard Collins get you into the big ones! Great fishing with one of Ontario's premier guides. http://www.trophymuskiecharters.com/
  21. So the province should have known that the Fed's would be incapable of reading and okaying the new reg's? Perhaps you are right. Of course they knew they needed Federal approval and the Fed's were involved in the process. The Fed's received the work within the timeframe that was set up.
  22. Send your grievances to the Prime Minister's office in Ottawa. The province finished their end of it all long ago. The hold up is at the Federal level. But it is a better idea to wait till '08 at this point. Gives Harper and his crew time to actually read it.
  23. Usually, town councils are very sensitive to these developments. They would rather make you happy because you can vote (whereas the future residents cannot vote yet). IF your council requires a person be placed onto the agenda prior to speaking, make sure you add your name. Prepare a speach outlining your objections. Make it 99% fact and 1% emotion. You need to give the town good reasons to say no. Barring that (there is lots of legislation from the province outlining mandatory population densities to prevent urban sprawl) try and make sure that there is sufficient understanding about what type of development you would like to see...stuff that fits in with existing homes, lot sizes consistent with the surrounding neighbourhood, development of open spaces, etc. Drainage is a significant concern and one that is mandated by the province before any plan can come into fruition. Development must not increase local runoff. This is no easy task. Development does not always have a negative impact on your homes value, but may have a negative impact on your taxes. The province now allows municipalities the ability to collect FULL payment for all increases in the load to services. No longer are the rest of the town expected to subsidize new subdivisions. In the past towns never collected anywhere near enough to cover the costs of new sewers, roads and increased demands on existing services. Make sure your town is applying development fees that recover 100% of costs so your property taxes don't go up. Development is inevitable and is mandated by the Municipal Act and a few other acts, so the best you can do is make sure new developments fit in with what is already there. High rises built around farms do not fit into that equation.
  24. I have a Berkely Cherrywood Ultralite...must be pushing 15 years old or more now...still works great.
  25. There were laws put into place limitting how much they can name sponsors on a regular show. I think it was Charlie Wrays incessant 'H2Optics' references that got that rule put into play.
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