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Everything posted by bigfish1965

  1. There's days on the French River where you can't get a walleye in without a pike crushing it. Makes me wonder why there aren't more big walleye coloured pike/musky baits.
  2. Actually history is never rewritten..peoples perception or record of it is. Evolution is as certain as we can be. The beautiful thing about science is it's willingness to always look at ways to improve what it already accepts. As anglers, we see evidence of evolution all the time. Evolution is merely adaptation over longer periods of time. Slot limits are actually us becoming involved in the evolutionary process and speeding it up.
  3. Nice! Can't wait to try one....mebbe you can drop some of at Lakair for us, Dave...lol.
  4. Wow..my dogs have dispatched 5 of them so far this year..I didn't know I could have turned it into a money making adventure! I've got so many rabbits in my yard this year it is silly.
  5. Just moved in to this house and turned on the AC for the first time..runs okay..downstairs cool, upstairs still really hot. My problem is there is a copper pipe coming out of the furnace( comes out, does a 90 degree turn on a slight downard angle and just ends) that is now dripping water..quite a bit..about 2 or 3 drops per second..I put a bucket under it since the pipe goes nowehre. If this is a condensate pipe shouldn't it be leading to the laundry tub or somehwere else or do I have a problem?
  6. Except most of our electricity is water generated. So the efficiency is much, much higher. Imagine just using the water under your boat to power your boat??
  7. That was the best post ever...cost me a keyboard spitting up my coffee though!
  8. I just noticed..apparenly white leather running shoes are required footwear too
  9. This is a banterless post..just add me to the list. Friday I think, leaving Sunday....must resist..urge..to...banter...arrrggghh!!! Rick makes 8
  10. Awesome cliff!!! Put up a link to the MP3 file somewhere can ya? Or email it to me and I'll try and find a server that we haven't destroyed yet so peeps can have it for their music selection (if thats okay).
  11. The trophy for the pike tourney is in the shop getting rebuilt so that it can accomodate more winners names..I'll post a pic as soon as it is ready!!!
  12. Buy a term life insurance policy instead. You can get a few hundred K for not too much cash and the pay out does not decrease, unlike it will on your mortgage life insurance. As far as disability insurance..they are historically hard to collect on.
  13. The time is upon us...Lakair 2008. Who will unseat last years trophy winner (me!) in the Crayola Invitational Pike Tournament...who will end up in a picture that will live in infamy..so many questions..so many stories! June 20,21,22! Post if you're coming or post some pics and stories to entice others. If you haven't been it is a total blast with lots of comraderie, late night bonfires with musical entertainment, early morning excuses not to go fishing, huge fish fry on Saturday night and the most challenging pike tourney there is. Meet the rednecks, the admins and Lew. He's not as scary as he looks. Past hilites include, maureens incredible folding chair, Roy's experiment with power pro, BCanuck's experiment with shallow water rocks, Gerritt's fun with tea bags, Pigeon Fishers ability to make a huge mess, The Friday fish fry on tombstome island, the betting pool on Roy's boat launch date, Marty's ability to wade narrow creeks, the effect on military strength DEET on everything plastic, nighttime walleye on Pike Bay and your best chance to get your hands on the World Famous Jumla spinners. See you there!
  14. Save or don't save, spend or don't spend. Your choice. I think enough has been said...
  15. I think we've had enough of Tim Horton's for one day..
  16. Stolen from the Niagara region...but could be anywhere by now.
  17. Here's is a note from a friend of mine at work. Her Dad's company vehicle was stolen..loss will be devastating! Please keep an eye out! If you see this vehicle call 911 immediately. Thanks All!
  18. Don't we have 'Driving while ability impaired' laws too? Doesn't 'under the influence' cover all materials from booze to cough medicine?
  19. Our rules ask that you do not post out of season pics. No double standard at all. Bass are not out of season everywhere in the province right now. Lots of year round fishing for them.
  20. Don't forget the regs we read are not the actual laws, but a SUMMARY as it says on the booklet itself. It is a mash-up of provincial and federal laws. They can, however, be used as a defense in court. Since they choose to use the wording 'by the mouth' one would assume that the inner mouth and lip areas would be fine. Especially when, as Dawg points out, walleye and bass like to use side attacks when they are especially agressive. Just use common sense and always err on the side of caution. Stop looking for loop holes and just read the regs..both summary and full...if you want a better understanding of them all. There are several CO's who come to this site on a regular basis. I've spoken to a few of them and they would never come out and say who they are cause of stuff like this...often the truth is the rules are so poorly written (as in the case of OOS pics) and so much ambiguity, that we are often left up to our OWN ETHICS to determine what we should do. They are, after all, our resources. Should we not be looking for ways to protect them and use sensible and fair harvest, not spend time arguing about where that exact line is between fair and foul hooked? I've seen all kinds of browns and chinooks caught in the side of the head and if you watch video of the swiping at spoons you'll know why...their aim sucks. But, the hook being in the top of the noggin and not in the mouth...even though the fish intended to strike and was not purposefully foul hooked, does not make it a legit fish.
  21. Lake Ontario is as high as I have ever seen it. Way way up. Don't even need a net on the piers!
  22. Nice catch..you might wanna wear protection so y'all don't get carp herpes. Ewwww.
  23. Thread is set to invisible as TJ is up at the camp tending to things. Don't know what pic won or if he has even decided yet.
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