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Everything posted by bigfish1965

  1. Here's the Scientist to Redneck translation for ya dawg... Y'all can't do no studyin' cause weird stuff happens. Then the weird stuff means y'all got more questions and then by the time the shine is stilled, y'all got bugger all to say.
  2. When you signed up here, you agreed to behave respectfully and abide by the rules of the forum. Lately, we have had several posts that do not adhere to that. We have had to place many members on Mod Q. If you don't know what that means...Mod Q places your post as invisible to all but the mods. We can see it but no one else can. If it is ok, we set it so everyone can see it. Sometimes we just get too busy to get to them....sometimes people just got so out of hand we don't bother approving the first few posts. In any event, as this place grows we expect more issues. But we also expect you to act like adults. We kind of expect some newer members to be a bit off base until they understand the culture of respect we have. It is even more disheartening when long time members post stuff that they know is only designed to cause a ruckus or push peoples buttons. The Buy and Sell area has also become a bit of a concern with people using it as a mini ebay. Thats not what it was put in for. It is for active members to sell off stuff ON OCCASION. We are one of a very few large sites that have a buy/sell forum and don't charge for it. This site runs basically on a break even basis. So each sponsor is important. This is NOT a money making venture. Be mindful that those sponsors make this all possible. All we are asking is that you be respectful and contribute in a positive way. We do not mind intellectual debate on issues because we all know that times and opinions change and we should encourage discussions on how that affects us. If you see a post where someone has likely done something wrong, don't jump on them for it. Offer them a better alternative, educate and inform people with facts and experience. Don't use insults and hyperbole. Use the 'Report' button to alert us to problem posts...we don't have the time to read the hundreds of posts that come up every day. Each administrator here spends many hours a week answering messages and emails having to do with improper posts. We have more pressing things we'd rather be doing. So in conclusion...please use common sense and respect before you hit that 'submit' button.
  3. We're open 24/7 Stop in and say hi.
  4. Thanks Cliff....now I have the solo after that line stuck in my head.
  5. Part of the terms when you signed up stated that account deletion was not an option. A deleted account does not do anything to your previous posts, so account deletion is essentially doing nothing. They stay there. Your best option if you don't want to participate is to just not post.
  6. Cool... Since they all seem to have it, it may be an environmental thing...perhaps a high iron content in the water.
  7. You should email Minnkota this thread...seems to be a simple solution to what must be a common problem. Good stuff! Awesome macro pics, btw.
  8. How about three years of fish and wildlife studies at Sir Sandford Fleming School of Natural Resources? Plenty of biologists there...plenty of biology and anatomy classes...The mass of the fish is greatly reduced by the buoyancy. They evolved in that conditon for millions of years. The same type of thing happens to us when we travel in weightless environments...certain body structures depend on a specific gravity to function properly. Extended time in space leads to many maladies which is why they use gravity simulation exercise equipment. The opposite is also true. If we were placed in an environment where the g forces were consistently higher than what we evolved in, it would cause significant damage and heart failure. Our heart is strong enough to pump blood in a specific set of conditions. There is no need to have a heart that does more. Consequently higher g forces cause us to black out as blood flow to the brain is reduced. I do not recall the specific g force reduction by water, but it is significant...even more so in salt water. And Dawg..a fish jumping is different because of the momentum of the fish. All of its parts move at the same speed with the forces equal. It's forward acceleration propels it out and up, until gravity brings it back down. Even when gravity is affecting the fish to fall, its organs are falling at the same rate and keep their relative position. It is more a lesson in physics and anatomy than biology. But common sense also should make most of this obvious.
  9. Okay here's the biology of it all... When a fish is in water,t hey weigh considerably less than when out of water due to buoyancy. The internal organs are all lined up in a specific way and are relatively loose inside the body cavity. This allows them to move around quickly and bend laterally. But the organs are designed to always be in that position...horizontal. When you remove the fish from the water, there is no bouyancy and the weight increases dramatically. Holding fish, especially larger fish, vertically causes the internal organs to be forced down into the rear of the abdominal cavity, stresses the heart and can cause serious damage. Horizontal holds keep the organs in relatively the same position. Yes, picking a very large fish up by the tail can cause significant spinal injury. Put the fish back into the net if you cannot get a decent hold of it then place it back into the water. The ideal landing to release for a very large fish should be something like the following... Fight fish to net or cradle. Leave fish in the net or cradle in the water for a minute or so before pulling it out of the water....this allows them to collect some oxygen before being taken out. Cut/remove hooks while in the net/cradle if it is safe to do so. Prepare camera. Wearing protective gloves (filet gloves work well) slide one hand under the gill plate up to the front closest to the mouth being sure not to get a gill raker .. those things will chew your hand up and hurt the fish..lift the fish up and toward you while sliding your free hand under the fish. You should now have the fish horizontal and for very large fish you can place it on your lap or use your forearm for additional belly support. Get your pics quick. Place the fish back in the water as close to horizontal as u can holding with both hands. Release your hold on the front of the fish and hold the tail until the fish struggles free of your grip.
  10. I use a swivel...the flouro can't stand much rotation.
  11. A place in scarboro...but mine didnt have TPLO...too much damage. Guelph is the best place for that.
  12. When he is onto the bass and cats, he is second to none..likely more pics than anyone other than Wayne. Dawg invented the term 'fish porn'. Of course he takes it to an uncomfortable level, but we love the ol redneck anyway. I know you havent met the man, Dr. Trust me when I say you won't meet a better guy. Total Alabama redneck and salt of the earth.
  13. Nice fish...my pike guess is 18 pounds...
  14. Try posting int he 'Hook Ups' forum, Jeff I'm in Niagara but on the DL for a few more weeks.
  15. Lower Niagara River just down from the whirlpool. I know the exact rock...great bass/salmon/trout spot.
  16. http://stcatharines.kijiji.ca/c-buy-and-se...QAdIdZ150729862
  17. True, Billy, but when going for an authentic restoration, you have to try and go all the way. If you did the same to an old corvette, you wouldn't drop a 4 cylinder engine in it.
  18. You looking good Raf!! And thats an awesome French River eye!!
  19. I think someone posted a picture with the background fully intact and the server exploded. Generously Proportioned...lol... funny...whoever did that in the swear filter...VERY funny.
  20. Well...I don't like cats, but I spent $4000 on my dog for his knee, so I can't say anything. I know my dogs would take a bullet for me...easily. So for me to bite one for them seems fair. Family pets are not livestock.. you can't use logic in these situations. Heck, I like my dogs better than most people. If it is the thyroid, treatment is inexpensive. I would suspect something more neurological or orthopedic though.
  21. No..both are true... Go to Newfoundland if you want to be lost in an accent...friendliest people ever...I think, I have no idea what they were saying
  22. Rock, meet hard place....no doubt, kickingfrog. Unfortunate, but it does happen.
  23. Instead of using the word positive, you used the short Piece of Crap. Which I can't even do because it triggers the swear filter. PeeOhEss , is of course, a well used short form for a common swear word.
  24. Yup...especially after that nice hold... But, caught on 8 pound test...chances of survival are not that good. Not much you can do though when you are tossing spinner baits for smallies and a monster musky grabs on.
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