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Everything posted by bigfish1965

  1. This has nowhere to go but downhill. Let the families and souls of those lost rest.
  2. People fish the gorge every day. It is not illegal.
  3. Yes, but the charges laid hold a lot more weight. Also sounds like they were not quite set up yet (being close enough to a road to be driven at would mean they are not quite hunting yet).
  4. have my ex come over and cook for you. You won't smell anything but that crap for quite awhile.
  5. Guardians are not deputies and have no authority to search...only to observe.
  6. So with the end of the salmon hullabaloo...many people suggested a return of the Guardian Program. It may have been cancelled due to costs or available resources, but if we want it back we could likely scream enough untill they do it. Clearly we are never going to have enough CO's...I don't even know that it is possible. But with the Guardians being a very effective deterrent and special eyes and ears for the CO's, the enforcement could improve tremendously if organised properly. My experience as a Guardian was that the CO's were very supportive and appreciated having people who were trained in what to look for and what evidence they needed in order to proceed. But the visual deterrant was the biggest impact. I can;t tell you how many times we would show up and guys would just run away to their cars and take off. No idea what they were up to. One guy came running up to me and begged forgiveness for fishing without a license (I never asked..it was not within our mandate to check). I told him Canadian Tire was still open...he raced and got one and came back to show me. I told him then that he did a good thing and we chatted about the fishing and showed him how to set up a slip bobber for the crappie he was after. We often went to kids fishing events and helped out by tying hooks, changing baits and unhooking fish as well. It was all about being visible, friendly and helpful and was a great experience. I do miss it and I made many great contacts while doing it. Thoughts and ideas are appreciated...but know that the MNR will not likely ever put Guardians in the position of making arrests, it is too dangerous. Some guys do not react well to being caught at all.
  7. Maybe I am getting soft in my old age..but I certainly prefer to see the animal drop right on the spot. I realize a bow is more of a challenge, but for a beast that size, I would be using a 30.06. But that was an amazing video and watching that other bull stand over it like he did it was quite amazing.
  8. I wonder if land owners can transfer the right to defend their land to another? I know you can legally hire a trapper to rid beaver...hmmm. Oh and from what I remember, using a .22 was more effective cause the sound of the shotgun scattered the birds. I wouldn't want to fire anything stronger and risk skipping a bullet across the lake.
  9. There was a thread awhile back about them. They are also known as Parsun Outboards. Just looking at their site and they have an odd disclaimer...see if you can spot it on their site.. https://www.parsunengines.com/25HP_4_STROKE_OUTBOARDS.html
  10. I was in the Fish and Wildlife Guardian Program. Officially the program was canceled do to a lack of interest..on the governments part. Honestly I have no idea why it was terminated. You can still apply to be a Deputy CO..I think they still have them and they are/were volunteers. But like you said, a good camera works wonders. We have had the MNR contact us about violations reported on this site and have dealt with other stuff with the Coast Guard. So they are watching....
  11. I have no idea what any of you guys are talking about... going back to watching TV.
  12. Guitar=girls. He will thank you later. Learning myself and it seems to work..lol.
  13. I'd like to see some stuff on safety...picking the right PFD, handling a boat in rough water, how to launch a boat safely (that would be useful for a few guys here...lol).
  14. More importantly...why is it raining in every pic of you with your fish? Are you the one responsible for this weather?
  15. Dave's new video blog presents fellow OFNer JP Derose and his second season of Getting School'd. Click that link up there to see it!! Man we sure make a lot of celebs on this site...lol.
  16. Hope the baby is doing better Aaron...you do look like you haven't slept well lately. Jeez ya got some fancy dental work there too.
  17. That might be illegal, actually. I remember reading something about it in the regs...attaching a light source to a lure..or something similar.
  18. Oh..look, another girl that can kick my butt. Bringing back bad childhood memories...lol. Go Botbot!!
  19. It was netted by his wife...uhhh....Morgan Fairchild, yeah that's it. That's the ticket!
  20. Good points. How could we get more people who use resources like you do more involved in the MNR?
  21. Please don't tempt me....lol. My vote is for another 20 bucks and closing of the tribs on the first Saturday of September. We could then use the money for protection of more important resources. We could also then find out whether or not the chinook can be self sustaining.
  22. With any right comes a responsibility. Johns post said it very well. The original idea was was the forumal he suggests...everyone benefits from the resources, which include more than fish, moose and deer. The anglers and hunters take most of the brunt for care yet are the most sought after by the anti's.
  23. I don't know what hunters pay for licenses, but no I wasn't speaking of them. Hikers, naturalists, etc all enjoy what anglers and hunters pay to keep protected. I like the user pay system, myself. But not all users are paying.
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