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Everything posted by bigfish1965

  1. I am still doing the coyote research and would love to borrow/rent something that would allo me to see some distance in the dark. In order to get accurate pack counts this seems to be the only way. Buying it is not yet in the budget, so anyone who can help, please PM me. I will be the only one using the equipment and take full responsibilty for it. Thanks much
  2. I spit coffee on 'I hope Heatly drives the bus'....
  3. I think the trouble with finding someone Sydney can play with, is finding people that can keep up with him. He skates and moves like the wind and if there was someone with his speed beside him... Wish he was on my favourite NHL team!!
  4. Wow...the second period was very good hockey. Crosby was flying all night..Pronger was just horrendous. And Brodeur... your crown as best goalie anywhere has been passed to Miller. He is the best goalie on earth right now. Hasek carried the Czechs to the gold once...no reason the think Miller can't do the same. Luongo and Fleury will get the rest of the net time. We will likely see the US again on the 28th. Brodeur has done amazing things for us in the past, but it appears he is just that now..the past.
  5. Your ISP cannot be compelled to give your information for any civil proceedings..which is how the RIAA struck out here.
  6. These camera bags are ridiculous in price. There is not much to them...foam and a shell, really. Anyone tried making their own? I need to get/make one that will carry a few bodies, slew of batteries and a charger and some flashes. I was think of using either a tackle box or tool box as a starting point. Ideas?
  7. Uhh...can you guys keep this on issue and not about the leader of another country, please. It has had nothing to do with the the office of the President until this point. Not to belittle the issue, but both Bush and Obama had bigger things to worry about.
  8. He's not going cause he can only keep 300 fish??
  9. The same reason people violate possession laws even though they are there to protect the fish: an overblown sense of entitlement. In my line of work I see it every day and it gets worse every year.
  10. I was somewhat reminded by the 'I am Canadian' commercial by this, but it certainly goes more to the core and even mentions fishing, so I am, with great respect to the poet Shane Koyczan, placing his speech here.. VANCOUVER, B.C. - A transcript of Shane Koyczan's poem, "We Are More," as delivered during the opening ceremonies of the 2010 Olympic Games: "Define Canada You might say the home of the Rocket Or The Great One Who inspired little No. 9s and little No. 99s But we're more than just hockey and fishing lines Off of the rocky coast of the Maritimes And some say what defines us Is something as simple as 'please' and 'thank you' And as for 'you're welcome,' well, we say that, too But we are more than genteel or civilized We are an idea in the process of being realized We are young, we are cultures strung together then woven into a tapestry And the design is what makes us more than the sum totals of our history We are an experiment going right for a change With influences that range from A to Zed And yes, we say 'Zed' instead of 'Zee' We are the brightness of Chinatown and the laughter of Little Italy We dream so big that there are those Who would call our ambition an industry Because we are vineyards of good year after good year We reforest what we clear Because we believe in generations beyond our own Knowing now that so many of us Have grown past what we used to be We can stand here today Filled with all the hope people have When they say things like 'someday' Because we are more Than a laundry list of things to do and places to see More than hills to ski Or countryside ponds to skate We are the abandoned hesitation of all those who can't wait We are first-rate greasy spoon diners and healthy living cafes A country that is all the ways you choose to live A nation that can give you variety Because we are choices We are millions upon millions of voices Shouting, keep exploring We are more We are the surprise the world has in store for you, it's true Canada is the 'what' in 'what's new' So don't let your luggage define your travels Each life unravels differently And experiences are what make up The colours of our tapestry We are the true North Strong and free And what's more Is that we didn't just say it We made it be"
  11. The reasons for the worms and the oranges are the same. Parasites, moulds and the like that are native to one area, and whose plants and animals have adapted to them, could be deadly in another area. The things you transport can carry those. I know we can buy Florida oranges here, but they have to go through a process to be shipped over. You can actually bring worms into Canada but you may not bring in any soil. That means taking them all out of the soil, washing them and putting them into commercial bedding. Not really worth the effort.
  12. Did they lift the ban on minnow transportation from south to north?
  13. Nice report..wish I coulda went. Sometimes working for a loving sucks. No wait, it always sucks. That ZipCut looks very handy. Just gotta find one now!
  14. Happy New Year!! Hope you have a prosperous and healthy Year of the Tiger.
  15. They can scan your drivers license and know from that if you are licensed or not. I'd just think it would be a bit more prudent to give guys who forgot it at home 24 hours to produce it or something. We got stopped on the French River and we had changed jackets just before heading out and left ours at the camp. The CO said he would be by to see us at 430 that afternoon...and he was there. No problems at all ( we even made him dinner )...of course that may have been his plan all along
  16. If the teacher is teaching science, she should not be offering up any type of opinion not based in fact. If she's like to have some discourse, doing it with high school kids is not the right forum. If she has a defensible hypothesis, then offer it and encourage kids to research for debate. But tossing something like that out is rather irresponsible given the audience. She should not be pushing any agenda.
  17. I kinda feel for those who got a 'failure to produce' ticket.....there must be a better way.
  18. Someone who is supposed to be a biology teacher should know better than to be anthropomorphizing animals. Fish lack the ability to be 'tortured' since their brain is only capable of simple flight or fight responses and are not capable of being in any way emotionally scarred. I would call her out on it and tell her she is being irresponsible. Science has no place for emotions. Especially misplaced ones.
  19. Can you guys keep this on topic please... And some of my fellow Canadians...please get your facts straight. Soooo far off base it is embarrassing.
  20. I think we learned a lesson here. If you are going to ask a question that one would reasonably expect to produce an emotional response...don't be surprised when you get it. And proposing hypothetical situations should include some background info so that we don't think things other than what is going on. The original question should have been..I had the guy I know tell me he shot his own dog for (insert reason here). Is that even legal? We're all big dog lovers here so I do not think the responses were out of bounds at all. That being said, we shall close this down as per the OP's request.
  21. From what I recall...you can shoot your dog in the case of an immediate and acute suffering (i.e. hit by a car and death is imminent) but for other chronic issues like old age, etc. it has to be done by a vet. This prevents Jim-Bob from opening his own $20 euthanasia service. Talk to your vet about the price. Euthanol isn't too terribly expensive.
  22. I still have a few Abu Trigger Drag reels. Totally awesome. They came out in the 80's for maybe a year or so. You just grab the trigger and adjust the drag by pressure as you fight the fish. Takes a few times to get the hang of it, but for really big fish, the best system I ever found. It was the best thing for fighting big fish in rivers!
  23. I've been using one for years and anyone buying one..from any of the manufacturers... will be very happy. They are very comfortable. You will forget you are wearing it. I've gone into the grocery store after fishing and didnt realize I still had it on till I got a few strange glances. These things are FAR superior to any PFD that you aren't wearing! The also come in handy for snowmobilers (mine adjusts big enough to go over a suit). For those that like their current suit and don't want to wear a floater suit, these would be a great option. I'm not pushing these things for any reason other than I would love to see another successful and safe summer for our members. Fishing is the deadliest sport/pastime in the country. These guys aren't sponsors...though if they like they can contact us..lol Remember that almost every single drowning that happens out there, the victim was wearing no PFD of any type. Okay....end of preaching!
  24. I thought of that last night, too. I put in a guest account with very limited priviledges and no password. This would let the thief turn on and connect to the internet. The admin account stays locked. Using 'GodMode' for my admin account made this easier. Wish I knew about the GodMode hack long ago!
  25. I will look, bud. I tested the Firefound from two loactions and it was pretty good..not perfect but pretty good. Can you guys figure a way to build this into a device hidden in a boat for a decent price? You would do well with that!
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