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Everything posted by bigfish1965

  1. Congrats Lew! Thats my old stomping grounds. Grew up on Clear Lake in the summers. Just down from Kawartha Park Marina. Lotsa nice fishing very close to you. Awesome stuff!!
  2. You have it a bit backwards, the limits came BECAUSE of the ice fishing. There was no sunfish limits prior to that. It was because of the increase in harvest pressure that the limit was imposed. Without ice fishing there would be no limit, so you couldn't really study the effect. I am sure the MNR will be closely monitoring the lakes over the next few years and making adjustments as needed based on the new harvest pressures. Yes, locals are and always have been the biggest resource violators around. We only hope they get caught... Feel free to call the MNR tips line at 1-877-TIPS-MNR (847-7667)
  3. On a day like today, those who don't use the View New Threads, wouldn't get to see your question either. In a slower moving forum, like the computer forum, it will stay on the front page longer.
  4. John's right. HD will have an authorised repair shop for your area. Just take it to them. It is sometimes important you get any repairs done by a certified shop for the warrantee to stay valid.
  5. Congrats on the milestone I am going to give it another try soon.... I may have to put myself on ModQ when I do. I tried the patch the first time. Just gave me nasty skin burns and insane dreams. The second time I was using some drug...can't recall the name, but it took away the cravings for a cigarette, but replaced them with cravings to choke everyone within five feet of me. I was actually hoping I would get a really nasty cold this winter...I can't smoke when my lungs are congested. I was going to use that as my starting point. Got all the other damm viruses going around except the cold!
  6. Are you waiting long enough before heading out or closely watching the choke lever? Mine took a bit to get used to when to alter the rich/lean lever. Otherwise a bad fuel filter or pinched/leaking fuel line may do that. Make sure the fuel line clamps are in place.
  7. http://www.thestar.com/news/gta/article/77...koka-wilderness Sad for the family. Sometimes the 'Don't try this at home' warning is far more significant than others.
  8. I am guessing you put up the wrong image which is why I editted it out. This thread is about coyotes, not whacking people with a baton. Pepper spray is a very effective tool. I had a childs aluminum bat as my defense when the coyote went after my dogs. the trick is to get them apart without getting bit!!
  9. We are all trying to forget 'Ban the bear hunt' Harris...lol.
  10. No all is fine..she is jsut working way too many hours...sigh. Bwahahaha!!!
  11. If it gets locked Ron, just PM me and we'll see what we can do....
  12. I am sorry but I am calling shenanigans on all this. I can see the IP addresses...the members here all smell something fishy. If you want a scapegoat for your financial woes, don't look at the MNR. I drive 5 hellish hours to get to the West Arm of Lake Nippissing for three days each year. I get to take home four walleye. I never do it. Going there is about the experience. I had hoped as anglers we had evolved past the meat-hunter stage, but it looks like some people want to keep us there. I call absolute and total Bull on the 300 limit being the cause of bookings issues. How about doing some advertising? How about on the busiest fishing site in Canada??? I can't believe none of the RLTA saw the irony of trying to drag up support on a big site like this and never thought about using it for PROMOTION!! We have had new members jump on to chime in as the RTLA tries to rally troops and make it look like these peoples were simple passers-by. The MNR goes through an insane amount of paperwork and research to set limits and seasons. Stop focusing on the negative and start looking at the fact that you can now have guests YEAR ROUND!! The price is a sane and reasonable limit of fish. You get input on the limits, but you don't get a vote. Your vote comes at election time. If a sunfish weighs a pound and you get 6 ounces of fillets, you have over 100 pounds of fish. That is an insane amount of fish. The MNR would not have made another law, another rule to enforce (more money spent) had it not been necessary. MNR is not big brother, they are charged with the implementation and enforcement of regulations designed to ensure a long term resource. The fish belong to all Ontarians...not just the RTLA.
  13. http://en.akinator.com/ The person I was thinking of was Brent Butt...I didn't think it would get it..but it did!
  14. Hmm..maybe get a bigger girlfriend so you have more fishing options Start off with a simple but strong combo rod/reel from CTC or your local tackle shop. Pick up some spinner baits, a few Rapalas and some decent jigs and Power Bait grubs. Using a decent line like PowerPro will help cut down on lost fish.
  15. Well I finally bit the bullet and upgraded my camera. After talking to the pro's at Henry's, reviewing online photo sites and trying out several cameras, I decided on the Canon SX20 IS. It is a remarkable camera. The people at Henry's were quite helpful. I was torn between the SX1 IS (which uses a CMOS sensor) and the G11 as well. But they agreed that the new CCD sensors were as good as the CMOS up to 1600 ISO. I have never shot above that....so really that was easy. I also can use a special card loaded with a script that makes all images shot in RAW format. The cost savings alone in lenses was huge too. They also had a LowePro bag on sale for 50 bucks that was designed to hold 2 cameras, flashes, accessories AND a laptop. I take my laptop any time I can when I am shooting so that was an immediate and quick purchase. Practising with it now, way more options than my S5 IS. Lots more freedom too...oh and the 20X zoom is insane!!! Looking forward to some HDR and night time shots
  16. Here is a bit of the original newspaper story....bolded text added for emphasis... Brough writes that during the meetings, no info on sunfish limits were suggested, however those in attendance refute her statement saying it was quite well covered.
  17. But, Nanna, it is the limit the operators want removed. They want wide open no-limit fishing. the MNR has said that opening the lake to ice fishing would mean a limit of 300 fish. This would, I suppose, make the overall yearly take about what it was when it was a soft water only fishery. They already have the added benefit of now offering year round fishing, so I fail to see the resistance to a limit as anything sensible. The MNR does creel census data each year. They have a rough idea on what percentage of anglers take what. They know X% will take none while Y% will take 100. Using this they can try and set numbers which do not assume everyone will do it, but that some will take a full limit and some will take none.
  18. My mother lost her cat to a fisher last fall. They are nasty beasts. We need Chuck Norris.
  19. Pretty simple... Anglers, by and large, trust the MNR when they say their studies show that certain limits, seasons and restrictions are needed to sustain a fishery. We have seen the success of their conclusions and have a fairly high degree of respect for these plans. It took a long time for us to see that value of releasing bigger fish and keeping smaller ones..but it works. There is much doubt about the resort operators objectives since their chief concern and complaint is about a potential loss of revenue. Commercial interests have often (and I am not saying this is the case here) less long term concerns than do private citizens. (see East Coast Cod Fishery)
  20. http://www.chbcnews.ca/world/Snowmobiler+f...2756/story.html
  21. All the coyotes in southern Ontario are wolf/coyote hybrids...well maybe a stretch to call them hybrids, but they all descend from hybrids. A study I read the other night showed all coyotes in the area had wolf DNA. As they migrated east moving in as wolves were being hunted out, there was quite a bit of cross breeding. The Fish/Wildlife Tech that is helping me told me that 70 pound urban coyotes are not uncommon due to the wolf DNA assisting in its growth and ample food supply coupled with no natural enemies.
  22. There is no season or limit on coyotes. As long as you meet all other regulations you can shoot them. But, be warned, you may make it worse. Killing off too many creates bigger litters and killing an alpha will as well.
  23. Culling coyotes is a total waste of bullets. Yes, fox behaviour is changing as well and this is due to the coyotes. Just like wolves won't tolerate coyotes, coyotes will push out the foxes. This is also happening here with foxes peering into peoples homes and taking up residence in peoples yards. They are less afraid of us than the coyotes. Niagara-on-the-Lake is going through that now. The foxes are all struggling to find new places to live. It has been more than 15 years since any rabies has been found down here.
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