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Everything posted by bigfish1965

  1. Adjust the screen size (CTRL and mouse wheel scroll) or update your Java if that doesn't work. If both those don't work, post a screen shot.
  2. Facebook is the biggest and most sucessful community in the world. Their technology is growing daily. They are now the leader in how community sites will look and run. More importantly they are writing new codes and coding languages that are beyond anything out there. I know it seem to be a silly platform, but the technology is what out front. I know the changes are coming at once, but that is our fault. This stuff was phased in over the upgrades and we fell behind. It wouldn't have been as overwhelming had we done it incrementally. OpenID is like a central place to have all your log ins to various sites. You will go to your OpenID and log in. This will log you into all the sites that you connect to it. But any of the technology you don't like..you can just ignore it. None of it is or will be compulsory.
  3. Okay I will do the touch software. I do not know how to make an app for iPhones, but if anyone does, I will be glad to render assistance and work out a licensing agreement. I also found a sleek Mobile skin for only ten bucks!!! Gimme a few days to find some code for an auto-redirect and I will add a new URL... maybe m.ofncommunity.com or OFC.commmunity.com/m/
  4. Can you give me a screen shot of that as well as your browser version, screen resolution and Java version?
  5. There are a few more mobile tools I can add and can skin it nicely as well, but I do not have any idea how muck people use their mobile devices to access the site. If the demand is there I can add touch software and a skin.
  6. We now have Facebook connect working. In your Settings, under the profile tab, you can connect your Facebook account with your OFC Community account in a few ways. This is developed by Facebook and Invision Board as all the community sites eventually gear towards the OpenID framework for log in management. For those who use several social networking sites, this will eventually become a standard tool.
  7. Had the same issue at my old place. First starting using the 'country bulbs' which lasted longer, then finally went to the compact fluorescent bulbs and the problem went away...well the problem didn't but the results did.
  8. Did she get hit in the head with a shovel??? She said, they put a limit on fish which suggests a problem with the population then they open it to year round fishing which doesn't make sense. Excuse me...I am laughing too hard to finish this.. Let me set the chain of logic here for reasonably intelligent people. The MNR decides that opening FMZ17 to fishing all year is not a bad idea. THEN they figure since we are fishing them all year, let's look at which fish need added protection due to added pressure. They then decide that the other seasons and limits are good enough, except we should protect the sunfish a bit cause people will be after them all year instead of 7 months of the year. The sunfish biomass is figured, a reasonable harvest is determined, creel censuses are referred to for likely catch and retain and the number 300 comes about. She then says they are a garbage fish...hardly worth the effort. Yet this entire rally has been put into place and a few KB of our database filled with this absolute stupidity. I wish I lived up there right now... Ms. Irving...I know you are reading this..or having someone read it to you, but I challenge you to a debate. I do not fall for circular logic and strawman arguments, so you better come up with something better than what you have. You make no sense. You are trying to protect your OWN A$$ and nothing more. I trust the MNR biologists much more than you. Your self-serving rhetoric is transparent and sad. I understand you pay some property taxes up there so you have council in your pocket..but council doesn't own the fish or the lake. All residents of Ontario do. I will be talking to some friends in the MNR to see if they give any of this any merit whatsoever. I think I already know the answer.
  9. It is now considered taboo to direct links to a new tab/window. This software was built to strict W3C compliance. There is a work-around but I need to take some Java scripting lessons first before I meddle with that. The reasoning is it is thought the user can get back to the site they came from should they choose to. If you want links to open in a new tab in Firefox, just click with the middle button (wheel button...it should click down) or press CTRL and click the link.
  10. You can toggle it closed if'n you don't like it...just saying.
  11. All the same rules apply when posting there as they do here. Don't spam, don't swear, etc. The sames rules go for whatever other new gadget we may add to the site.
  12. You are right uglyfish..it is now a 'should' kill. They are here to stay. Still can't use them as bait though.
  13. If you can find a girdle style back brace it will help....depending on where you cracked them. Otherwise....tape,tape,tape. If you can immobilise you will suffer less.
  14. We were at the first annual GTG at Quinte. Now there were lots of people there and it was really cold so everyone was using anti-freeze to keep their veins pumping. We had all piled into someones cabin. There was much festivities and drinking going on . JP decides, "Hey we need some BBQ sausages". He pulls out a big whack or sausages from the fridge ( you know the good raw kind) and heads outside. Now JP was rather wobbly by then so many of us went outside with him knowing this would somehow be entertaining. JP lifted the lid to the BBQ and turned on the burners...all of them..full blast. He then starts fumbling around for a lighter. Only sober people do that first. Finally he finds one..about 3 minutes later. The was a bit of a wind..not much, but it was enough to stop his lighter from igniting. We had tried to warn him..but, well.. We were all taking slow steps backwards now. Except for JP of course. He tried and tried to get the lighter going. Finally..SUCCESS! He gave us all a big grin as he shoved the lighter into the opening of the BBQ. now what happened next is hard to describe cause I had my eyes closed for some of it because of the force of the blast. Propane sinks..and it somehow lit from the bottom up creating an amazing upward force blowing the BBQ about 20 ft into the air. After the mushroom cloud settled, there was JP...putting sausages onto the raging inferno. Now, some of us were still laughing, some counting body parts. JP was sans eyebbrows and was plunging the tongs into the raging flames to turn the sausages. Funny thing about huge fires is that they make food look cooked...when it ain't. JP brought the sausages into the cabin. We tried to warn the others, but we were called a few names and shoved aside. So, as the raw pork had time to spend the night mixed with beer, whiskey and everything else, the morning soon came. Time to fish!! I thought it was cheating as I watched a few guys chumming off the boats. We had to hang on to JP cause he had it pretty bad having eaten 6 of the sausages....he said he thought he had a virus...oh, did I mention the four foot rollers that day?? He he. Quinte #2 We had dutifully purchased a bunch of Dr Death lures cause thats what we heard was the ticket to success. After being skunked on the water, we came in and were fishing the docks at night. A local was slaying them...literally. Monster walleyes filling the back of his pick up truck. I finally got a peek at his lure..a 3 inch perch coloured Salmo. We all switched to perch color in spite of the bay being thick with shad and some of us managed to do okay. That night we were on the roof of the motel....I have no idea why. But we were talking about how we just bought these lures cause someone said so and we wondered if it was Bull. So Roy, doug and afew others decided then and there that we had caught all our fish on a lure..a lure that didn't really exist. We called it the Jumla. We told everyone about them. On the site, on the street, everywhere. I had a buddy of mine who owned a tackle shop put up an empty display of what was labelled Jumla Lures. All the product hooks were empty and I attached some re-order tags to all giving each row a different color and style. So now everyone was looking for them...one guy even came here swearing his cousin in the US just sent him some. We let this go on for ages...even inventing Heinrick Jumla. CEO of Jumla Fishing. We had Jumla decals made and just had a blast with this for ages. Soon the truth came out. But then Avery (TJ's son) asked is he could make REAL Jumla lures. We thought that was great. When the lure first came out..its first week actually, BiteMe won the pike derby on a new and real Jumla. The Legend was reborn!!
  15. Okay..if you are using Firefox, do this. In Firefox, go to View>Zoom and check Zoom Text Only, then use CTRL and wheel mouse to set text size which opens the kerneling a bit too
  16. Hey check with the city to see where the property line ends. I doubt that down there he owns that close to the water line. Most of Niagara has a pretty big set back to waters edge.
  17. Thats the stat counter code. It is semi-corrupted. Just waiting to hear back from the vendor on a new code. IE7 might work fine if your Java is completely up to date...most people are running rather old Java on their comps though...which is a big risk cause lots of the new exploits out there now target computers with out of date Java.
  18. My first shark and cuda..caught on the same day... 2001 I think...shark is still my personal best big fish..was about 8 ft and about 200 pounds. We were using 30 pound test mono then too!! Got shut out on the tarpons tho.
  19. We will never make this a pay site. We do like the VOLUNTARY contribution for classifieds. It won't be mandatory...if it happens. 70% of traffic is lurkers, so I am all for making them see the Bot Ads. Creating a new tier of users by purchase won't happen. We do not think that is in the spirit of the community.
  20. adding stuff for iPhones, Androids and Blackberry phones soon
  21. Get a screen shot along with your browser version and operating system and post in the sticky up top.
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