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Jay T

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Everything posted by Jay T

  1. Not Bear, that is Deer poop.
  2. I have the 16ft Pro Sport and it is a good little boat, never had a problem with the dealer and I have been treated well. I have had it in some rough conditions and it held up quite well.
  3. I hunt and fish, most of my hunting is done with a compound bow and muzzleloader. I hunt everything I can but my favorites are deer, moose, bear and turkey. Once hunting season starts, I don't fish, I want to spend all my extra time in the bush. I am not a trophy hunter but I have a few great bucks on the wall.
  4. Adjust the contrast on it, and it should fix your problem.
  5. Use a gun and blast them! You can get some calls to try and lure them in like a rabbit squealer or young coyote call, you can also use a feather with some string attached to a branch and let it blow in the wind while you are calling. This will bring them in closer for a good kill shot. Or get a bunch of buddies and push the bush and surround it, if you can get anyone with Hounds that hunts for coyotes you won't even need to pull a trigger I have had them come in on me while calling for ducks, geese, deer, turkey they don't care as long as they can hear you calling they will come in, but be ready they will be there quick and gone quick! Good luck
  6. Your welcome!!
  7. I would confront the guy and tell him exactly what you just said. I don't think he would have a problem with that.
  8. Cute little pup you got there Stoty. Congrats
  9. Thanks for all the replies. It has never been ran dry of water. I am paying for it, it just frustrates me that it went this quick.
  10. 25 hours and the impeller is shot, it hasn't had much use nor has it been run shallow. I see where you are coming from but like I said it shouldn't have gone that quick. I have flushed my motor last year when I had used it more but this year it only had about 5 hrs on the motor. I checket the plugs in spring and they were fine, usually I replace them every other year but always have extra new ones on board.
  11. No it is less than half the flow, and I do have knowledge with engines. They are saving the impeller for me, to show me that it is worn. I don't have you PM yet
  12. I did talk to the service tech and this part is not covered at all with the 3 year manufactures warranty!
  13. In May of 2008 I bought a brand new boat and motor and it has been good up until a few weeks ago! I took my boat back to the dealer to have the bottom gear oil replaced and to check out why my engine was overheating. So I get a call and the service guy tells me that it is the impeller (what I thought) but it is not covered by the warranty! So I have to fork out $120 to get this back to normal again, I wouldn't have an issue with that if it has been used a lot, but 25hrs on the motor in two seasons and winterized and maintained properly. They recomend every 300 hrs or 3 years that the impeller hsa to be changed. So I sent Mercury a e-mail and they sent me back a generic copy paste crap response. Anyone else have problems with there impellers going so quickly?
  14. Good luck Brian, close the deal before monday! I will be out with my Muzzleloader on Monday and Tuesday, I will be going after a doe we need to thin them out a little.
  15. When I first started Bow Hunting, I took the Bow Hunter Safety Course (15yrs ago) and I really enjoyed it. It is not the same as the hunter safety course, yes some similarities, but a lot more about shot placements, tree stand safety, tracking, broadhead saftey and sharpness, the list goes on. When it was time for the field test it was a full day out with all the guys and going through the whole scenario of shooting an animal and tracking ect.. Then a fun 3-D shoot at the end with a steel deer with a 3" hole to try and shoot through at 40yrds or so. With this course I can hunt anywhere in the world with my compound bow, some places you have to have it to be able to hunt. It wasn't $150 back then, I think it was $50. I did it just to be more knowledgeable about bow hunting. I wouldn't be against it if it did come into affect. That's my 2 cents
  16. Congrats on the great deer. Sounds like you had a great time with your friend and going home with some meat is always good.
  17. I had that problem on Simcoe, they broke in stole my stove and propane tank and other smaller things . I only had a permenent hut out there 1 season and that was enough for me. Get a good portable hut and then you don't have to worry about it.
  18. Congrats on the tender button buck, at least you didn't leave eating tag soup!!
  19. A crossbow is not a firearm, no PAL needed.
  20. I think that poor little guy needs a stump to stand on
  21. That sure is a beautiful deer, congrats to your buddy.
  22. Hi guys, FINALLY things came together for me last night! I got out to one of my stands that was having a lot of sign. Gun season was just last week so the deer were hiding in the thick stuff. I got set up and I didn't even get my bow up to me and a deer was moving towards me, but he or she must of heard me and walked around me in the bush. 5 pm rolls around and the bush is coming to life, I hear deer coming towards me, I stand up get ready and a buck pops out and a fawn doe, he was all over that doe but they head away from me. Then a smaller buck comes out and the other buck turns around and heads for him to fight! They both arch up and get into a battle, the bigger buck chases off the smaller one and and stands quartering away to me, he then starts to move towards the small buck again and stops at 35 yrds I let him have it and I smoked him he had a real hard time leaving the field. He didn't make it 30 yrds and piled up. So here is the deer I shot last night, not a monster but a good buck and meat in the freezer. I didn't have my camera with me, so no picture from the bush.
  23. He is not hunting due to the cost of getting licenced. He just wants to see what he has kicking around.
  24. First of all, from what I gather you are not with your friend while he is hunting. If you go your seperate way you could be charged with pushing the game to him, wich you are participating in the hunt. If you are to go out with him you should be with him, that way there is no confusion if you come accross a CO. As far as transporting a tagged animal with the person that shot it, is totally leagal, as long as the tag has been put on it before it has been moved from where it was found.
  25. If your mom is anywhere near a Cabela's this one seems good for the price. http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/template...&id=0057187 Moultrie is also a good brand too. http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/template...&hasJS=true
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