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Everything posted by Tybo

  1. Why would you use di-electric grease on the contacts. Isn't this stuff made, not to conduct electricity.
  2. Most trailer tire damage comes from improper storage. Any prolong time of storage, you should raise the tires off the ground!
  3. One thing: If the fish is hooked deep. When pushing the hook in, Also push the hook too the walls of the mouth,this will help some of the time.The barb may find the entry hole. Also, when you get the hook free. Turn it up side down, this will prevent re hooking. I prefer a pair of medium needle nose, I feel I have more control. Long one's for deep hooked.
  4. Maxda has the truck your looking for. This one good little truck. It will do what you need and then some. I don't think I have ever heard any thing bad about this little truck.
  5. I have caught alot of pike. I still catch alot of pike I'm going to keep catching alot of pike. And I don't target pike! It doesn't matter what precautions you take. Sooner or later one of those little so & so are going to get you!!!
  6. Ha HA HA DODGE, HA HA HA!!!!!
  7. Most of thees good Ideas don't come from the government. It's insurance companies. If insurance companies let use do what ever we wanted. They would go broke,(hold my beer and watch this).
  8. Rich. The slylist is, Hair by merc.
  9. 2 1/2 ounce on .062 gauge wire.
  10. It's not too difficult,but can be nerve racking. Before dropping the unit,put it in gear. This will help when installing. If the spline between the drive shaft and engine don't line up. You can turn the prop to line up the splines. Do not force any thing. It will not go until every thing is line up. To help install the water pipe and shaft. I preferred to do it with the engine vertical. Since your there. Should change the impeller!
  11. Would that be, Tang Pooh's or Pooh Tang's
  12. The seed got there by a bird or rodent. Could have been stuck to a bee.
  13. The rail roads get there trucks for almost free. It's has some thing to do with lowering transportation fees, Hydro will buy, who ever gives them the lowest price, as for most company that buy fleet. It has nothing to do with the quality of the truck. I will never buy a half-ton again, nor a gas burner.I find that a half-ton is no longer built for the life of construction work.It's more a car with a very large trunk. Who has the best reliability.Well most of that come down to your maintenance program and the person behind the wheel.
  14. Thanks Chris. Get alot of the non-ferris metals mixed up.
  15. A inch thick carbon fiber can stop a bullet from a 50 cal. And you think it would be weaker then brass or nickel. Brass is tin and bronze mixed. Nickel is only good for a coating.
  16. AS long as their is a holder of a fishing license register to that house hold. the MNR doesn't need a warrant.
  17. To charge a series circuit system with a 12v charger. You must charge one battery at a time.
  18. If they don't put up signs saying it's a misprint. They must sell you the product at said price. If not, They are breaking the Law.
  19. You can fool some people some of the time. You can fool some people all the time. I can tell you this. I'm not going to be any bodies fool!
  20. Their is no mistakes in the technical trades. Peoples life's and livelihoods depend on you too do your job right the first time. In my trade a apprentice will keep doing the job, till he gets it right, or the machine does not go out. As the lead-hand. I'm the one that the company is going to come down on for a foul up. So you better get it right. The company is easer to deal with then I. I would make them sell me a feather lite for 99 just how it was advertise. You only become a man. when you take responsibility for your own mistakes.
  21. Scientist:The great lake have become cleaner in the last ten years. Government: Thank you for your report. Heres your pink slip. Get it. As long as there money to be made the water stay the same or gets worst.
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