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Everything posted by musky66

  1. Funny time of year for this but friends of mine are heading to a remote tropical island getaway in mid January. I was thinking that the Croc Blok type of insect repellant wipe would be ideal for them. Anyone know where to find it in the GTA or north to York Region areas? thanks,
  2. I run a '92 and a '93 Formula Plus. Had insurance for years with collision and paid about $200 each a year. This year they tell me I need an appraisal for the '92( 15 years old I guess) Well I now only have liability on each- If they get broken up or stolen I'm done with sleddin' just want to avoid costly lawsuit if my son or I am at fault. Insurance is the biggest scam- next to the oil companies!
  3. Battered and deep fried!
  4. I always thought aluminum hulls used bunks just to prevent damaging the hull, while fiberglass boats could better handle the pressures of rollers.
  5. Yes, it is a Balsam fish. It is my fourth Tiger this year and my fifth in 2 years from there. A sign of the times I am afraid- lets hope they at least get large enough to be worthwhile. This one was the largest at 37" with a large head...so maybe in a few years.....
  6. Picked up this nice Tiger today casting an Orange 10" Suick.
  7. Good luck on Monday Skud- it was nice to meet you again. I hope to get out later in the week.
  8. Finally got my 15 year old out in the boat again and away from the girlfriend. Beauty day on the water for a change. Trolled for several hours with no luck so we decided to switch lures. I went to a 10" Suick to jerk troll so I cast her out to check the tuning and it felt like I picked up a weed. Nope! A fine heavy 46" ski. Had to cut two trebles from her yap but she made it away just fine. Hope the photo works.
  9. Check over on the Lake Simcoe fishing board- some recent Perch reports there. Seems like they are still in deeper- 27' of water.
  10. I asked my marine mechanic and he quoted me a cost of about $30 for just an impeller or $150 or so if the housing was worn as well. How hard is it to change it out oneself? Not even sure where it is located on my 115 Yamy 4 stroke,
  11. Cotter pin only holds the castellated nut in place. Prop has a different system to protect her in case of impact. I guess as long as the steel one won't rust and fall off in a season I should be alright.
  12. Wondering if the cotter pin holding the prop nut in place is stainless steel or just regular steel? Reason is it costs a buck to pick one up from the marina and i just found a stash of what I suspect are just steel ones in my tool box. I'm not complaining about a buck for the right cotter pin- especially if it saves my prop, but would like to use what I have if possible.
  13. 'Ski in there as well I've heard.
  14. Temps. at Balsam were finally down to at or above the 50 deg.F mark as of this past Friday. I have found 'ski fishing slow there this fall- or maybe it is just me!
  15. What a topic! I certainly hope the stocking is sucessful as I think we could someday see very large fish in Simcoe- who cares if they are hard to find...that is the nature of Musky fishing. It took me four years to get my first 'ski from Georgian Bay- a memory that will last forever! Keep up the great work boys, learn from your mistakes and carry on. My son and I will be out again in the spring to help with the nets.
  16. I would still fog a carberated four-stroke but have been told NOT to fog a fuel injected one. Instead I pull the sparkplugs and spray some storage oil in there then spin the motor with the tether off.
  17. The CTC one is too small for the diameter of the rod blank where it snapped. I was thinking of JB's as well but it will be a while before I can get there. thanks guys,
  18. I snapped off about 4" of my St Croix musky rod the other day in my haste to get it out of the rod holder. I need to find a tip-top guide to fit the diameter of the blank. Anywhere close to Toronto or North to Georgina? I am going to jury rig the old one to get me through the next few weeks.
  19. Thanks for the replies! I patched the pinholes up with the epoxy 'stick' I had from CTC. Spent 8 hours on Balsam today- no water !! Now I need to find out why exactly the pinholes are there- many more on the hull but not leaking....yet. If it is from stray electrical current, I need to track it down and eliminate it, prep and seal all the existing holes and keep her tight!
  20. I have a 17' Starcraft Superfisherman ( Aluminum ) that has been taking on water for a season or two. I have tried everything I could think off to track down the leak. Finally, after filling the boat with water until the carpets were soaked- I think I found part of the problem. It appears there are a couple of 'pin holes' in the aluminum just forward of the transom near the outside edge of the bottom hull. The paint has bubbled a bit around them. There are several more 'pin holes' on each of the outside chines but only these two are leaking water. What are these caused by? maybe defects in the metal? corrosion? ageing( the boat is a '98 )? ,and how best to close them up? It looks to be too dificult to access the inside of the hull where these are located so I'm thinking maybe a seal coat of primer and paint, or some kind of spot putty? Any ideas would be appreciated. I love the boat and want to keep her for many more years. Thanks,,,
  21. I have been fishing Balsam for about 7 years. Never seen a Pike until I caught a nice one last season. I always swore if I caught one there I would eat it but this was the greenest, prettyest Pike with orange fins I had ever seen- it is still swimming. Caught my first Tiger last year as well- beautiful fish. This year I have caught another pike and THREE more Tigers! I would say Pike and therefore Tigers are on the increase.
  22. Great fish and pic too!
  23. Lost a nice one yesterday on Balsam. Seems like it just goes through those spells once in a while where nothing hooks up. My hooks are sharp, I got the right tackle, I've landd plenty of 'ski's before etc. etc. Having trouble this fall (so far ) with fish I'm targetting in deeper water- they must be clamping down on the lure and I just can't sink the barbs in- halfway to the boat they realize they don't want it as much as they thought and let 'er go!
  24. Took my 15 year old son to see them in Toronto last week. They are one of his favourite bands. even with all the new stuff he listens too. He is also a big April Wine fan and he will be seeing them for the 3rd time in November at the Grey Cup Classic. Canadian Rock Rules!!
  25. Whats this? A lurker pops his head up! Hello Skud, I haven't seen a post from you in a while! I haven't made it out much this year- too much work. But yes, Balsam has been a little slow. Have nailed a couple more tigers this fall- but no real size to them...yet. Just looking at broadening my horizons. Finally got a nice 'ski from Georgian bay- a four year quest. A fat 45" sweetheart! Hope everything is well with you and yours.
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