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Everything posted by keram

  1. No pike in Scugog, at least not yet.
  2. On related news: TH shares plummeted Thursday to 25 years low ($ 0.15, just coincidence that it is a price of timbit) after TH coffee addict threatened to stop drinking watered down kind of coffee- like liquid, and start picketing “drive through” lines. To avoid total disaster TH headquarter, in desperation, promised to make coffee two, no three times stronger, and increase timbit size to match diameter of the softball. All North American media waiting for future development of this story. Canada’s national newspaper G&M had to hire few more blog moderators to deal with overwhelming numbers of comments (close to 800 in few hrs ), and I have to tell you they were not pretty. CNN and Fox forgot about Hilary and Obama, They’ve send all their reporters to London, ON to cover this breaking story. The only funny thing here is that this “orange” level warning was caused by 11 months old toddler and his silent accomplice, very well known :devil: to police as a Tim Bit Lesson learned: you fired - call the media, nothing to lose. Apart from this, nothing interesting in the news Oh, almost forgot, gas goes up 5 c on midnight, and death toll in Myanmar can reach 100000
  3. He is absolutely 100% correct. I love my stick BTW, what is "hockey"??
  4. The two most important tools I use are WD40 and duct tape. If something is moving and it should not I use a duct tape. If something should move and does not I use WD40 On the serious note: It looks that your battery is toasted, but before you go and buy new one, try this 1. Make sure that all the connections are clean and tight. any corrosion or oxidation on the contacts will act like a resistance and will drop the voltage of a battery. 2. Even 75% bad battery will show O.K. with no load. Use voltmeter to see the voltage, when you try to start the motor. If it drops more then 2.0 V, one of the cells in battery is bad
  5. Apr 15 5 :37 PM Apr 16 6:20 PM
  6. What about "veni, vidi, vici" ???
  7. She is a mix of C. Spaniel and Bichon Frise
  8. best friend in training (about 3 months old). Now she is a "big" dog, well maybe twice as big as on the picture. In couple of months we will celebrate her first birthday, and the first fishing trip
  9. Unbelievable request , we do not do it here Welcome
  10. Do not waste your time on the death threats Glen, rather keep an eye on this ................
  11. I've thought that the aquarium in BPS was the big one
  12. very sorry to hear that Ron. I've moved "the % bar" liitle bit
  13. Thank you All for the advice
  14. HEINEKEN and heineken
  15. This is my problem. Couple of ours plants have developed some strange symptoms. Due to the fact that my "gardeners" knowledge is limited to the fact that I know that plants need water (at least from time to time) , this event has created big problem for me, because instead of browsing my favoured forum , I had to try find the answer on the web. After about half hour of searching, I've already started using some "words", and my wife wanted to know what is all about. And now get this, word for word what she's said." Why the h$$l you wasting time on this google cr$p. ask the OFC, you will get answer in no time I was ready to O.K. once more So here it is: Something is eating my plants. I have no idea what is it and how to deal with it. Just waitng for the advice on the wapon to destroy it Take a look
  16. And you are digging deeper and deeper and.......
  17. I’m not a psychic by any means, but I think, if she sees it, we won’t hear from you for sometime.
  18. And the "look" of the one on the left ( must be Alfa female) says it all . Do not even try to save him
  19. Definitely NO, just opposite. I will turn on all the lights I have, washer, drier, dishwasher, coffemaker, AC, anything what can be pluged in, I even going to turn on lights in my cars on driveway. All this just to try compensate for all who will partycipate.The reason beeing is that OPG will have "huge loses of revenue", enough to justify raise in "debt retirement charge" (see your hydro bill), by another $ 5.00/month for next 70 years. Yeah, I feel bad and I'm sorry, but I cannot do it
  20. As much as I can find your experience on the boat lunch "funny" it is not unusual, regardless if the owner of the boat is a "newbe" or very "experienced". I do not have much experience myself ( I have a boat only two seasons ), but I've already saw few "entertaining"events myself. I will start with me. First boat, first launch. Not make a fool of myself I've checked 5 times everything before .. I've launched the boat, park the car and I'm ready to go. Water was pretty shallow so I'had to tilt the motor up (with my Merc in can be done only on gear). So I did it, pushed the boat , jumped in,, primed , motor started on the first pull. The problem is, it was still in farward gear, so I was back on shore in no time.. I've learned my lesson well. It was my "newbe experience" Now, "experience" side: I was at Cesarea (lake Scugog). launched my boat. Just behind was nice Lund with 3 guys.. When I was launching thay've already opened first box of beer. because I was alone I had to park my my car and go back to the boat to make a space ( about 2 min ). When I was passing them I've heard some comments about my launching procedure ( generally too slow). I've pullled my boat by the rope to the and of the pier ( not to take a space ). When I was already sitting in the boat warming up my motor they've launched their boat. It get my attention when the guy in the boat has started yelling to pull-out. It was not enough that they backed up too fast ( "few galloms over the transom", they also forgot about the plug. I mean time few more boats has arrived to launch. I was in "good" mode , so I've asked them to move , because they were blockin everybody. No stupid comments from them at this time... Next time, same launch.. Nice boat, the trailer in perfest position, but the guy running the boat thinks he can do better. In my opinion the set-up was perfect, but he decided to go 6" more. Well. "again few gallons" of water over the transom blocked the launch for another 15 min. And last. , still on Lake Scugog", but this time on the end of the Island launch.. I've launched my boat and he is comming. F 150 with Nitro on the back (sparkling clean ).. Everybody moves aside.. I even took a closer look to see if this is some kind of celebrity. (not ). He backed to the water, put the rope, boat is floating like a dream. AS soon as he pulled the truck to the parking spot, the boat was few yards behind ( rope was caught in the rear axe of the trailer). it was too late to stop ( after hearing all the commotion fom everybody else. ).. the 30K + boat was already on the dry ground.. He needed a crane to move it Botoom line is ( my opinion): Regrdless of your experience - think what you are doing.
  21. I'm not 100% positive, but I think that F16 can do better then this
  22. One more safe topic to discuss: Walleye or pickerel
  23. You can start here: http://atlas.nrcan.gc.ca/site/english/maps/topo/map It is free
  24. Sorry to hear that Shawn, I hope that you will get your car back soon in the same condition you left it I will keep my fingers X I'm still thinking if I should laugh or cry after this .........................., still ................... oh crap it is hard I think I'm going to flip the coin
  25. Do not worry twilight. In reality it is 100 + (even more ) times better then it looks like. The picture ( very nice anyway) was to set your mind in the "right direction",
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