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Everything posted by keram

  1. There is an article about this event in G&M http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/sto...ry/Science/home Interesting to note that: from this article The team discovered that the ancient ice cap, which spanned 1.7 million square kilometres, went through two periods of rapid melting. The first occurred about 9,000 years ago and again about 7,600 years ago, when there was increased solar radiation. and The Laurentide sheet, which was almost twice the size of its Greenland cousin, was at its largest about 22,000 years ago when it began its slow decline due to warming temperatures. It virtually disappeared about 6,000 years ago.
  2. Shark
  3. Finally somebody has noticed this outrageous injustice Wait a minute!!!!!. After having two more Heinekens I’ve come to a conclusion that a price of beer is only responsible for about 0.000000001% of total fairness. I can live with that P.S. Does your doctor accept new patients?
  4. just relax and if you want to use this seat do not ( DO NOT) seat on the drill
  5. Second that. Good prices, fast shipping (2-3) days http://luremaking.com/catalogue/catalogue-...owder_paint.htm
  6. I was not thinking abaut multiplying them , but You've gave some idea. I've just searched my garage stock pile of other "pathetic" wood and came up with two pieces of it. I will build some more, like MQ,.....? ( name suggestion appreciated) and T(rex)Roy 4 1/2 I think I will make them available as a set for the auction ( Fishing for Tyler)
  7. I've never intended to question how tall you are It is not about your height It is about belly hook size
  8. O.K. I do not know if it is just coincidence, or just plain luck , but when I've posted picture in gallery for my next post, I've noticed this extraordinary occasion to pay my tribute to the BOSS So here it is, the fishing lure TJQ 5 3/4. I'm not too original with the name, so I've followed the Rapala's scheme ( like HS 11) So how it has started?. Well I've had one piece of wood turned on the lathe, that for some reason did not want to swim how I've liked. For a future reference I will call this piece of wood just "pathetic" After few weeks of playing with it, I've come to conclusion that I've built another fancy looking piece of firewood . But , I'm not easily discouraged I've decided to rework it again and ended up with this. Pencil Popper, I do not know who's invented the name , but I think it is perfect. Now back to the name, the 5 3/4 comes from very complicated formula. You can see a belly treble hook ( under the skirt ) in the picture. Whatever size of the treble I've used ( and applied the formula - secret anyway) I've come to the range of 5 1/2" - 5 3/4". Being a polite member of OFC I've went with 5 3/4". So here it is TJQ 5 3/4" Disclaimer: Any resemblance to previously posted pictures is incidental and obviously unintentional
  9. Do I need to send money by western union to Nigeria?
  10. Almost 18$ ( shipping incl) for this I've made few like this (little bit different end shape)sometime ago for about 0.25$ ( piece of dovel, two part epoxy, piece of SS wire). Do not have time right now to to find one and post picture, but anybody can make one in about 10 min.
  11. I was hopeing for this too Glen The lake did not hold Muskies, but I did not waste time at all. Did some "fine tuning" of the lures, to make them run the way I like. the quality of the clips is not perfect, but you can get an idea. Just keep in mind that for the recording purposes they are on a pretty short "leash" (about 5 yards). In reality they can go much deeper. (it depends on the trolling speed) And when the rain was pouring like he$$, with very limited tooling I've carved some more. Just need to make them look "nice"
  12. After hauling the tent trailer home, I've hooked up the boat . We've rented the cottage on one of Kawarthas lake. I was warned by the owner of the marina that the fishing is slow due to unusual abundance of bait fish.. And he was right. The only fish I've landed was between 9-9:30 pm on shoals around this island. Average size The shoals around the island occupied me for a whole week At sunset Just before sunset And in the fog Finally the island was claimed by my daugters after lengty( about 5 min ) voyage on the paddle boat Again the dogs had lots of fun Couple more scenery shots
  13. Like last few years we've spent one week on the shores of Lake Kamaniskeg. the waether was brutal most of the time, but the mornings usually were nice The boat was left in the garage, instead I was pulling a tent trailer. With wife two daughters and two dogs i was busy anyway . Most of the time we were ocupied with our "youngsters" ( 1 year old Rosie and 5 month old Sahsha. I wish I could learn swimming in 15 sec like they did Well, the swimming lessons were tireing Rosie Sahsha We've visited our friend (and his private lake ) Waiting for a dinner Not much fishing, but quality time with family and dogs. Second week will be better
  14. Call them about rentals http://www.chippawaresort.com/index.html. They are on the southern end of lake Kamaniskeg powodzenia ( polamania kija)
  15. By no means I'm an expert on this, but the first thing which occupied my mind is that these officers are just normal, like you and me. Regardless of the reason, thay did not want to kill another "human beeing" ( he was no danger anymore), and live with it for the rest of their lives. Saying that I wish they did, but I can understand why they did not kill him
  16. I do not think so. Nobody invented powerfull enough flashlite yet
  17. keram


    plumbing or lawn watering section
  18. Traffic on the 401 This is traffic
  19. Going back to original question Whats the point?, Why do YOU post?, summary of my reasons to post is below. I think that this will cover about 99 % of reasons
  20. This snake is on protected species list. Killing it can be costly. From Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act: Penalty 102. (1) A person convicted of an offence under this Act is liable to a fine of not more than $25,000, to imprisonment for a term of not more than one year, or to both.
  21. Yes (acrylic acetate )
  22. You make me think Glen. I can still write down on it "FOR wallete only" . Only problem is the language
  23. I'm after walleye with this one
  24. It has no name yet . All kinds of wood (depends on the action I want or rather try to achieve), cedar, maple, baswood, pine, walnut and so on
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