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Everything posted by keram

  1. Could you please explain what you see.
  2. simple math - yes. unaplicable in this case with 50A breaker you will be perfectly O.K.
  3. Catch and release only - I will become a criminal Catch and keep only - The same, but with repeat dangerous offender status.
  4. .....it's so easy for the majority to judge the few...... I'm glad you've said this. Did you notice that it works both ways- (public vs police or police vs public) ? Do what we do and deal with what we deal with on a daily basis. Not gonna say more or less because those who don't understand are the first to cast stones. After reading this sentence I think you are in wrong bussiness. You should be politician. But I will bite, just share it, so I and few others (unwashed) can understand and save the stone for somebody else
  5. and as for tazers....what hurts more....a baton strike to the arm, breaking it or a 5 second arc of a tazer and after it's done you feel no pain....contrary to popular belief or you are dead ....contrary to popular belief the problem is when "popular belief" is supported by science not by corporate interest
  6. Good for you, just be carefull not to be brainwashed too much And, maybe, please consider others point of view ( not mine ). http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/sto...y/National/home http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/sto...y/National/home And those police psychologists http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/sto...NStory/National
  7. First of all, sorry to dissect your post, but I do not agree with anything you have said ( I hope I can have my own opinion ) Not all Police Officers carry Tazer's in Ontario, just so you know No I do not know and your statement means nothing unless you can provide some into ( who ?, why ?, when ? ) And a tazer saves lives, cause if there was no tazers and a police officer had to protect himself he would shoot. So you are saying that a tazer is for police to protect themselves ?. Did you hear about any case in which police officer died or was seriously injured because he/she did not use a taser? I've heard just opposite -"the criminal was dead" I would rather be tazed than shot!! This really makes me laugh.. How about not doing anything stupid enough so the police does not have to pick between a tazer and bullet? They wouldn't make these laws if idiots would stop doing stupid things on the water drunk! Its like a stupid warning on a product, they wouldn't put it on there if someone didn't do it! Well. lets make 99% of normal people follow the same rules like 1% stupid. Brilliant idea. just wait little bit longer and when you've farted, you will be charged not for or a smell ( too normal ) , but for excessive GHG emission
  8. From .08 to .05 - personally I do not have a problem. But at the same time , can we increase requirement (for any law enforcement person carrying a tazer), from current IQ 50 level to IQ 80 ?
  9. very simple way to prevent the flu, just follow WHO guidelines Make sure you get your daily dose of fruits and veggies.Take your vitamins and get plenty of exercise because exercise helps build your immune system. Walk for at least hour a day, go for a swim, take the stairs instead of the elevator, etc. Wash your hands often. If you can't wash them, keep a bottle of antibacterial stuff around. Get lots of fresh air. Open windows whenever possible. Get plenty of rest. Try to eliminate as much stress from your life as you can. You can take the doctors office approach. Think about it, when you go for a shot, what do they do first? Clean your arm with alcohol. Why? Because alcohol kills germs. So...... I walk to the liquor store (exercise), put lime in my Corona (fruit), celery in my Bloody Mary (veggies), drink on the bar patio (fresh air), get drunk, tell jokes, and laugh (eliminate stress) and then pass out (rest). The way I see it, if you keep your alcohol levels up flu virus can't get you
  10. I do not see it.
  11. I think your numbers (for stocks) are pretty high Did you include brokerage commision in your calculations ????
  12. I do not remember
  13. I can see clearly now that you are really, really, REALLY confused. You are a member of this board for almost three months with 400 + posts and you still do not see the difference between fishing board and and forum for single teen moms ( BTW I'm confused little bit here because I do not know whether you are talking about single teens or single moms). Do not be discouraged, 2-3 more years and you will see the difference, belive me you are on the right track Now, going back to 67 different species of freshwater fish you've cought. Is there any reason why you do not want to list them as everybody else?
  14. You should not be confused Mike. You have asked for freshwater "fish" MH is talking about freshwater " species" At 67 freshwater "species"...., well, I consider it very lousy performace
  15. No, I did not forget. I did not use them on purpose. I could not find the originals ( all were counterfait) Anyway, I was mixing in the bowl not in the swimming pool
  16. Ok, my shot at the topic.. Like always everybody has the right to an opinion and has their own recipe. So here is mine: ¼ lb of global warming ¼ lb of climate change 1/8 lb of pollutions This are the main ingredients Everything else is up to personal preference I like Couple sea currents 2-3 hurricanes ( depends on category ) 1 tbs of El Ninho 2 Tbs of La Ninha ( I like it tender ) 2-3 volcanic eruptions 1-2 earthquakes 1 tsunami 1 ice cap 1 baseball cap ( shredded) 5 days of air quality index higher then 6 2 tsp of inconvenient true 2 tsp of convenient true ( just to balance aftertaste of the above) Mix it well ( like epoxy) and watch. Whatever is your opinion you will get proof ( then it is proven) of your point of view. I did it and it worked pretty well, but one day I have the visitor telling me that this recipe is copyrighted and because I’ve missed one ingredient ( 3 lb of Bull) I have to pay penalty. Preferably in weekly instalments ( it will be deducted from my paycheque) Since then I’ve gave up on science and concentrated exclusively on fishing
  17. But this one has already experienced " local cooling" . it is in the freezer
  18. The dental work does not match
  19. Glen, you can drop in even earlier. We can manage the cold, but forget about bringing pickled eggs this time. You know( I hope), we are little bit picky about the pollution.
  20. do you have any scientific data to support this, or this is just "scientific " speculation?
  21. Or How can scientists do anything beyond speculate what the ice cap will be like in (lets say) twenty years from now ?
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