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Everything posted by Harrison

  1. Maybe the folks who lost the dog know this already. But friends of mine own beagles and when they ran off they would leave an few items of their clothing the area the dogs went missing. Dogs would track back on the scent and lay on dwon an wait for the owners to return.
  2. Thank goodness it's not, that's scarier his wifes costume.
  3. I think we are the lucky ones as taxpayers.
  4. Looks like someone took a sharp turn or a corner too wide and brought the back end out of the channel into a stump judging by the damage. Must of been on a boaters card blitz.
  5. Squirrel tail wooly buggers.
  6. Awesome! Judging by second shot it was worth the trip!
  7. I am on board with slots and a closed spawn.
  8. I cringed as I looked at the pics. Been there. A block and tackle saved my arse a couple times. Actually twice on the way into Lingham alone
  9. Awesome Will! There are rules!!!!!
  10. Ok, we are looking for one player, but a buddy was also in need of one for a C team. I'll mention it to him and PM you if he still is.
  11. Figured as much, I'll see her again next year then!
  12. Need to be using 2 rods each
  13. what level do you play?
  14. You know what I am going to say Paul. Phil
  15. Sweet bucket. I know exactly where that is and fish those docks everytime I am on that lake. You can see why now! Hope you put her back! kiddin.
  16. I've hit the water pretty hard over the years. used a bunch of different okuma stuff, never had one turn to dust. That's not to say there haven't been issues, but over all, very happy. Have a few 8 yr old inspira reels that had boated a ton of lake Simcoe smallies and beached a few pier bows over the years. Still work great. Ran convectors and thier rods for years guiding/fishing on the big water, one broke only because a client sat on it. have a 13'6 Aventa rod, its ok, I like it. Its not a Sage or loomis, but for 100 bucks its lasted me a few years and it comes out when there is a good chance of a sword fight on a drift. Of course this is a personal opinion on experience using a variety of their gear. And yes I do sell Okuma, but I used it for 10 or so years before. Just throwing a second opinion out, biased as it may be, but there are guys who swear by it, espcially on the west coast big waters. The new stuff is quite sharp.
  17. Steve, Pm'ed to avoid spammieness.
  18. Was there last week. Got 7 or 8 on boards, all ate wide wobble long bodies. Top 2 were both Livetargets.
  19. Thank for posting skud. Envious of your time with your Dad. Some of my best memories with my pops was moose hunting as well. Nice country where you were.
  20. Awesome Lew. Guys like you retire once. Work your butts off in the city, raise a family, head north and live like most of us dream of when the time comes. Enjoy it my friend.
  21. I agree, however, only if the compound user actually practices. It is too easy to make a bad shot with a compound IMO. As for the crossbow question. Go recurve and preferably Canadian. Happy with my excalibur for 15 or so years now. Have it as a back up for my compound.
  22. No Problem. a) roe juice is just left over from salmon roe we kept to make singles. We would then freeze it, fill up a pill bottle and dunk the sponge that we cut out with a hole puncher. b ) prefer to fish plastic now in the cold water for bows. Tubes, worms, craws, minnowheads, frys, etc.. all under a float. When I say we, I am taknig about my bro and I. Learnt the ropes together and still fish the same.
  23. For a few years we used sponge and soaked it in roe juice. Once I discoverd how and when to fish plastics in the fall/winter that's all I use.
  24. "Just more Stuff" as Carlin would say huh. Got a report from a friend who did well on the smallies with the rig on the Kawarthas using grubs. Just getting me thinking about it, heading out friday and will give it a go too.
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