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Everything posted by Harrison

  1. This is like solving a huge fight in your own house and then watching your neigbours start a similair battle in theirs. You really want to help cause you've been there, but sometimes folks have to figure it out for themselves. And truthfully, it is really none of our business. Fortunately lol
  2. Buy a used superfree curado or cronarch off ebay. All you will need for flipping/pitching. As for darg, there should be none. So as long as it holds, all that matters, Spending lots of money on a flipping/pitching reel is a complete waste of moola IMO. that money s better spent on spinning gear. edit to add... AS for line. Straight braid, 50 to 65lb is perfect. As for 'kind"... for this technique you need basic braid. Cheap(fray, lose colour - who cares. Strip 20 ft, continue). Colour.. whatever floats your boat. I use bright yellow as do most my buds now. Colour the end with a sharpie.
  3. I was thinking the same Bill. If there was any, it's now in Beaverton.
  4. Ethics, some folks have them, some don't. I agree and know where you are coming from. Even once ethical operators complete their due dilligence, the final decision is the clients. Too bad they couldn't come with a warning label like a pack of smokes. On that note, I like to harvest the odd shaker and one day I had an chat at the launch with a couple gents bank fishing. One asked in disgust how I could eat fish from Lake Ontario then he lit up a smoke. Found that funny.
  5. Folks who pay hundreds of dollars to experience the catch and harvest. The blue zone aka. bow water can save your day when the salmon bite is slow. Especailly late season for the charters on the east end of the lake. You may see more move west now.
  6. Rich, lots of good advice here. Prepare yourself mentally, build up to stopping. Once you do, just frigin do it. Fight the urges, it does get better and your life will change for the better. I know.
  7. Mutant perch... he's set the bar high pops!
  8. And in Casinos.. ...just this one last time God I swear... I wish Geroge Carlin could come back for ten minutes. He'd set us straight.
  9. Hey, I am no where the size of the big boys, but I am at least at a 16 year old level.
  10. Way cool. Good friendships never fade. looks like you guys switched hair cuts too.
  11. Here are some more http://www.ontariofishing.net/linkspages/Organizations/'>http://www.ontariofishing.net/linkspages/Organizations/ Found on the this amazing site full of Ontario fishing information. http://www.ontariofishing.net
  12. Nice haul. Tell me who showed you that rig..... wow. I am half kidding.
  13. I use a Russell bird knife for everything.
  14. Nice Haul bud. Spent a few nights in that launch parking lot over the years. Nice job on the shad raps, next year give the Minnow and Taildancers a go..... they like'm even longer.
  15. HA! I needed the laugh... thanks Cliff!
  16. ..... this "Pros" favourite pattern?
  17. Great info posted! When using plastics (tubes, craws etc) I use a short lead, 1ft to 2ft max in slow high water. There is no mistaking a fish!
  18. You actually buy your air time(at whatever you can negociate), it's getting the $ to do so in this industry that is tough. Good on them for getting it to the first step, not easy. As for the show, haven't seen it yet, will give it a look.
  19. That's in the cards this fall.....minus the snagging. Video to come...
  20. For OFC'ers, always if I can!
  21. The horror! I start on the river soon, see you out there.
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