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Everything posted by Harrison

  1. I miss him to death, but it appears he found the right home! He looks great sinker! Thanks for posting.
  2. Looks great! Hope you got a deal on that sod!
  3. Lake O rocks. There are some closer launches for prefishing Red, PM me if your interested.
  4. Just another option is a Bell sinker. Insert it in the tube pushing the point through the eye of the weight when rigging. I usually peg a worm weight(1oz - 2oz) with a tooth pick when pitching through slop or a thick weedbed. Lil tid bit - when texas or texposing a tube, insert a glass rattle after rigging the weight and stuff a piece of sponge into the tube then finish rigging it. Soak the sponge with scent and the hook will hold everything in place. good luck edit- sorry just saw singingdog mentioned the egg sinker already.
  5. Ever since I can remember I was going to be a fireman like my Dad. Finished high school, took some fire courses, got my first aid, DZ license, scuba license for the scot, basically lined it all up. I was told not apply until i was 22/23. Well, I did and passed everything except the eye test, I have a binocular vision issue. I was devastated. That book was closed in my face. With no real schooling I wasn't sure what to do. So for a second career, I took a PT job with the City, took courses, applied and studied my arse off to get FT. It has since paid off. Not my dream, but I still work with emergency services and other divisons in the office. Maybe think about the PT route and take some courses in something of interest or get your DZ license, seems to be a few jobs around if you got it. Good luck to you.
  6. Happy bday Roy! I'd like to say another year wiser, but not sure that's possible. May the Milwackies be especailly cold today!
  7. Sick to my stomach, I can't even imagine. I have a 4 yr old who is currently in swimming lessons and I wish she had started earlier.
  8. I was thinking a little ELO Jeff Lynne
  9. Your life has just begun. congrats. PS.. say bye bye to alot of your fishing freedom, but its way worth it.
  10. After trying various things... here is what works for me. I use the clips as well and a balance beam. Any fish over 4lbs get Black or Red clip (or waht you consider big fish for the water you are on i.e Simcoe would be 5 +). Those are my big fish clips. They get put in one side. Smallest fish gets the green clip(casue its got to go). I do not clip the other fish and put them on the other side. So when I am moving and have to cull, I beam all the others unless it is obvious by eye. Smallest fish goes back on the green. This works for me, except sometimes on Simcoe or Erie and you have wells of 3.5 to 4 lbers, culling takes some time! Good Luck with your T fishing.
  11. Ah Charles, most know you can get 8lbs with your eyes closed..............on Simcoe lol
  12. Glad all is good JP. Scary for sure. Happened to us on Rice right at the North tip of Margrets. The mix of a cabin cruiser wake and the waves/current off the point caught us. We never left the boat, but bruised ourselves up good.
  13. If it makes you feel any better Ryan I just downsized. It stings. But the wife can stay home with the girls now who are 4 and 2. We are much happier now with out all the financial stress with one parent working. I think your making the right choice. Good luck to you. Phil JohnF has also given me great advice.
  14. Very nice place Ryan. 25 mins each way to school would be enough for me to make my decision. Heck probably longer in the winter to boot. I'd be Port Rowan bound especaily if that $550 mthly OSAP will disappear. My daughter starts school this year too. I feel ya.
  15. Yep, that's T fishing. Your biggest competition on the water is you, especially after listening to "dock talk". Sure listen to whats hot, but you have to do your own deal. Best advice a buddy gave me years ago was pick a technique/bait and certain type of water you LIKE to fish and MASTER it. I fished with the guys who won Rice day 2 and the two of them are MASTERS at what they do. To win or place consistently on various lakes takes YEARS to dial in.
  16. Ditto Craig! If anyone has some ole' Risto raps I'd be more then happy to take them off your hands.
  17. That's the perfect guys weekend. Ours guys weekend is coming up last weekend in July. 20-30 guys all old/semi retired hockey players, Staches and your Misses(and or Moms for the single guys) ugliest summer dress is the entry fee. What happens at the Patty House, stays at the..... Hopefully we may get a full 18 in this year! Thaks for the post Cudz, great memories.
  18. Just throw a dart, they all have their own special traits whether it be species and/or structure.
  19. You scared the Crap out of it with that stache! We have the dirty stache themes too. I may steal that for our next one! Didi you actually bleach it? awesome. As yes, I think it is a white sucker. I have NEVER seen one that big though! You can't trust those princess auto tape measures, record null and void!
  20. Agree with the above. I'll be fishing a summer pattern on opener. However, if they tell me different I'll switch. There's some solid slop mats already with early boating season.
  21. Where are you going? Trilakes with fellow OFNer for a tournie. What baits do you plan on focusing on for the first few weeks? Flipping Jig and tossing the odd jerkbait for smallies. What baits do you plan on avoiding? Anything that is not the above. What aspects of bass fishing do you hope to improve on throughout the season? Every year the migration/movement of fish change, hopefully I can figure this years out. Good Luck all.
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