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Everything posted by Harrison

  1. Thanks Bill, I will forward this to her as well. She's beginning to feel helpless, hopefully these resposes will boost her up. Thanks for taking the time to post.
  2. Yea, I think schooling is out as of now till maybe the kiddies both get into school. She is a fitness nut, at the gym 5 days a week doing the classes. She looked into teaching and training, but it's the schooling/monies she needs that is holding her back for now. Thanks for the advice sir. I'll forward this to her.
  3. Hey all, sorry for the non fishing post. My misses has been a stay at home Mom for the last few years raising our toddlers. She left the financial biz sector in an administrative position to do this. With the kiddies getting older(plus moola tighter) and a little more time on her hands she is looking for a "legit" work from home job. Does anyone know of any "type' of jobs or place we can research. Everything advertised seems fishy. Sorry again about the NF post, but could use some guidance if anyone is familiar with this. Thanks in advance, Phil PS. we tried the daycare route, let's just say, you meet some interesting folks.
  4. Ok, there is another 10 or so added. Good Luck Mac.
  5. We do, I guided quite a few avid walleye gents from the states on Quinte. Big Boys from Wis, SD, Ill and Minn, they are beyond jealous we have this fishery here, especially B of Q. One asked if my Sis was single, he'd like to relocate. I know a few other gents that guide out there that will echo the above.
  6. I have an issue with sharing stuff I figure out sometimes , but hey, hopefully some good folks might get into some fish if they try it. But ya didn't have to elaborate, your just as guilty MJL...
  7. Nothing like a fresh chinny smacking a float with a one foot lead off the peir(steelies close 2nd, lol). My fav is 3 to 4 inch glow in the dark tubes at night under the float when the arms are too tired of chucking spoons and fighting fish.
  8. Some boats had a good season, 40 grand for 2 months work, not bad. Me, I just wanna be a shrimp'n boat captain.
  9. Either have I Lew and I have fished at least a couple thousand docks over the years. Especailly on Scugog, we used to run up to the river from Port, put the troller down and fish docks as far as we could for the day. Now, I have had guys ask me to leave, I've had guys warn me not to fish their dock(top of the island as an example) and had one threaten to call the police(Marina). On the other hand, I've had applause after I caught one, I've thrown some folks on the shore some of the baits I was using, and I've had some great chats with some owners around fishing on the lake, water levels etc... I was fishing a T on Cameron lake one year and we won it on docks. My partner for the day had a great line when he zinged a 5lber between the docks and we hear a guy yell from the cottage "HEY, that's Henry" to which my P responded, "we're just borrowing him, he'll be back". I've been using that ever since.
  10. It's obvious you were more of an influence on her then just pursuing an education Spiel.
  11. Most of us get out whitted by something that has a brain the size of a pea. What ya expect?
  12. Great essay, I am sure she is following in Dads footsteps, but I assume the tea might be traded for something else...
  13. Great topic Gary. #1 for me is distance. Make longer casts, pitches etc.. stay further away from structure. #2 Colour - natural colours, browns and greens. This is the closest to the natural shillouette you can get IMO. Interesting view on the pink worm and clear water, not sure the logic, but it has to be a shillouette the fish want for whatever reason. On one kawartha clear lake, bright sun, my green jig will outfish a black, then reverse the next day with the same weather conditions. There are guidelines to follow, but the fish have the last word!
  14. Ch 426 First time seeing the Redfish tournaments, they look like a blast.
  15. Attitude? I think you have the wrong guy. As for the second part, HUH?
  16. What is the right word for beyond jealous? Truly amazing.
  17. I couldn't imagine, thats why if you do snag something you ALWAYS get it, 100% of the time. As in public parking lots, when you ding a car some people will leave a note or track the owner down, others take off. Boats and docks are on public water, I think the same etiquette applies IMO.
  18. That's a great Cooks bay Pike! way to go.
  19. I respect your point of view, but I refuse to let a few haphazard anglers ruin my quality time on the water fishing what I love to fish. I fish docks and boats and will contiune to do so. I am confident in my ablitly to do it safely and with respect for the owners and thier property. If someone starts with the "lip service" I just ignore them and continue on my way. There is some satisfaction in it for me actually, as its the only time I actually can ignore someone "yipping" at me as I don't have to wake up beside them the next day.
  20. Agreed! This arguement has been beat to death. There has to be respect for each on both sides of the shoreline, of course there will always be rude folks on both sides. There is no excuse for snagging someones boat interior and especailly leaving it. Put the rod down and take up golf.
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