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Everything posted by BUSTER

  1. NO-NO by all means keep errr going!!! I'll never remember half of this for the xmas party small talk anyway
  2. I started this thread so i can read the many posts and maybe get more familar with this topic. mission complete.
  3. heavy wet snow/rain -1 in guelph
  4. are you taking custom orders? fine eye you have.. I really like the birch patterns most.
  5. Oh just wait , the crap is comming down the pipe faster than you think, he's had multiple affairs with many women, one story he was seen heading into his hotel room with a blond and brunette!! ahhrrrr... go get 'em tiger!! they now even have phone messages of him calling these girls and all kinds of goodies, email,text, girls names in his phone!! best part is him tring to cover up for hs wife...or wait no it's his wife beating him with a golf club now thats priceless... next we'll here about the size of his putter!! on a side note poor kids....na wait they can afford counselling with all the child support he'll pay..
  6. trade for your old motor? lol
  7. I'd go out for some beers with ya's but iam in bed early up early mon-fri.. you should go see the guelph/kitchner game tho.
  8. Best wishes for a speedy well sedated recovery!
  9. I worked for union gas all it did was protect the lazy, and make you lazy, "how dare you work harder than bob who's being here 25 years"..."your making him look bad" ,"ease up!, slow down alittle., take the long way back to the shop,easy man thats a 2 man job its over 50lbs, i've heard all these at work,how about coffee at 230 quit time is at 4 but leave the coffee shop at 325 and take the long way back to the shop,park the van circle check pick nose, go inside burn the clock till 4 with small talk...etc how about the inco boys sleeping have their shift? and many more stories too, explain that fishingwire,dont forget i have immediate family in your shoes, they'll be more than happy to come on here and back up the inco boys stories including my father a 30 year vet in the mine, not to mention your retartded 6 figure salary and ubber fat nickle bonus, but thats for another thread, unions protect the weak period. how about the many autoworkers who had only grade 10 making boat loads of money, now out of work,cant ever find a job that paid that well and frankly niether will you. isin't that why some people are crossing the line going back to work? they'll never find a job that pay's better than whats offered anyway... greedy,and selfish union workers....lets not go into bus drivers going on strike...ahhhhhhhhhhh
  10. I like the live target lures also, but have nowhere near the collection you have.. sweet
  11. now since your off ...go fishing and post a report!!!
  12. Born and raised in the inco city pal, many many friends and many family members are all on strike, your only one opinion.
  13. reminds me of VALE boy did those boys teach inco a lesson, still in strike since june! lol
  14. nice shooting! got 2 this friday and 1 saturday, I love bush chickens!
  15. Iam going to bass pro friday , i guess ill add those to my list.
  16. I heard it on stern, wow,, but if you think about it , great marketing ploy
  17. sooo , who's got the inside on this new top secret 2010 yamaha outboard? maybe this guy can shed some light on us??????
  18. ya ya ANVIL but slayer is comming in 2 weeks!!!!!! cant wait!
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