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Everything posted by BUSTER

  1. stern ahollic here!!!!, then the wrap up show, then the repeat, then i hit channel 28 jay ellis 3-7pm , i sometimes get the signal issue on my boom box, i find the gear is cheap, or made cheap anyways the suction cup mount for the window broke so i just use the boom box 24/7 in the car . I have the 09 caliber. It has the 110v plug in the middle console. OH GOOD FOR YOU
  2. i like the my name is sue song! for the record i live off free wi-fi so wouldnt the I.P be from who i steal it from?
  3. I heard this story, 4th time now, same set-up.. but the guys we're white no masks either. wouldnt happen in texas! even grandma's pak'n
  4. you wanted too~ as for made up names , it was something like they'll sent you a letter and you attach a copy of your I.D showing your address. something like that, not sure about the enforcement, but that dont matter. or i'd be mr snifalotagas some discussions can get really heated ,even if your not being a smart azztroid, it could be something you really believe in and some other folk dont agree, also some folks can be very vindictive and draw your face on a dart board so to say, eg of some hot topics are..... say the lake trout buddy caught and kept, the big lk. ont fish, loads of people didnt like that... pictures of out of season fish...those can be hot topics! love those...he he the how should i hold a fish was a good one....vertical... no horizontal...no vertical....no horizontal ahh the memories.. right down to should the anthem be played at schools.. no yes, no,yes. you unpatriotic PR...bla bla bla and so on. auto industry, religion. etc this being an open PUBLIC forum , some people may really not want their real names first and last posted on the internet in fear of that ONE freak who'll hang you from the pine tree by your bottom lip, cause you dont think it matters if you hold a fish vertical? as an open public free forum on the internet shouldn't it be our right to not show our full first and last name? what about google? wont your name show up if you do a name search? I just think it'll be way too easy for some nut like me to find you if you pizz me off! again jokes..
  5. hate to post a picture an out of season fish, with my real name there! jokes thats first a last they want posted.
  6. Another forum I view from time to time has now switched to real names only? NO more nicknames. Iam was just wondering what many of you may think of such an idea for a open public forum? Should we be forced to use real names only? oh and GCD ya ya ya i know ......there's another forum out there comment, no need to say it now! cheers all
  7. oh really? then how can a transport tow 100,000lbs the load weights WAY more than the tow vehicle? dodge diesel can tow 16000lbs? isnt that way more than the vehicle?


    No different then wild TV , re-runs
  9. ahhh ha ha ha , looks like you had a heck of a time!!! thanks for posting.
  10. CONGRATS! As long as it comes in red! We need pics!
  11. It's not the rain , it's them darn thunderbolts!!!
  12. I got up a 4am to head out, be on the water by 530....rain,rain,rain,rain in guelph ruined my plans.... ill have to try later this afternoon.
  13. maps are availible at the gate, when the water is low its like a river so there is a channel thats deep and many shallow flats when its high. cast around the islands, or fish where the other's are fishing!! lol
  14. pike , walleye, bass,catfish,perch sit and fish for pike , slow troll at dusk for walleye, boat rentals are availible 60bucks for 1/2 day.
  15. your idiotic remarks never cease to amaze me
  16. Some nice hogs there! congrats on getting the skunk off that sweet boat.
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