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Everything posted by BUSTER

  1. http://www.vancouver2010.com/olympic-snowb...bw490100aj.html
  2. WOMENS SNOWBOARD Ya go canada go.. :
  3. shhhhhh,,,we won a silver today,shhhhh
  4. LOL So how long whould we keep the secret? Maybe you wont have time to watch untill tommorow night, so say 24hr is that a good enough buffer before we talk about canada getting a medal? Next thread Ill make sure you have to click the topic to find out if we won or not just for the one's who pvr
  5. Kristina groves of ottawa-bronze womens 3000m http://www.vancouver2010.com/olympic-speed...30101t7-Xc.html
  6. Great to hear!! glad nipissing is still rocking
  7. Sorry to hear mike, if there is anything we can do to help let us know.
  8. Not too late to join the army? just saying.
  9. Holy crap people... someone told me they blew their dogs head off at a friends farm thats all, i was just asking if anyone here know if that was legal, if you dont know then why bother responding? only asked here because i wasnt able to find anything on the net.. this can be closed and removed.
  10. You guys have it all wrong.. This is a question being asked if it's legal or not This isnt a thread about if you'd do it or not..if its right or if it's wrong, not a question of if you have the money or dont want to spend the money etc..... the discussion is if someone was to do this would it be legal? thats all folks nothing more. If you asked your neighbour how old rufus is doing and he said that he had to bring him to the farm and put him down, is that legal? nothing more than that people.
  11. Yes yes, some wont and some have, BUT is it legal? Lets try to keep I would and I wont out of this because thats another can of worms...
  12. Thank you sir, reading it now....for the next hour or so ...lol
  13. Question .....and just a question that a few of us were having a discussion about... Is it legal to put your own dog down on the farm via firearm of significant caliber in ONTARIO ONLY? Iam talking about an old hound dog who's day has come .not some young pup because you dont want it any more. the Vet wants close to $300.00 to Euthanize not looking for your opinion, only wanting to know if its legal?
  14. This is what iam asking does it have to have fridge,heater,water tanks etc installed in order to get plates? i'd be happy with a couple seats and matress on the floor , build it up over time..or does it have to have a working toilet in it? Whats the minimun to get plates and insurance?
  15. lol so you'll take 3 grand! and how's yours wayne for off road's? this bus is international 7.3 diesel with hydaulic brakes safety included 290,000k
  16. I have a chance at a school bus in fair shape, apparently all you have to do is remove to school bus stickers and paint it other than yellow,remove most of the seats and anyone with a G can drive it? Has anyone one done this? Iam more interested in insurance,MTO,registration and such..whats required? Lots of different answers on the internet, does anyone really know? THANKS
  17. I look forward to reading your wolf story post again in 2 wk's for now....
  18. Irishfield why not post your trip with your friend and your plane on your web site with a link(click here) so we all have to go to you site to read your fly in fishinig adventure? and then do it again in 2 wk's,same thing.
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