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Everything posted by BUSTER

  1. I'm with solo...honda CRV, 4cyl,4x4,4dr. I had the head ski edition with leather was a lot more roomy then it looks! full time AWD is awesome in the snow and cheap on gas. rear seats flip down , I've slept in it..often think about getting another one for a winter vehicle. you have to check the valve clearance,valve seat wears closing the gap and change the rear end fluid or it'll squeal while turning, other than that great little SUV
  2. Measure and Record Ice Depth Quickly and Accurately with the IceTec8 Precision Ice Measurement Tool from PrecIce Technology Inc. What? you dont have one of these?
  3. I cant disagree with trying to make a ski-doo more green, but shouldn't we really be more concerned about the billions of liters of Jet fuel burnt over our heads? Seems nobody talks about that... Just sayin.. poor Santa has to breath that crap in..
  4. Happy Birthday
  5. I'am sure if it was a Cat you'd have on issue with it they make great muskie bait i hear. ....well ! thats what i heard i also heard its hard to get them 3 feet below the surface too. those are your comments mercman.....
  6. within 5 secs I seen a 5" auger? not sure how far you'd travel..
  7. or look threw these ad's http://ontario.kijiji.ca/f-ice-auger-Classifieds-W0QQKeywordZiceQ20augerQQisSearchFormZtrue
  8. better than not fishing
  9. AND NOW ITS BLUES TIME http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DEcvRno5fks&feature=player_embedded
  10. Same here but I spent the little extra on the Helly Hanson Alpha one pc $375.00 OUT THE DOOR and he let me do it in two payments so the wife wouldn't notice!! R.I.P gery, kingsway sports tackle, guelph
  12. Nice report! As if the water is that calm...
  13. Back to chat around 630pm see ya then
  14. Iam in
  15. I dont think it was that great of a fight, props to koscheck for standing 5 rounds with GSP ,,,before you knock koscheck you try that,however Gsp sat back and played Defence,Gsp couldnt hold KOS down on the mat,couldn knock him out, and no attemps really to submit him well not for long anyway.. And GSP made the biggest mistake by not going in for the kill...wonder why? He must be somewhat affraid of Koscheck...Ive read comments like he kicked his butt, total dominance etc...I say it was fairly even fight... Neither fighter had a great performance it was a JAB festival..GSP did not impress me.
  16. GSP WINS
  17. Time to find out last chance to vote
  18. its good to get out of the house helps with OFC cabin fever , couple deals but not many.
  19. Inside job.
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GHkucr1jJpQ&NR=1&feature=fvwp for Big Dan here on the forum, enjoy those tickets
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