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Everything posted by c10

  1. lol, I meant two separate trips, one to each one of my friends, that could have been specified more legibly, my bad!... It was a rather poorly worded sentence, but come-on I know they are not particularly close to each other lol I know N.B has safe ice now, but it was during the middle of the warm spell here in the south - I know hut operators are reporting 4"+ of ice on Nipissing, I suppose my worry came from whether that was going to stay that way or not
  2. Has anyone else had bad luck with Power Pro Ice Microfilament line twisting? Wont even come off the spool properly before i have ti untwist it all... lol

  3. c10

    Found One

    wow, pretty amazing looking thing eh
  4. Just personal preference, I like the control and that they are easier to store in the boats personally, but I also use a couple over 8'consistently and have never had an issue with either of the before mentioned. That being said, I would move to medium light before I moved up in length, just a thought I suppose.
  5. You guys really hit the head of the nail there, I know guys have said it before me, but it isn't worth falling through the ice and possibly drowning for a fish or two, even the best day ever means nothing if you can't tell your friends and family about it! Stay safe, bring the right safety equipment and always go out with another person. I know I am preaching to the choir... just agreeing you guys i suppose lol
  6. Yes, that is what I am hoping as well!
  7. Lake Muskoka is not frozen yet though if that is the lake you were planning on hitting says my buddy in Bracebridge. Sent you a PM
  8. Yea thanks for the update Ciceri! lots can change with a couple cold nights!
  9. Really? My buddy North of there has said they don't have much ice anywhere at the moment since the warm spell - hopefully the cold temps mean more area's get that good black ice! This is a picture from East of Kinmount a few days ago... bigger lake though to be fair...
  10. I don't like one piece rods, for the price if I break a tip I want to be able to replace just the tip not the whole thing, just my opinion though. As Tomcat said rod selection is pretty subjective. That being said, i got my buddy to get the 2 piece St. Croix Eyecon and it is a sweet rod. I use 2500's for all my jigging rods, the older models mind you, but I never thought they were too big or too small for that matter, I think the St. Croix Eyecon-Stradic is a sweet combo and I would be shocked if you weren't happy with it at the end of the day.
  11. ahaha that is adorable, She looks so happy as well! lol Nice to see the next generation out and involved!
  12. Same, was hoping to get up to my buddies by Bracebridge and North Bay...hopefully it wont be sketchy for long!
  13. We really could! last year at this time we were on the ice already!
  14. c10

    Got a few today.

  15. The Zambronie!
  16. My family watches it as well, good show! nice to see some Canadian boys on T.V for once lol
  17. Awesome! gotta love the colors eh!
  18. Well that's up for debate, I talked to a fisheries biologist prof who did a guest lecture here not long ago and he said all of that size of fish to ratio of good and bad eggs for walleye stuff is bull, none of their studies have shown anything to suggest that walleye eggs are less fertile as they get older. He said because the bigger ones lay more eggs it is likely that more eggs go unfertilized because of the satellite spawning, ie. some just don't get fertilized in natural spawning areas because the semen doesn't get to the egg in time and whatnot. So I don't know, just passing on what I was told...
  19. You're right and I agree with you wholeheartedly on this one. many if not most lasting problems arise from people not challenging morals and whatever else. I think that's why posts like these are important, you may have opened a can of worms as you said lol, but I'd say it's been pretty respectful and has brought up some interesting thoughts from both sides.
  20. I am very envious of you guys! My buddy and I are waiting for the semester to end so we can get out up north! Why does it feel like exams are taking so long! ahahaha Glad to see you guys got out safely and everything!
  21. Well it always the driver at the end of the day, can't argue that Joey! But I am sure many people made the same argument about seatbelts! lol
  22. After using winter tires I think they should be mandatory, I can tell when its snowing out who has them and who doesn't. but like some of the other guys said. Where will it end then? Do I need to have a government sticker to validate my mandatory winter tires annually after? lol (reminds me of that South Park episode on the TSA- toilet safety administration one lol) Interesting though, I would like to see the Quebec stats though, maybe the amount of accidents has dropped drastically. I mean if it comes down to safety, at the end of the day if it saves lives I am in hands down. Well no, but I know so many people who got their license in the summer, then totaled their cars their first winter because they were stupid, I think its an interesting idea Brian. but maybe you should be required to have a minimum I.Q instead? ahahaha
  23. Keeping a fish fishing is legal. I'm not sure this was legal after all the traffic violations though, nor would I really call it fishing lol. Funny lol, I keep a pike every once and a while and most people can't or can barely tell the difference when my dad and I clean them up with walleye. Maybe it was just the size that made it rubbery?
  24. Aha that's pretty cool! I have never come across anything like that, but I have found some older lures, most were my dads from when he was young though I think.
  25. Thanks for the report! All this talk has given me the itch to get out! Tight lines! Chris.
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