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Everything posted by fatherof3

  1. great report and some awesome pics as well
  2. I was given photoshop elements yesterday at a family get together so now I have something else to play around with.Here are a few more pics shot with my new camera.
  3. great report and time spent together,congrats
  4. great report and congrats on another good outing
  5. wow,great read and awesome pics.Those ones close to the water are amazing,thanks for sharing
  6. thanks guys and ya Brandon,forget that rule of thirds from time to time,lol.
  7. fatherof3

    Old Barn

    missed that one,great shot
  8. So after reading thehuge manual for my new camera I decided to go out and try it out.I did not fool around too much with the settings on the camera yet as there are a lot.So I went at sunset and took almost 200 pics.I tried taking some pics in raw format as well as normal.I was also using the 3 shot feature on the camera which I must say is a great feature.Anyway,here are 3 shots for now. The 1st is 1 in a series of 3 right from the camera. The second is a series of 3 using photomatix. The last one is a raw version that I worked on using the software that came with the camera. These are only quick ones for now.I will be reading more on the program and start trying out the features as I go.
  9. great recap and congrats on some nice fish
  10. Merry Christmas and have a great trip.
  11. fatherof3

    new toy

    Well,all the pictures I have been taking and posting on here were all done with a cheap Kodak Easyshare 6mp camera.I have been hinting for a long time that I wanted a better camera and today,christmas came early.I have now upgraded to a Pentax K100D SLR camera that came with an 18-55mm lens!Just a slight upgrade.All the reviews I read on it said it was a good entry level and a good price.If I can figure out how to use it I will try to have some pics to share.Just thought I would share my good news.
  12. good report and congrats on the pb
  13. nice recap,congrats on some nice fish
  14. just got back from a walk and the snow is starting to come down harder mixed with ice pellets so take it easy today
  15. great maps,better than the ones from the weather network
  16. nice recap of your year with some nice fish.Give me a shout sometime if you want to explore out here and will try to get you on fish this time,lol.
  17. nice shots,like the 4th one with the footprints
  18. nice report with some great scenery shots
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