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Everything posted by fatherof3

  1. fatherof3

    Snow Ride

    looks like a fun time.I like the second picture a lot. You have a fair amount of snow up there I see.
  2. some nice ones,congrats
  3. great report and congrats on the fish,look forward to part 2
  4. congrats on getting into some
  5. congrats on going out and getting one more
  6. great report,will miss them and have a safe trip back.
  7. another great report and nice fish,congrats
  8. that is one smart bird,lol
  9. great report and pics,will miss your reports as they are always a good read
  10. good job and nice fish
  11. great report and pics/video,that is what it is all about
  12. great shots Brandon,almost looks like you went into the water on the second one.
  13. Thanks Deano,I really like the way ice and water look together.Those pics were from a little stream maybe 1/2 foot wide but had lots of ice around it.
  14. ya,I love that pic,good job Deano
  15. great report and awesome pics,congrats on the fish
  16. Here is a couple more.
  17. thanks guys
  18. lol,nice report too bad you had a rough go.
  19. Went for a walk and ended up taking 200 pictures.Needless to say it will keep me busy but here are a few. Thought these last two were kind of cool as you could see the ring very easily with sunglasses on. Anyway,back to seeing what else I got today.
  20. thanks guys,will be trying again today so will see what I can get
  21. good report and congrats on your new ride,glad it all worked out.
  22. great shots Deano.The ones on flicker are pretty cool,really like the snowy creek one.
  23. that is a really cool pic,too bad about the spots
  24. Took this one early in the morning.Again,tried using nine shots. I am not sure if I even like this one as I am not crazy about how the snow looks.It seems too blue to me.I am going to try working on it some more and any suggestions good or bad are welcome.Oh ya,with the well and the stairs should it be off centre even more or does this look ok kind of centered between them?Below is the full shot I am working from so I have room to play with this.Let me know.
  25. welcome to the board
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