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Everything posted by fatherof3

  1. nice report,the ice shots are pretty cool
  2. that looks way better,think I got it figured out now.Thanks Dan,I hate wires in my pics,lol.
  3. some pretty nice shots,like the last one
  4. sounds like a good time,look forward to pics
  5. Here is one I took this morning after walking the kids to school. I tried using 8 shots this time just to see how it would turn out.I was wondering though what an easy way to get rid of the wires would be.I tried the clone tool in paint shop which works to a degree but I would be doing it forever.Any hints would be great.
  6. pretty much the same here too,be safe everyone.
  7. good report and congrats on your first
  8. Took a drive along Whitemans Creek today taking pics.Most of the colour is gone and was overcast.Here are three.
  9. another great report and pics,congrats on the fish
  10. wow,great report full of memories and good luck in the future.
  11. happy birthday to both of you,have a great day
  12. fatherof3

    Church pic

    very nice shot Deano
  13. some nice shots,like the last one
  14. another great shot,can't wait to try snow pics
  15. great report and some nice fish,congrats
  16. great report and congrats on a fun weekend
  17. Here is one more from Sunday.
  18. that is a pretty cool shot.The snow does look like a feather.
  19. thanks Deano.Yeah, 5 bad discs in my lower back kinda hurts.By the way I checked out your pics on flicker and there are some great ones there.
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