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Everything posted by fatherof3

  1. great report and congrats on getting your stuff back
  2. great report and pics,looks like an amazing place to go.
  3. that last shot is amazing
  4. congrats on your boat,looks good
  5. congrats on a couple nice ones
  6. sounds like a great day,look forward to pics
  7. fatherof3

    one more

    Was going through the shots I took on Friday thinking I had seen them all when I found this one that I thought looked cool.
  8. thanks guys,starting to feel better but really drained.
  9. sorry to hear that but sounds like you did the right thing for him.
  10. Went for a walk yesterday morning as the clouds looked great,not the best idea.I had been feeling a little sick but by the time my walk was done I was wishing to be put out of my misery.I ended up sleeping for about 18 hours without eating,not good.I feel better today so finally got around to putting this up.I liked the way the clouds looked with the sun lighting up the fields.Anyway, here is my pic.
  11. great shots.like the last one the best.
  12. those are some great shots
  13. great read full of memories,thanks for sharing
  14. that sucks,you can only do so much but if they want something badly enough they will get in.
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