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Tarzan's Jane

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Everything posted by Tarzan's Jane

  1. Love to see a son enjoy time with his Mom......looks like you had a fun and inspiring day....your Mom is some special. Great post
  2. That is disgusting...reminds me of a time that I was heating up a frozen lunch here at work, I think made by Michelinas....a woman was watching me and proceeded to tell me about a friend of hers who found the head of a snake. I no longer eat stuff like that. As for Survivor - absolutely love that show my all time favourite contestant >Rupert<
  3. Those are so nice....I still believe in Santa.
  4. 90 years young! You will certainly be feeling lonely and lonesome for him. You know he misses you too and will be waiting to show you the best spots on that glorious other side. My thoughts are with you as I do know that we never stop missing those that have gone on ahead of us. And because of my own experience with losing one so young - you bet that rainbow was from him to you.
  5. Great stuff! I began feeling a bit light headed just reading about the drinks And not a bad little camera you have there - nice pics.
  6. I too own a Jetta 2003 TDI and although I am not able to give you any advice concerning who and how will reimburse you....I have some good news. Presently my Jetta is at the dealership having both front fenders replaced for free! There is a re-call on the fenders something to do with something that has caused something to rust. haha Sorry...I am not a mechanic but I was approved to have them replaced. Also....there is a re-call for the sun-roofs....I noticed that the floor on the drivers side was wet. Spoke to my mechanic about it who informed me that he believed there was a re-call on that as well. I just had mine fixed - for free. I placed a call to the dealership and provided my VIN # and was given the ok. Hope you get some good news soon.
  7. Years ago I had my brother living with me. I was looking after an infant for an acquaintance. They came the next day to get their little one. I went out for a bit. Came back home and my television was gone. The left over baby formula was emptied into a different container. I knew right away who took my television - they did. The nerve after I looked after their little one for free. So I called the police. An officer came, I told him the story and we drove to their home and confronted them. They denied taking my television. The officer and I went back to the cruiser, I convinced him to get the guy to open his garage. I was sure my television was there. He did, and it was not there. The officer took me back home and as we are pulling up to my residence I see my brother taking a television out of a car. He had borrowed the television to take to a friends house. He needed the container that the formula was in to make some kind of drink. I had something to do. And so walked the 30 minutes back to the people that I had just accused. Said my apologies and walked away feeling like a total twit. Huge learning lesson that day.
  8. Wish I lived closer.....you were my first For anyone who may be thinking of it - do it, Dave is a great guy and knows a lot of [i]spots[/i
  9. Awesome for you Bassman - sure hope you get that boat!
  10. Excellent News....I just voted. She is no longer in the top 10, but ya never know what can happen after the above takes place.
  11. Welcome Rod Caster....I too enjoy reading the locked threads - some very colouful members,great debates and good info too. Enjoy your time here.
  12. Nola is really sweet....I so feel for you. A friend of mine had to put down her cat - 16 year old cat - now that cat use to love chasing butterflies. When my friend returned home after putting her cat down at the vet, her backyard was full of butterflies! She gets quite chocked up when she tells the story - darn special if you ask me. Thinking of you...
  13. She can now afford weekly trips to the salon - the old man is gone and the money is all hers baby!
  14. Heard this morning that Environment Canada is now putting out weather reports for up coming 3 month intervals and apparently we are in for nice weather - warmer than normal - works for me
  15. Me like. Me would buy too.
  16. And sometimes it is just okay to say this place sucks. You are mourning a loss - no time limit given there. I still experience the loss of a friend from 39 years ago and I tell myself to get over it - you never get over it. And therefore sometimes it is necessary to have that shoulder heaving, snot runny nose of a darn good cry. And be nice to yourself just as you would be to anyone else you knew who was feeling tender. All the best,
  17. I just voted again....have done so every other day or so...but now....I just do not see the point. Clearly something is definitely amiss. But to write an essay about The Almighty, and then carry on like some of them are (gross amount of votes)....definitely leaves a bad taste. I wish your daughter much success. This is just the beginning of many occassions of whip lash that she will encounter in life - truly sad. Discernment is a life long exercise.
  18. I knew you were all talk
  19. Being open about owning a gun is risky....I will tell you why. True story....very recent....told to me by my son who is a police officer. Father had acquired a gun, son was overheard speaking of it. Son was followed home. Son left home. Two men approached the home, knocked on door, mother answers door. Two men attack her. She is tied to a chair, beaten, they want the gun. Mom does not know where the gun is. They break her nose. Mom does not know where the gun is. They break one finger and wait. They break another finger and yet another. Mom does not know where the gun is. They pour gasoline on her. Neighbour notices suspicious car, places call to 911. Something got those two men to leave before lighting a match to her. Nice eh. They were arrested. She will never be the same. Be careful.
  20. Really!!!.....to not speak to the comments directed at you dumbfounds me. Anyway, I like bacon and eggs with toast, cold juice and no beans.
  21. A few life lessons here ..... A while back you had posted and I clicked on what I thought was going to be more about your fishing experience (I really do not recall exactly what your report was about) except that I was somewhat offended when I saw that I was brought to your business site. I thought it was rather sneaky of you. Re-read what Terry and Ron have pointed out....and give a little more here to others before trying to fill your own pockets. It certainly may not be what you intend but it does come across that way.
  22. Nice work for sure and not my favourite kinda of tree....but why not keep the wood for your own fireplace...just asking.
  23. That was a funny read....brought back memories....I hate the little suckers too. I think I can recall every encounter I have ever had with one. My favourite happened about 15 years ago. I was being interviewed to become a foster parent with CAS. It was a nice summer evening and we were outside sitting on the deck when I spotted one flying around. I was answering questions but keeping my eye on it and sure enough it just kept circling and getting closer. Then it flew right at me and I hit the deck....laid there flat on my belly apologizing to the gentleman and telling him that I hate bats. We went inside....I became a foster parent. I just get quite a kick out of hearing others tell the tale.... Good Luck. Is your wife out of bed yet....
  24. Nice....I agree with your wife - the awning needs to go - it just takes away from it, kinda like trailer park deco. Much rather see the wood.
  25. Uh Oh...wifey just got busted. lmao
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