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Badger Shark

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Everything posted by Badger Shark

  1. I have three tanks, a 72 g, and two 90 g reef tanks. To me the main culprit probably would be from overfeeding and the waste the fish are producing. I would get a larger filter. Try the large aquaclear it is really effective. Also if those are the fish you choose to keep I would consider a larger tank and keep the water cool for those fish. In all honesty I quit with fresh water because it is harder to maintain than my saltwater tanks believe it or not. I use natural filtration with 100lbs of live rock and 6 powerheads for circulation which is very important for any tank. You do not want dead spots in your tank. Food and waste will collect in these areas which can cause ammonia spikes which will stress and possibly kill your fish. Also someone mentioned to much direct sunlight, you dont want to have your tank in direct sunlight as you can get algae outbreaks. Hope you resolve the problem.
  2. Looks like it is going to be a rough one on Saturday. They have increased the wind forecast. Not sure if the reach will be fishable. We will be going out still but if it is to rough we will be in more sheltered areas. Should be an adventure, at least it isnt going to be freezing. Be careful out there. Don
  3. I hope its like last year and we will be out on the boat on Jan. 7 or later again. I HATE WINTER!
  4. Fishmaniac, I am sure we will see you at some point, just not sure where we will be, looks like a rough day on Saturday so take care everyone.
  5. Welcome to the board, there is a lot of great info here and helpful people. But you might as well change your name to " Cranks " from what I have read so far, it is what people will call you and it sort of rolls of the tongue.
  6. Hey Tracker, thats a pretty distinct description of a boat should not be hard to see. I will be out with Ey-Tracker in his boat on Saturday, not sure if I will head out in my boat when we come in but Sunday we will be out in mine. Good luck hope to see ya there. Don
  7. Hey Bear, I did say it was a pic from last year I am a member on a couple of boards and just would like to meet people. Really looking forward to my first trip there this weekend, and I will be going there as much as possible, I love the area and the chance at catching a trophy is a real possibility. See you guys there and good luck to everyone. Don
  8. I agree there are alot of repeating programs and it seems alot of the topics are about salmon fishing. I would like to see more topical fishing shows about what is hot at this time of year. Example would be walleye fishing heating up. In the winter ice fishing of course etc....
  9. When we camp we try to keep our cooking area as far away from our sleeping area and we seal our coolers tightly and raise into the trees as best we can. Doing this we have never had a problem. The main pests seem to be the coons.
  10. 62 views and no replies. Well if any of you show up there this weekend, it would be nice to meet some of you who are members. I am asking because I see alot of reports on here from guys who frequent Quinte. I look forward to this time of year, just something about catching those big girls.
  11. Hey everyone, just wondering if any of you will be in Quinte this weekend? I will be heading down on Friday night staying in Belleville, Saturday morning me and 2 of my buddies will be out with Eye-Tracker for the day. I recommend him to anyone who wants to learn about eye fishing, you will learn more in one outing with him than you could learn in a year or more. I have been out with him on two ocassions and always learn a tonne and catch fish. I am sure you guys will know his boat if you see it, say hi if you like. Sunday we will be out in my boat, I have an Alumacraft 16'7 with a 75 Merc optimax and if the weather is cold we will put up the homemade top, there will be three of us. Hope to meet some of you there. Don Here are a couple of pics from last year
  12. Lew I had the same problem all weekend, I thought it was my computer but every other site worked. It seems fine now though.
  13. Congrats on the Pb! I am still chasing the big pike, one day I will get her.
  14. Wow great report! My mother lived down there in Pass Christian Mississippi until hurrican Katrina destroyed it and everything she had. I remeber always looking forward to my anual trips down there. I always love to fish there from the shore and out at the rigs. Lots of redfish, little tunnie and many many other types of fish, always a good fight when you get a shark on. I really miss it there. We were last there this past winter and it looks like people are starting to get things going again but still alot of cleanup to do, many things still left the way they were when the Hurricane hit. Thanks for the report hope there are more, brings back memories! Don
  15. I hope you guys have a blast! When is this get together? I will be down there the weekend of Oct. 20th. It would be nice to meet some of you guys. If any of you happen to be there that weekend, Sat we will be out with Eye-Tracker in his boat, its not hard to spot, 18 foot black tracker walleye boat. And Sunday we will be out on my boat. I have an 16'7" Alumacraft with a 75 merc. optimax. I will also most likely have the new and improved homemade welfare top that we built for 120 bucks to keep us warm and dry, but only if it is cold. Say hello of you see us. And once again good luck! Don
  16. That is unfortunate. This is one of the reasons we will not book at Merlands again. We were supposed to have a cottage last year, we got one of the postage sized " motel rooms " and they charged my credit card an extra 50 bucks which I never got back. I could have pursued this but I just decided to forget it and stay other places. We will be staying in Belleville probably with it costing much less money. Ssorry if this is to negative but it was really unpleasant. And Kevin gave my buddy a hard time asa well when he asked him where he could buy a downrigger ball. Good luck to everyone and I am looking forward to your reports and we will be heading there the weekend of Oct.20th, we booked a day with Eye-Tracker on the Sat. and are going out on my boat Sun.
  17. Wow Cliff nice fish and really nice colours, congrats!
  18. I will never buy another Legend, I bought one two years ago and had nothing but problems, I am sure it was a "Friday afternoon special " . When I contacted the dealer they in turn tried to get a hold of legend and they never did reply to them. I sent an e-mail to the head of Legend and he only got back to me about a month after I had taken the boat back and bought an Alumacraft which is the best boat I have purchased and will only purchase in the future. I only had the legend for 2 months and it cost me 2 grand but at least I have a better quality boat. It is too bad because I wanted to support a Canadioan company. You get what you pay for I guess, but thats no excuse for poor service or rude service.
  19. Hey Blackbear , nice eyes for sure. We just got back from fishing the derby at Crotch Lake , I tied for third place with a fish I caught with five minutes to cutoff. Most of the eyes we got we just under slot but nice fish. We managed a few bass and a couple nice pike. We caught them with a mixture of trolling and jigging. I love this lake , its such a beautiful place and we just keep going back.
  20. Happy birthday Cliff, looks like you have been catching a few nice presents lately, keep up the good work.
  21. Hey Joco, good to see you will b e sharing your reports on here now. Have you explained your writing yet? Just kidding. I always look forward to your reports and your kayak is the ultimate. Don
  22. So thats the secret!
  23. Matt you really are hitting them this year. Is there something different this year? I dont remember seeing so many reports from you or others last year with the kind of success you are having this year. Is it because the water stayed cooler longer? Regardless you have caught some really beautiful skis so far this year and congrats again on finally getting the 50 in. you have been after. Hopefully we can get out soon. Take care Don
  24. When I got my first boat I was on the water every chance I could get. Now I am on my third and nicest boat yet and I love it. Being on the water is the one place where I am more patient and relaxed than any one I know. Back on shore its another story lol. I tried canoing but I just did not feel comfortable, maybe thats because I am 215lbs and my buddy I was with was about 275. Congrats on getting that and a really nice gesture from a fellow member. As always I am looking forward to your reports. This weekend I am finally getting back out after almost a month of not being out much at all. We are heading to Long Sault for the weekend. I hope we can find some fish. Take care Don
  25. Nice skis, we are very lucky here in Ottawa to have these monsters to fish. They are beautiful. Last year Muskymatt invited me out with him and he taught me alot in a day. We didnt get any but the next week I used what he taught me and got my first one. Thanks again Matt.
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