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Everything posted by kickingfrog

  1. There's a split personality or schizophrenia joke in there somewhere...
  2. Great stuff! Bernie's place is right by my uncle's. Man, I love that part of the Lake.
  3. Used to be improved clinch (not for braid though). Now I use the palomar knot most of the time. I can't remember the name of the knot I use for braid, it is recommended by the manufacturer.
  4. Just off the phone with my uncle, he lives on the South Shore. Water is high. The wind and waves the last 2 nights have made fishing difficult/ impossible. My cousin went out this morning but wasn't back yet. Things might be good for you next weekend.
  5. Great trip report! Looks like I need to find myself a bow paddler. Feel like divulging the lures of choice?
  6. Fair enough. I don't have the "outdoors" channels (must not have been during a commercial when my wife brought it up ) We do have a slick PVR that can tape 2 shows at once, as well as pausing 2 live tv channels at the same time, that makes sports viewing much more enjoyable. Not to mention this would have saved a lot of fights between my brother and I 25 years ago. I can tape all the fishin' shows I want and scan through to the money shots. I can watch four 30 minute shows in less than an hour.
  7. Tasty! I guess my invite got lost in the mail.
  8. Change the channel, or turn it off. Next "problem"?
  9. Right, legal and ethic are not always the same thing. I'll throw hypothetical situation out there: I go walleye fishing once a year to a lake/zone that has a 4 fish daily limit and 8 possession. I fish three days. I catch and keep 4 fish, 4 fish and 4 fish. I don't eat any of the 12 fish and bring them home to eat over the next several months. I am breaking the law by being over my possession limit. My friend who lives on the lake fishes every weekend (the lucky sod) and keeps 2 fish every time and eats them right away, over 100 fish during the season. Totally legal. He's legal, I'm not. Who made less of an impact on the fish stock? Are my ethics "better" than his? Who is right? Another situation: My mother only goes out once with me during my three days of fishing and keeps 5 walleye (she still can out fish me) to take home. Total fish removed from the system: Mom 5 -braking the law Me 12 - breaking the law My friend 100 plus - legal Again a hypothetical scenario for demonstrations only.
  10. Lots of other great photos on NASA's site: http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/imagegallery/iotd.html NASA image of shuttle against the sun:
  11. http://www.thebarrieexaminer.com/ArticleDi....aspx?e=1570549 Anglers pulled from the bay Posted 2:00pm May 15, 2009 Two fishermen were plucked by police from Kempenfelt Bay’s frigid waters Thursday after their boat capsized in rough conditions. Barrie city police said the men went out in their 16-foot bass boat at about 4:30 p.m. One lost his balance and went overboard. While trying to get back into the boat, a large wave hit the vessel and it took on water. The boat capsized and both men went into the drink. The police marine unit located the two and plucked them safely from the seven-degree-Celsius water. The boat was towed to a local marina. Police are reminding boaters the water is still cold, conditions can be rough at this time of year and that life jackets save lives.
  12. How do you put multiple quotes from different posters into one reply??? Anyway I'll try to respond as best as I can: No I didn't keep the fish, although I would have got some pictures that way. I don't love the taste of lake trout enough to bother most times. The lakes have good fishing and the ice-out timing was good as well, but one person fishing in a canoe in unpredictable winds is a big challenge. I have never had any close calls (I'd type that even if I thought my wife didn't read this). I have only seen a bear once in the park while paddling (more while driving) I have seen more moose than bears (still way more while driving). The raccoons are the biggest nuisance, they always sound like a bear a night too. lol. One time I got up at night to see what all the racket was and when I flashed my light up to the tree that my pack was hanging from to see a raccoon was hanging down headfirst from the tree limb trying to get into my foodbag. The darn thing looked at me and then went right back to trying to get my vittles. It took a couple a stick tosses to dissuade him to look for a meal elsewhere. Thievin' bandits. The biggest worry I have is getting to the park, lots of bozos on the road. The other big worry is night-time driving through the park and MOOSE. Bowinkle is hard to see. I try hard not to drive through the park at night.
  13. I am sure you smell something.... better check your livewell. Lots of empty seats in hokey town, you could get tickets and fish the river.
  14. The question was not what is better but what casts farther. Quality lines guides are now made to stand up to braid.
  15. I usually try not to hit the rocks when I'm casting my musky baits??? And despite what some of my fishing partners will tell you, I have never repeatedly cast onto the middle of someones driveway. Valid test.
  16. I have used glow in the dark jig heads, as well as glow in the dark power baits for nighttime walleye.
  17. Good thing you posted that photo Randy. I had envisioned the flames on the hull, not the engine cowling.
  18. Well with a four month old at home, fishing trips this year (and the next few) will be harder to arrange. But my wife was taking our son to the states for a weekend shopping trip so I was out the door before the details were firmed up. A early season solo trip The Park is one of my favourite traditions. A weekender is not my first choice but I'll take what I can get. I left early Friday and was due back Sunday. Lots of wind and a bit of rain. Rain is not a big deal, although it cuts down on the picture taking with the good camera. This trip was marred however by strong and gusting winds. Wind is a fact of life, and I can handle it solo in my canoe, but the gusting, swilling nature of the winds this trip was a giant pain in the butt. I made my way to my designated lake with the wind at my side most of the way and I was able to make some good time. The whole way there I was hoping the wind would die down so that I could do some fishing with some semblance of boat control. I had been on and fished this lake before but I had never camped on it. From my maps I had picked out a few probable sites, but first two the sites were less than ideal to land/ launch a canoe from. I finally decided on a site that was back in a small bay and out of the wind. Not a bad site but that big tree trunk in the water made landing a bit of a challenge. Too windy to fish, so I took a few photos of my site. This was a test shot so that I could check-out light levels and framing. The problem was it started to rain shortly after and I went to bed to read and let the rain drops put me to sleep. The morning was sunny so while my water boiled I took a few more photos. My food hanging from a tree. Only calm water, back bay, facing east and early in the am. After that the cameras went away because it was time to fish. The gusting winds soon returned. It is possible to fish solo from a canoe in windy conditions, but the swirling winds made it very difficult and picture taking was out of the question. Even fighting fish was a challenge because the winds would spin the canoe around as well as pushing me into the heavily treed and rocky shore. I got 2 lake trout before heading back to camp around mid afternoon. Blue and silver little Cleo's with a dimpled finish. No fish the rest of the day, and the spotty rain started after diner. Fished a little bit on Sunday (didn't get any) on my way out but it was a battle. I took this photo after one of the portages in a very protected back bay. Not one of my more memorable trips but it was still special because I was able to really envision a trip like this in the coming years with my son. Special. Thanks for taking the time to look.
  19. I would think that the actual weight of the line would be one of the key factors as well, friction being another (I'm thinking new "slick" braid vs old worn braid) Example: If a metre of .05mm braid weighs 2.5grams and a metre of .05mm mono weighs 2 grams. (Weights and widths for demonstration only) I would think, but don't know, that braid is heavier. No answers from me, just more info to discuss.
  20. Going by your avatar you have a least 4 outboards too many.... VW Jetta or not.
  21. A good reminder for very preventable events.
  22. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/sto...cialTravel/home Central casting Fish in New York City? Most people only see them on a menu. But as Paul Smith discovers, Gotham's waters are a fine place to meet a blue up close Article Comments PAUL SMITH From Wednesday's Globe and Mail May 13, 2009 at 11:28 AM EDT Fly fishing. The phrase conjures an image of free-flowing rivers and virgin forests. Snow-capped mountains framing anglers in western hats as they rhythmically present dry flies to wild trout. It's known as the "quiet sport." Now, imagine fishing with the Manhattan skyline as the backdrop, in salty ocean spray and big-city air. Fly angling in salt water has exploded on the mainstream sports fishing scene, with fishermen travelling from Christmas Island to Australia in search of exotic species. And, yes, to New York too. In these waters, you might expect to find only unfortunate fellows in concrete shoes - but at the right time of year, there is great striped-bass fishing in the shadows of the Statue of Liberty. Since first reading about it, I've been imagining long days fighting bonito and skipjack followed by dinner and a Broadway show. I've fished around the globe, but New York City was also on my list of dream destinations. And then an opportunity came up: I was heading to Belize, and I would be stuck in Newark, N.J., overnight. Here was my chance, a day to see New York and sample the local fishing. Enlarge Image Paul Smith chasing prey around the Statue of Liberty. (CHRIS HESSERT) I ended up staying for two. As I left Newport Marina in Jersey City on the Sweet Pea, the skyscrapers of lower Manhattan came into view. The sun was just peeking above the horizon, reflecting off the skyline. The city that never sleeps sure looked sleepy from a distance. I could hear none of the honking of horns or rush-hour bustle unfolding across the Hudson River. An intoxicating fishy smell hung in the morning air; I was in a twilight zone between wilderness and urbanity, with my angling senses on full alert amid the densest concentration of humans in North America. "Looks like a great morning for fishing," Captain Chris Hessert shouted over the thumping diesel. I snapped photos as we cruised down the Hudson, past the tip of Manhattan and on toward Governors and Liberty islands. The iconic lady held her torch high against the brightening sky. For a century, this was the first glimpse of America for millions of immigrants. My New York experience was feeling surreal. Capt. Chris interrupted my introspection: "We'll try here for a bass on the way back." For him, it was all in a day's work. We continued on in the wake of huge cargo ships. Past Brooklyn's waterfront and the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge, the bay opened up and an expanse of open ocean lay before us. Other small boats bobbed on the water with fishing rods pointed skyward: We were not alone. My fishing sixth sense awoke, having been suppressed by the endless brick, mortar and steel of the modern world. Now, we would fish. Past Coney Island, in the mouth of Rockaway Inlet, Capt. Chris spotted diving seabirds. We steamed toward them and, sure enough, flashes of silver-sided baitfish lit up the water's surface. Big patches of them; there would probably be bluefish feeding beneath. I cast a long line from the bow, just managing to drop my baitfish imitation of fur into the chaos of gorging and death. I stripped back line in short quick strokes, hoping to mimic an injured and vulnerable fish. Nothing. It's hardly ever that easy. But after 20 or 30 tries, my line went taut. Adrenalin coursed though my body, my first ever blue, and on a fly rod in the shadow of New York! The fish fought gallantly, and by the time it succumbed my arms were aching. Capt. Chris held my prize, taking care to avoid the blue's razor teeth as he removed my fly. This bluish-green torpedo of a fish is all predator, built for bursts of speed, from its broad forked tail to its lissome head. My blue was average in size, about five or six pounds. I admired my catch glistening in the morning sun before Capt. Chris released it, none the worse for its short encounter with humankind. Over the course of the morning, I hooked several more fish and soaked up all I could of the unfamiliar surroundings. Close to noon, we tried for a bass in front of the Statue of Liberty, but there were no takers. As tourists wandered around the Lady's feet, I smugly felt I was getting a real New York experience. And in a sense I was. New Yorkers always move about with purpose; absorbing the ambience is for outsiders. Later that evening, I dined on blackened salmon at Live Bait, a cozy theme restaurant right by the Flatiron Building. The guy at a nearby tackle shop, Urban Angler, had recommended it (after setting me up for some killer flies for my next destination). I asked the waiter about the fish mounts that lined the walls. Were any caught locally? The young waiter wasn't sure, but the man at the next table overheard and interjected: "That bluefin was taken two seasons ago, about half a mile off Coney Island." He was an angler, and anglers everywhere jump at the chance to chat fishing. He described an epic battle with a New York tuna. I told him about my passion for Atlantic salmon and my favourite river back home in Newfoundland. I sensed his wife was not impressed with the diversion to their dinner, so we exchanged e-mail addresses and left it at that. I finished my salmon while watching a never-ending stream of people and traffic on Fifth Avenue, and I chuckled to myself. My wife tells me I would find fish talk on the moon; New York City was a cinch. **** Pack your bags GETTING THERE Continental Airlines flies to Newark from several Canadian cities. Air Canada operates seven daily flights to Newark. WHERE TO STAY Courtyard Marriott Jersey City Newport 540 Washington Blvd.; (201) 626-6600. If you are going just for the fishing, this is a fine choice. It's just a five-minute walk from the Newport Marina. WHERE TO EAT Live Bait 14 East 23rd St., New York; 212-353-9100. WHERE TO FISH Manhattan Fly Newport Marina, Jersey City, N.J.; (917) 531-4783; http://www.manhattanfly.com. Charters from $576. WHEN TO GO There are bluefish around all year long. Striped bass show in May and June and from August to December. Bonito, false albacore and skipjack tuna are in season August through October; bluefin tuna run from September to December.
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