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Everything posted by mikeymikey

  1. Price in Canada is just too expensive. I checked the price from WalMart (US) and it was about $350USD. As low as $320. Even after the conversion it is still cheaper. Some of you must know a smaller local store in GTA who is selling for lower price,,, any one ?
  2. Yes, Whirlpool is great scenery.
  3. It's just a general guide on how to add your own custom map to garmin GPS. If you want to add new streets to your map, this would be the perfect way to do it. So many use for it. Thanks for sharing!!
  4. Oh nice,,, that is one beautiful fish you got there... Were you the only one who caught that nice/morning ?
  5. I remember back few years ago when I first started salmon fishing... I really didn't know anything other than casting lures from the pier. But what I also did from bronte creek was use a original floating raps F07. In one of those pools where salmons were in... all i did was let the rapala flow with the river and when i got near those pool, i just stop and let the lure swim with the current on a spot and salmon would most of times swim up and bite the lure. And due to slower river current lure doesn't dive much,,, so you'll see salmon head coming out the water.
  6. wow... that is one scary looking spinner
  7. Still wait for some pictures! Including that 40lb'er
  8. Do you guys also have a mount for the car? If so, which one do you recommend?
  9. Sure that is Port Hope? I don't remember seeing any sandy area... maybe i haven't looked all the places?
  10. Welcome back! Hows' the new job working out
  11. i still think that one should buy their own net, especially when pier fishing. Everybody has extra lures and lines, doesn't mean you should really be asking them to lend to you. Just a thought.
  12. OK... So after work today... I decided to visit the Credit again and hoping I'll hook into one this time. So I arrived there little bit after 9pm and there was a lot of vehicles parked. So I just parked my Porche and walked over to the water without my gears to see how many were fishing there. There actually wasn't too many people so I went back to my car to get my gears and as i was walking back to the water I noticed a MNR vehicle parked on the street. I was actually glad that MNR would visit here to check on the fishermen. As I get near the rocks, I see Conservation Officer had few rods on his hand and escorting about 4 people with him. I was happy because that meant more shoulder room for fishing Yeah so that was the exciting part of the night as I have casted for about 2 hours and once again did not hook into any fish. Oh well... there wasn't much jumping either. But atleast the weather was awesome~! There is always tomorrow and fishing will only get better! --- I've also visited the Humber River at the night of eclipse. That was one BEAUTIFUL night with super bright moon light. Seen several fish jumping around and such but again... no hook up. All I know is that... if i want to get away from crowd of fishermen I'll going to the Humber. (water is muddy flowing out from the river, so not sure what kinda lure I should use)
  13. Don't need to download and watch... You can stream it.
  14. Enjoy. http://www.realfishing.com/rf/tv/200510.wmv One thing... Bob did not catch any fish from shores. Oh well.
  15. any results from FULL BRIGHT MOON on Clear night? It was such a beautiful night~
  16. ... and the meat was sold on the market.
  17. I believe it's Tuesday.??? ot 100% I really do wonder how the fishes will react. mayeb i'll hook into salmon from pier non-stop
  18. I visited the mouth of credit river early in the morning around 4am to see what's up! When i got there, there were few fishermen already enjoying themselves. As I was setting up my gear gentlemen near by shout~ "FISH ON~". Definitely felt good to see that. Also, there as a lot more jumping and splashing than what I've seen from Bronte Pier. But after few hours of casting different types of lures,,, once again I did not hook into anything. I think I am going to try few more times at the Port Credit. and I should visit the mouth of humber river aswell,,, there's plenty of fish there too and way less fishermen. Hope to hear some reports from you'all. --
  19. Forget the catfish... Cast some spoons and hope that you'll hook into some salmons cruising around.
  20. All that not so much action was during 0500 - 0600 hours.
  21. Whatever it takes to be little different.
  22. I've fished the Bronte early this morning... Seen three fish lost... On fish landed on J13. Once the sun was fully out... I seen several bass cruising right by the breakwall.
  23. i think it should be ok? to try a fish under 10lb
  24. Just wondering where you people park your vehicle(s) at ? Is the parking lot by the beach side, where the boat launch is... is that lot free to park ?
  25. From the pier. Opposite side of the lighthouse... by the beach. I could see a lot of bait fish? around and small splash here and there... I am guessing there are few bass swimming around.
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