I plan to get myself a Garmin 60 CSX . Not sure if I should get Cx or CSx. Only difference is CSX has Electronic compass & barometric altimeter. That is the only difference.
DanC, Why 3x 1GB memory card? Can you not load all the maps to a larger memory card and use it same time? or is not possible?
I currently have a Garmin Street Pilot C320 and it is possible to load more than one compatible map on to the unit and either I can pick and choose which map to use or check all map to use all at once. Only thing is I get a menu asking which map I would like to use when I try to enter a new address/location to go.
Trick to load multiple map is to load it all together. Because when you load a map and later on load other type of map it will wipe out the any previous map in the memory card.
Because I was planning to get a 4GB memory card to dump everything in there.
Oh... 60 Cx/CSx feature is exactly same as 76 series other than that 76series floats on water.
But personally 60 series looks cooler