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Everything posted by mikeymikey

  1. Do either one of service have one time pay life time subscription? or does it have to be monthly?
  2. Wow, those are awesome looking fish. By the way,,, how do you read those fish finder screen ? I've always wondered.
  3. what is it between your legs that you had to blur it so much ?
  4. Awesome! Thank you for your tips and tricks!
  5. Well, it's fishing from the shores... so some what longer casts. Bait will be minnows & worms.
  6. What type of eye protection do you guys wear when fishing after sunset? (what color)?
  7. Hello. I would like to setup so that I have a weight on the bottom with hook+short leader above few feet. I did try using 3-way swivel but I would still get enough tangling of bait hooked leader tangling to the main line. Since line I am using is light line (4~6lb). Obviously this won't be a problem if I were using a thicker/stiffer line. Do you guys have tips and tricks for rigging up this kind of setup ? so I can have less-hassle time fishing? Thank you!
  8. Main camera operator for his show is lucky guy too. I believe he is actually one of OFC member. I am sure you've seen his home made fishing video (carp) long time ago here. I hope he still is the camera operator.
  9. I am planning to purchase a exact same unit. Have you asked gpscity to do some pricematching to lower the price? Also, have you noticed that their US site (gpscity.com) has lower price? There are a alot of exactly same items which have same price for US & CDN but some are several dollar higher for Canadians. Also, which mount(s) have you bought? If any. BTW... You must check out this link. http://www.geodude.nl/gps/modules/smartsec...em.php?itemid=2
  10. Husky Jerks if get sick of just sitting and waiting.
  11. how is the scenery? good fall colour there yet ?
  12. Awesome. Must been too much fun.
  13. One more question... Do these trouts, Steelhead, Rainbow & Browns... do these fish stage by the river mouth like salmon does and run up at certain condition? Or do these trouts just slowly & randomly come up the river? Could you just give me a quick info on it? Thank you.
  14. Well... all the major runs are done during our unusually warm?hot? end of summer. I have to say... I had the best time during end of Auguest & early September. I thought it was fall fishing but this year was more like end of summer!
  15. I just realized it. I thought it was a different forum. Ooops!
  16. Hello. I am just wondering if this is it for pier (river mouth) fishing for salmon? Can I still fish there for different types of trouts soon? now? or Should I pack up my pier casting gears away already? I really haven't fished at the pier as much as I wanted and time has already gone past. Any informations would be helpful. Thank you!
  17. Dont' know anyone who goes for a walk with a pitch pork. How does driving a specific car matters here ? Charge the rich? Let the poor go? Please keep us updated with the result.
  18. Oh wow... wish I could have seen the actual action on video too. Hope they can charged heavily! Wish there was a shot of them with a salmon visible and not covered by that white bucket plastic bag. Maybe some picture of pitch pork striking the water. Oh yes,,, that sure isn't a fishing rod. You can clear see some pork alike spear in one end.
  19. Question is... is it really nearly invisible in the water? especially after several usage ? can't say it really is. PowerPro is a lot more smoother in my opinion.
  20. Thank you so much for informations!
  21. Hello! I am wondering if there is a lot more pier fishing to be had ? I have only fished from the pier for salmon during it's staging and during it's main runs. Are there other type of fish that I can target from the pier followed by salmon fishing season ? Brown trouts? Steelhead? Do people still fish from the pier for these trouts? If so,,, which months of the year can I fish for them from the pier? Would I continue using the same lures I used for salmon ? I would appreciate some informations. Thank you!
  22. Very very nice! So that is what a quality slab is. From the first picture... first thing that got my eyes were your facial expression.
  23. Very nice. Is that a dead salmon floating behind you ? And yes, salmons do bite in the rivers too.
  24. Awesome catch. Yeah, it is very slow now. Also, everyone notice how low water level has got now ? I guess now would be a great time to check the structures on the river(s). I guess more salmon concentrated at the mouth ?
  25. Well... WalMart is Buffalo NY have 60CSx for $350 or so... even Dell.COM But Must make a order online and have it to be picked up at Walmart. btw... GPSCity dropped some price. 60Csx is $399 now www.pricegrabber.com
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