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Everything posted by mikeymikey

  1. whatever it is... maybe it can be used to kill those asian carps.
  2. that's a awesome musky
  3. what do you mean Mississauga ?
  4. I personally own Garmin 60CSx for everything and it is extreme good mapping handheld GPS unit. But I also recommend Garmin 76CSx which is exactly same as 60CSx in internal hardware and feature wise. Only difference is the exterior design and 76 series floats on water. I know there are few Garmin 60/76 users here and they will highly recommend this mapping handheld GPS. Radioworld is good place to shop if you would like to visit the place yourself in person but I personally recommend www.GPSCITY.ca They have excellent price and good service. They also shows a good price drop on 76CSx model.
  5. yes it is somewhat faster and it is my favorite web browser. but if you want faster browser,, you gotta use Opera.
  6. Thanks for the video. May I give you a tip ? Since you took some time to upload your video... why not use the YouTube? Not just any format but High Quality Video Format for Youtube. http://youtube.com/watch?v=VT11GGD7qlI
  7. Fishing isn't the only good thing about that location. It's also a great stretch of driving road too.
  8. I too think I should start leaving certain cards at home. Which cards can I keep a photo-copy of and use it as a valid ID when in case of emergency ? I am guessing SIN card? since it's just simple numbers? I have a health card with photo, in case of emergency... will it be possible to just give my health card # and get health care service from hospital ? (Providing that I do have my driver's license) I guess I don't really need to carry my Citizenship card (photo is like 10+years old anyways. Do I need to update my photo?)
  9. Thanks for that link. I sure gonna bookmark that link.
  10. No experience with electrical wiring. Nothing have been touched... it just started happening. Could it be a problem with the fuse? Wiring gone too old ? Should I pull out the switch cover and see if anything seems odd ?
  11. Hello. In case anyone can help me with my problem. Since several days ago I've been hearing some sort of a electrical buzzing noise (not too loud but still enough that you can hear it and annoy you) from both of the bathrooms. For additional informations... Light & Vent fan have seperate switches. Both bathrooms are using one of those florecent light bulbs. Even when I remove the bulbs and turn on the switch I can still hear the electrical buzzing. Anyone know what might be the problem ?
  12. so you pirated a garmin softwares. This thread should be deleted. Let see how long it takes for such thread to be deleted before a lot more people get on board with garmin program crack. If I pirated the softwares, I could have used that money to buy myself the highest end garmin gps.
  13. wow great, atleast you caught few. i've had only one follow, two swim & one small one hooked today. maybe i should pause more than 2 seconds between jerk. Question: are you using a leader? because i tried both wire and fluro (80lb) and it makes my lures sink. Even HJ13. slowly but still~
  14. Honda Civic, $50 to fill. Before... $35 Even more before $25 My wage sure hasn't doubled. Maybe I should quit my job and join the city.
  15. thank you (again).
  16. dsn, you can decrypt blurred images
  17. For those who like Nine Inch Nails You can officially download a DRM-Free album -The Slip http://theslip.nin.com/
  18. Uh oh, my background checked again... But it's ok, I've already been background checked by Transport Canada, RCMP & FBI. Anyways... yes I do agree with SNAP that we all practice discretion with important information until a level of trust is established. I've only joined different site which is taking different approach. Some people don't like change but I like change.
  19. Thanks for the topic. Good way to find out what type of attitude certain members have towards not just new but to other members with their favorite outdoor activity.
  20. Awesome!! Was that the only lure colour you've played with ? PS Thanks for not blurring out the background LOL
  21. What about those adding few of those tiny foams in roe bag to make it float? Would this be any different ? There are fake roe that floats too? Salmon can not be lined when float fishing? If a fish can't see or feel the line running through it's mouth it'll get hooked using any type of method right? Just because there is a roe bag at the end of the line mean you're fishing properly. I think it just means you're using more popular lure/bait. I am asking because I really don't know.
  22. i work at the airport and i have to say... there are many MANY people that takes TTC after midnight and many MANY people start work at 4AM~5AM starts. I also feel very sorry for many tourists that came to canada that evening. especially since they had no idea what was going on. I don't even know if there is even a GO bus after midnight or very early morning. my dad had to walk to work today. absolute lame for TTC to go on strike without that 48hour notice.
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