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Everything posted by mikeymikey

  1. Awesome pig. So it was you there eh? I was the one near there too, remember me?
  2. Yup Strike King Zero 3X last forever, it is the softest plastic bait, it stretch so much yet very tough that it won't snap and break. Sure what you get for what you pay is little high but it is difinitely one to atleast try once.
  3. I'll be tossing Skum Frog. -------- I have a question to those using Senko style plastics, what type of rod, reel & line do you use ?
  4. That is just awesome. it's more like a ship now.
  5. Hello. I am just wondering if anyone know any updated informations regarding dead carps at Lake Scugog. Also, are fishing bad for other type of species from entire lake? I am sure someone must have still fished the lake recently, no ?
  6. Sure this is a new video? and not a re-run? - welcome back with new? vid. One more, still haven't figured out how to cut the wind noise down?
  7. Have you seen any other boats on the water fishing? even with this mess ?
  8. who is cleaning them up ? and where are they dumping it to ? Any sign of these polluting/killing other species ?
  9. Hello. I am just wondering where you fishermen buy all your lures from ? I've always enjoyed panfishing with 2" Rapala but as you all know it is pricey! Really makes you scream when brand new lures breaks off before any fish. Just wondering if anyone know where I could get some kick ass deals? Online/Offline? -- If you shop on Ebay, do you have a specific seller you buy from? If so, could you share? Thank you!
  10. Hello there... Several days ago I went to Toronto Island and there was a lot of carps right at the top of the water just sitting in groups. Is it possible to catch those carps? Some sort of fly top water ? Heck even all the catfish I seen was swimming around topwater. -- Off the topic a little but... Whatever you do, avoid flying out from or connecting from Philadelphia airport. It is just nightmare there... that airport is the place to be if you want major delay for no reason.
  11. Hi... As I was just coming home from work I heard on 680News. Dead carps washing up on shores at Port Perry and unknown what the cause is. Anyone know anything?
  12. Hello all. For those with Ultra Light gear... I was wondering what type of fishing line would give me the best castability of micro size lures? (ex. 2" Rapala, etc...) I am currently using a P-Line 4lb on my 5'6" UL rod and can't really cast too far. Would a PowerPro 8lb (1lb mono diameter) cast better on UL gear? Thanks for reply.
  13. Hmm... I don't know anything, so don't ask me.
  14. i think it's time for Johnny Bass to get a new digital camera!?
  15. Maybe both Line1 & Line2 is on a single line. Which is possible. and TheSourceCC has a single plug which splits to Line1 & Line2. That could be it. But, maybe you should call 611 and ask first.
  16. Why don't you try the Toronto Island ?
  17. Thanks you!
  18. WOW! Awesome Pike !!! I am scare of dark.
  19. Not releasing gobies back to water is also recommended by the authorities too ? (basically, catch & kill)? Could you give me a quick info as to why goby should not go back to water? so just in case i have to explain to others that may be around me. Thanks.
  20. Anyone know some sites where one could download lake topo maps from the net? Some creative google search (utilizing google search parameters) can give some results but... I am looking for some ftp site or something. If you know any, please PM me. Thank you. Looking for a lake? PM me, I may just happen to have it.
  21. your cookies are proably set to auto delete daily I guess. Check your browser setting.
  22. hmm ... just like most of fish. btw... people say look for fresh weeds. but like i said before... lake is already full of weeds... does that mean fish anywhere? i am guessing not? sure buoy is good spot , i guess? but why is it a good spot? Obviously good because a lot of boats are surrounding that area.
  23. Isn't that a Scugog River?
  24. Well,,, weeds where everywhere already. Some parts on west side already had weeds to top of the water. While slowly moving along west side of shallow weedy water, I did see some what looked like a musky just sitting there and few bass swimming around. and I did fish around buoy, which is where I caught all my jumbo perch.
  25. I would like to know what is the point of usig 50lb PowerPro yet only use 12lb mono leader? Why not just use cheaper 12lb or so entirely?
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