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Everything posted by mikeymikey

  1. Sorry to leech off this topic but... Anyone know a store in US that have 60CSx in stock? Somewhere not too far from the border. I have been checking the price and they are atleast $100 cheaper there than here. But mostly online stores.
  2. Henry Ko... Since you are from Hamilton... Why not try out Port Dalhousie... I've heard it's a quality place to fish. http://maps.google.ca/?ie=UTF8&ll=43.2...p;z=17&om=1
  3. Awesome catch there... So... Musky vs Salmon... Which fights harder?
  4. Use the power of Google Earth to see if there are any piers near your choice of city ?
  5. Hello... I am just wondering if anyone here has one of these multi-million candle power spot/search light(s) ? If so, is there a way to modify it to make the battery last longer than it's limit of 30~45minute use ? Also, which brand/model do you have ?
  6. Oh wow... that thing really is a huge! Conratulations!
  7. you should fish from one point to the other. fish it all
  8. Very nice! Maybe I should revisit for some fall? bass fishing.
  9. I still enjoy the UFC from 1 ~ 10 or so the best. Totally different styles fighting. Love it.
  10. i would like to see one of them hook a salmon and makes a killer run and tangle up all the lines
  11. All I want to know is... Was the salmon able to pull your canoe?
  12. i've looked at few stores around north york and non of them has it. please share with us if you find some.
  13. hmm... more time to fish at the pier?
  14. maybe your spoon doesn't taste too good.
  15. Every since the past few rains, cooler weather, pier salmon fishing have been very slow. Is this normal or will there still be many good weeks to come? I actually had best time during past few weeks when temperature was lil higher than now.
  16. I don't think the color of the glow in dark cleo matters... as they all seems to glow in greenish color.
  17. Can we keep it to the topic please. Thank you.
  18. could someone explain the part about spiderwire? i am not able to visualize it.
  19. That is a good size fish you caught there... I really do like your mofified lures. Now your cheap lures are 2 cent more expensive. Just my 2 cent! or should I say your 2 cent. hehe
  20. I personally use a Camera Flash light used on those SLR cameras and they work great especially on those SuperGlow Lures. But Cleo itself doesn't have a quality glow which last too long. As for UV/Blacklight, it's not about flash a glow in dark but charging it for like 20~30minutes or so.
  21. Wow... all the times I've fish the mouth... I have seen maybe 1? who fished the way you have sighted but only when most of the crowds are gone. Other than that... everybody is casting spoons. Maybe you should come down and ask those 20 ~ 30 fishermen why they prefer to fish such way? Instead of just looking far from the vantage point. Just my thoughts.
  22. Congratulations! No more casting spoon(s) for you guys ?
  23. got sick? maybe
  24. Thanks for a quality tip.
  25. I personally use free photo storage from Flickr. It is very easy to use and nicely setup site. I highly recommend this over other sites.
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