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Everything posted by FloatnFly

  1. Yea, would have been on the small side, but depending on how it was fed, would still taste just as good as a full grown steer! inch and half is little thick for my preference, I like inch to inch and quarter, however, the thicker steaks do cook up a little easier
  2. TBH, we won't be able to come close to that price for lamb. it would around $6-$7/lb from us. However, since you're in Lindsay, give Little Britain Meat packers a call, who we buy our lamb from, they might be able to get you a better price buying direct from them. Its fresh Ontario lamb, and they have it all the time, we get an order every week from them. its some of the best lamb i've seen. Pork bellies, I'm not 100% sure of off the top of my head, just because we don't sell a whole lot of it, Im thinking its around 12.10/kg, I will find out 100% tomorrow for you though
  3. \ This, consider that the slaughter house buys from the farmer, and sells to butchers for a profit, then we have sell it for a profit as well, so you're paying 2 markups. however, $4.00 /lb isn't that great of a deal, we sell a side of beef for $4.19/lb, hind quarter for $4.69/lb, AAA grade, Ontario, grass fed, grain finished, free range, all the good stuff, custom cut, custom wrapped, and frozen
  4. Go from Tobermory to Manitoulin Island!
  5. Thats ummmmm......insane
  6. only complaint i've heard is that the Hemi motor really sucks the gas when compared with the ford.this is from people that drive fords as the daily vehical and drive dodges for work trucks. the one guy i know puts 70k a year on his daily driver! the blue oval is for me though!
  7. \ slow cooking is the way to go. when i do ribs on weekend, i turn one burner on low, put the ribs on the opposite side, and let em cook for 3 hours or less, when the meat pulls back from the ends of the bones about a quarter inch, they're done! going to smoking a pork butt tomorrow for pulled pork!
  8. we actually use the saying best before, not bad after at the store. if you're shocked now, wait til June, prices are on the rise again. we've already been prewarned by our suppliers. we currently have striploins on special at 29.80/kg reg price 33.04/kg groundbeef is 5.49/lb now, it was 2.29/lb when i first started for lean/extra lean and would go on sale for 1.19/lb at this rate, people aren't going to be able to afford to eat. a lot of it has to do with the american dollar right now, farmers are saying, oh, i can get 45,000 for my truck full of cattle by selling to a Canadian processor, or I can get 100,000 for that same truck load by selling to the US.
  9. no need to do that with blade steaks, they are awesome on their own. the blade comes after the prime rib, and its basically the poor mans prime rib, it has great marbling, and loose fibres, making it very very tender, and its why its used to make pulled beef sandwiches! also, $7.99 for a loin of beef is little pricey! we just had to raise our price to $6.39/lb that AAA aged minimum 21 days Ontario beef, no growth hormones added or antibiotics. Butchers secret! take the darker steaks, they have the most age on them. We had a customer buy a whole prime rib, but had us age it, he would take a steak a week off of it. it made it to 87 days old, reached its peak flavour at around 65 days
  10. Have you actually tried this? I'm a butcher of 15 years, and in my experience, salt dries it out too much causing the meat to be tougher, you want to keep all the juices in it that you can. Another tip for cooking any meat other than birds, leave it sit on your counter top for at least 2 hours prior to cooking, bringing it to room temp causes the the muscle fibres to relax and cook more evenly and be more tender and juicy. You can also pick up a pack of Frenchs Marinade for $1.50, just add water, or any other liquid you want, let the meat sit in it for an hour or so. When it comes to meats, you truly do get what you pay for. Try to buy AAA or better, pick out a steak or roast with good marbling, don't pick out the leanest piece in the counter. Animal fats are natural fats and are actually good for you and for your joints. There's a reason why prime rib is more tender than sirloin, and its because of that marbling.
  11. to keep the heat, store it upside down
  12. Apparently Target or the liquidator, is over pricing the stock so that you are actually paying regular price when you get the 30% off. someone at the Oshawa Target found a higher price sticker over top of the original price sticker, when brought up to the manager they were told to leave their purchases there and get out of the store.
  13. It all boils down to awareness, kids these days are not aware of their surroundings. look at the kids walking to school, most of them have their eyes focused on a cell phone or ipod, more self awareness means a safer product on the ice, yes, you can have a successful product without checking ie Womens hockey, but checking belongs in the game
  14. or stop at a timmies and use their free wifi get a tablet, and pick up a solar charger for it just in case
  15. The guy that runs the fish ladder is furious, especially since he was told by the town last year that they wouldn't run it that late again dollar signs before natural resources......
  16. Once again, this event is schedualed for April 18th, One week before opening weekend when the fish will be on the redds..........awesome
  17. great place! apparently seeing this guy is rare. only problem i had was the raging head ache afterward due to bent glass everywhere and magnification from it.
  18. theres a chinese place that used to pick up rotting bones from bone bins to make their soups with......they were caught by the meat manager who told them if they want bones, tell him, and he'll save them in the cooler
  19. That is a pretty heavy load on the network, i know with mine, its only 5mb/s for now, upgrading to 60 on Sunday, but when my cell phone is updating apps, I can not use the internet as the available bandwidth is too little
  20. i just wish they would ship to the store for pickup, but they won't
  21. means cold waters once again, unless this summer is outlandishly hot, they won't warm up above 65F we actually had a good spring last year, think you're thinking of 2013, but heres the 2014 monthly weather for Toronto https://weatherspark.com/history/28448/2014/Toronto-Ontario-Canada
  22. spending time with the family, restocking and tying new flies for the soft water season, when you think about it, we've only had this month with snow and freezing temps, considering last winter started in November and ended sometime in March
  23. thats quite a handful to handle, my best advice, go drill a hole, sit down with a rod in hand, and collect yourself
  24. thats a fair weather truck for sure!
  25. new rod can never ever be paired with a new reel, new reel goes on an old rod, and old reel goes on a new rod, the older one has to teach the new one how to catch fish. i have only paired a new reel on a new rod once, and it took a year to catch a fish on that setup, took it up to my dads cottage, drifting over weed beds, using the exact same setup, same baits, same colours, same depth, in the same boat i was the only one who didn't catch a fish,every one else got their limit!
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