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Everything posted by JohnAB

  1. The fault is Lebaron's. Their staff. When someone phones the person answering if they cannot help should always attempt to forward you to someone who can. Joey called, was told info and then acted on that information all in good faith, she has an expectation, rightfully so, of the same good faith back from Lebarons.
  2. Season is not open here other than the stocked trout ponds which I may hit this afternoon.
  3. Ford F 250 gas job. Scares $150 to fill it up when empty. Seriously thinking of selling my fifth wheel trailer and the truck and going with a Chevy Colorado with the 4 cylinder 5 speed and tent for fishing from now on.
  4. Go with a 16 footer if it will fit your criteria for storage and towing. Extra 2 feet may not seem like much, but it is!
  5. Geesh, dealers fault, does he not have a boat in stock he can let you use for the weekend?
  6. Nice looking baits for sure!
  7. Quick question memart, are you pulling the boat with the Grand Am? Just curious is all.
  8. I just purchased the exact same motor on my boat. Owners manual says to mix the first tank at 50:1 and not to operate the motor at constant speeds or wide open for more than 2 minutes for the first hour. As my boat has a built in tank as well, I premixed in a 5 gallon jerry can a 50:1 mixture (basically 500 ml's of oil to 5 gallons) and ran that alnog with the oil injection to break it in. Did it that way as one tank can be a 5 gallon tank as not all boats have built in fuel tanks. Sure made a smoke show when the engine first fired up at the launch! Same procedure on my new snowmobile motor and it has got 2000 kms on it now with out a problem. PS. Nice boat by the way.
  9. JohnAB


    You said his confidence was destroyed. Have you asked him as much? Have you any proof of such? And Guy isn't going to win the Jack Adams huh? You got this from where? Seems to me most hockey analysts who know what they are talking about are saying Guy is the front runner. Know for sure it won't be Babcock. And if it is so physical why are the Habs getting all those shots, seems to be they should be running scared and doing nothing. Ever hear of a hot goalie?
  10. JohnAB


    Didn't have a chance against whoever they faced in the second round????? Montreal has outshot and outplayed them bigtime. Biron has stood on his head, plain and simple. 3-2 score doesnot indicate destroyed. And yes Price is 20 years old and I am sure his confidence is fine. He is playing in a sports market with unbelievable pressure to succeed and has done very well for himself. He has absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. As for the actions of Guy. I think I would go with what he did, after all he is a coach and Jack Adam's award finallist versus you, who is?????
  11. JohnAB


    Biron is standing on his head. No shame in losing to a goalie playing like that. As for Price, Carb's move was a good one. Halak played the final period of the game before. You put Price in last night and he would be terrified that if he lets in any goal the hook will be out and then you destroy his confidence. Babcock pulled Hasek, guess his confidence is gone now for good. Might as well retire for good. Same for Kiprisoff. Dallas and Pittsburgh in the final for sure.
  12. Sweet boat for sure. Enjoy!
  13. 2002 Chev Cavalier 2.2 l 4 cylinder, get around 35 to 38 mpg combined. As for Tybo's diesel, that is 31 mpg and I know alot of people who own diesels and they get no where that kind of mileage. 15 to 24 mpg is the best I have ever heard for a diesel other than the old 6.2l Chevy diesel.
  14. Very nice. Gonna serve the purpose very well for sure.
  15. Very nice boat. Gotta love the bowmount trolling motor as well.
  16. holdfast, easy to see why you praise Don Cherry. Never let the facts get in the way of being a good racist.
  17. Bigcliff, that is an awesome good deed you did!
  18. Beaut of a boat. Looks like good times will be had by all in it.
  19. Well picked up my new fishing boat last week. Bought a Crestliner 1600 SC from the dealer in Edmonton. Price was good or at least I think so ($13500 plus GST) which included everything to go boating (4 life jackets, anchor, travel tarp, safety equipment, paddles etc). Boat came with a 50 HP Merc 2 stroke which I plan to upgrade next year to a 75 hp Optimax. Just didn't have enuff pennies this year to do it. Also came with a wireless Motorguide bow mount motor. Anyways, here is a pic of it resting comfortably in the shop waiting for open water.
  20. Everyone in Alberta I think is anxiously awaiting the opening of the Calgary BPS store here. Looks like a August, early fall opening. Cannot wait to go and check it out myself.
  21. holdfast, have seen a bunch of big pike come out of Murray, nice to know they are still there. Any word on walleyes there this winter?
  22. Good day all, Know everyone here likes the fishing pics so here is one of myself (fat guy driving boat) and friend Mike at Pigeon Lake Alberta which is approximately 1.5 hours south of Edmonton. Lake is catch and release only for walleye. Pigeon would rank as one of the top 2 or 3 walleye lakes in all of Alberta. Having fished the fine lakes of NW Ontario a lot, I would rank Pigeon up there with any of them for action on walleyes. Will warn you however, Mike did up the video/slideshow and his taste in music is not for everyone.
  23. I have bought two different styles of waterproof outerwear from Wal-Mart. First was a complete set of camo in saddlecloth. Bought new in 1996, still wear it today and nothing compares to it. Soft feel and can stand in the shower all day and not get wet. Cost about $200 total. Last year bought a set of Remington cloth pants and jacket. Cheap to buy at $120 on sale total. Works very well as well and well built. No problems at all. Have dropped $400 on a set of supposed waterproof camo from Natgear. Might as well wear nothing at all as the water just goes right thru it. Work supplies us with a fancy $500 set of goretex outerwear. Both sets I have had are not the best. Will leak a bit especially around the crotch. I have never had much luck with goretex.
  24. I have bought a fair bit on Ebay from vehicles to fishing tackle. If one searches there are deals to be had as long as S+H is not ridiculous. Have only had one problem ever and that was with a seller who acknowledged he received my payment but I never received the goods. At his doing we went thru the EBAY appeal process but as soon as I had him dead in the water he quit the appeal process and EBAY could have cared a less and let it go. Thank goodness it was only $20.
  25. Being very familiar with North Battleford and surrounding area I would say go for it. Driving highway 4 for that distance would be nothing in the winter as traffic would be light. In the summer, with the holiday crowd, it can get a bit busy but nothing compared to those doing a big city commute. The area you are moving too has awesome whitetail deer hunting if you are into that (have hunted there lots) and has an abundance of lakes to choose from to fish after work as you are aware. On the real estate side in NB, I think the market there will get even better in the next few years as they are now flying workers out of the airport there to Fort McMurray. Also, there is a lot of oil in Saskatchewan. Ask those in the know and they will tell you that the heavy oil deposits in Saskatchewan rival or exceed those found in Alberta just that it is more expensive to get it out of the ground due to the shield and rock. You would probably know more than this than I, but rumours floating around last year there stated that Syncrude or Suncor was buying up a lot of property north of NB around Meota, Edam etc. I know the value of our cabin on Murray Lake north of NB sure has gone up in the past few years. My dad bought our lot with small cabin on it for $500 back in 1952. Over the years he probably put $30000 into the cabin, new garage, boathouse/bunkhouse etc and now if we were to sell it, we would easily get $450000 for it as we have a double lot in a prime location right on the water.
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