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Everything posted by motion

  1. Blair, I picked up a bag of big hot dogs and 24 large hot dog buns from Costco for Saturday's lunch. I'll give you a call when we arrive in North Bay tomorrow afternoon. Hope you can get away for a bit to get in some late afternoon fishing. Got a couple of new lures for the derby and some "famous" small screwdrivers from Mercman (Paul) that I was asked to bring as well. Talk to you tomorrow. Tony
  2. Welcome aboard Jay. I'll be sure to say hello to you in person this weekend at the GTG. Cheers. motion (Tony)
  3. Now you tell me............thanks.
  4. Cleats........check. I'll just keep adding to the list. Let me know if you want us to bring anything special. I was thinking to grab some hot dogs and buns for the BBQ.
  5. My son (fishman2202) and I will be at the landing on Saturday morning to meet up with you at 8:00 AM. We will be in the black Ranger looking lost......... Cant wait to see all of you Saturday!
  6. Hey Blair, we are confirmed for the GTG! Please add my son (and fellow OFNer) fishman2202 to your list. He may be young, but he'll most likely kick some butt if he gets on to fish. Let me know what we can bring for the GTG. (PM sent) Looking forward to seeing all the gang on Saturday. Cheers!
  7. See Jacques, I told you all you need is butter! They look soooooooo good. Wish I could have been there with you to enjoy them.
  8. Nice job there Nick. You're right in that knurling is tough on the hands. I suggest you wrap some rubber tape around the handle. It will give you a good grip and provide some insulation from the cold DOM tube. Let me know if you need some. I may be coming up to the GTG and can bring you a roll. Tony
  9. Nice haul there Jacques! I can see that the weather helped to flash freeze the fish for you. I'm sure when you thaw them up in a little butter, they are going to be a nice tasty meal. Cheers.
  10. Make that +3 on the Mr. Buddy heater. Boss, are you walking or using a sled/ATV for travel? If your walking, use the one pounders as they are lighter than the 5 lb propane tank. BTW, I noticed that Pro has the Mr. Buddy heaters on for $99.99
  11. Hey Simon, looks like he's growing quicly. Can't say I didn't warn you. How's his tounge doing? Betcha he won't be liking cold axes for awhile
  12. Kelvin, I am saddened by your loss. I hope you can find the strength and courage to carry on.
  13. That's fantastic Nick. The world can use a few more like you guys. Keep up the good work, but I hope I never need your help out there My son and I are thinking of coming up to join you guys for the GTG. I hope we can make it so I can thank you in person! Tony
  14. Hey Blair, with all the minus temps predicted for the next two weeks, the ice should be good and thick for the GTG
  15. I'm in Lagoon City (Brechin, Ontario) and pay .639/liter with Budgit Propane. Hasn't been that cold this year but I have gone through over 600 liters so far this year. It isn't cheap but I'm sure it is a lot less than using electricity
  16. Wow Jacques, thats one beautiful cabin. Looks like you all had a great time. All the best to you and you family. That Melissa is growing up way too fast! Thanks for sharing.
  17. Good on you Bruce for helping out the little pooch. Molly looks like she is going to be a great walking companion. My Toby keeps me young. Merry Christmas and enjoy your new friend. Cheers!
  18. What a ham he is Joey! Enjoy the little guy. BTW, great shots.
  19. Thanks Dan!
  20. Does this mean that the minnows cannot be harvested and moved out of the area or that they cannot be harvested at all?
  21. Hey Terry, any idea where we can get them here in Canada? How about yours Dave, are they avaiable in Canada. I like the idea that you can leave either style out when reversing. Either style may work well on my air cooled Polaris. Thanks.
  22. Bruce, I don't know what to say.............I cant begin to imagine what you and your family must be going through. It must be devastating to have to make a decision like that, even though it was best for Peanut. I am tearing up writing this and reaching over shortly to hug my two guys.
  23. Lew, just watch out for them new Canadian $100 bills.......they're plastic. Cheers, Tony
  24. Thats why I pay for a 3-year card. I cant see myself giving up fishing in the next few years unless I'm six feet under.
  25. That is a wise decision Lew. Though I use Paypal to purchase goods over the net, I would never accept it as payment for goods sold. Here is the link right from Kijiji that gives you a few examples of the scams using Paypal out there: http://help.kijiji.net/ca/knowledgebase.php?article=85 Any look familiar?
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