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Everything posted by cityfisher

  1. Love my maui jims !! $$$$ but worth it
  2. for lakers / whities I love the braid to swivel to couple feet of flour lead.... hook sets are sweet WITH NO STRETCH
  3. lots of safer areas to fish on quinte.. i wont be heading to shermans this year... to sketchy for me
  4. ill be there tonight...should be interesting. .. there last show i saw at the ACC was OK at best.. he didnt sound great that forsure
  5. i only did it for 1 year..... liked it at times but felt like a zombie most of the time... NO MORE !
  6. I also watched it tonight great show
  7. great price...!! now you need snow... I also just bough a sled and hardly any snow within 2 hours of my place
  8. yup outskirts of richmond hill... not much farm left anywhere but on the land i have this guy seems to be scaring everything away.. only one pic of a doe during the same 2 weeks... and i was skunked for deer this year during the bow season on this property.
  9. put it out on one of my propertys for a couple week... not much other than this guy on there
  10. Love my underarmour... use it only on the coldest of days when i might be moving alot
  11. Monday Onward is a different story...rain and +7
  12. As some of you have noticed this mild winter is getting even more mild. +6 and TONES of rain in the forecase for Sunday monday and no Solid snow for a while ! Be careful if you decide to venture out on the ice!!
  13. I hear ya In your situation you got to get them in Bow Range.. which might be hard lol
  14. bust out the 270!! yotes are a problem BUT they make good hats:)
  15. Reminds of of years back when PERCH PALACE was open on Simcoe.... Complete Mess... run a lousy bussiness these days and you wont last... Internet is VERY powerful!
  16. i think the bowseason of oct.1 to dec.31st is plenty... certain areas the numbers are way down anyways
  17. ofcourse i bought a sled a month back and have used it once... no snow on simcoe!
  18. sweet report and good fishing ! congrats!
  19. I have both as of hhis year bought an old polaris sled to get out to back lakes up north and when the snow is deep. If u fish mostly southern lakes I'd get the atv if your up north sled!! On a side note this year looks like crap in the snow making dept
  20. Not sure anout jiffy but my new strikemaster auger says in bold red letters Do Not use syn oil!! And asks for 40 -1 ratio
  21. nice report! any machines out there?
  22. got a sled for ice fishing and used it for the first time on the weekend... damn there fast... i went like 90 kms an hour and i was like what the hell ! Then my bro calls me a wussy and goes 130 in it... Hes nuts... those things are missles!
  23. nice vid terry..ill be out on Sat to test out the sled
  24. no way is that area ever Safe... way too much current
  25. very impressive!! but a nice 2 man clam is good enough for me
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