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Everything posted by cityfisher

  1. i was in haliburton on the weekend and jumped off the quad for a pee and 10-15 yards away... good sized bruin staring at me, luckly i was 3 feet from my quad... started it up and the bear bolted away... phew!
  2. follow the groups and jiggg away!! just a matter of time before a big boy bends your rod...
  3. it was a disaster out there on Monday most boats ive ever seen throughout the whitie grounds, luckly my group got a ton of a fish. !!
  4. happened to me lastnight, i try to get to bed early.... 2am im still looking at the clock... o well should make my drive to the cottage this afternoon brutal
  5. Classic! We have had a couple tilts in haliburton over the years, the local ladies cant get enough of fresh meat and the hillbillies straight up hate everyone that they haven't seen before. Should be fun!
  6. You guys are both right BUT since most of my friends are city slickers and love going to bar/clubs, they think that possibly on saturday night of the trip some of them ( not me , ill be drinking by the fire ) would go to a local watering hole looking for ladies ( hopefully without a beard )
  7. Rented a cottage in July in Bancroft, are there any bars/places to go open at night? We used to rent a cottage in haliburton and would visit the Northwood but this cottage is well out of range.
  8. very nice lew! piece of heaven !
  9. +1 ive had some good days and some terrible ones... Drive slow and safe, not a place you go rip around on, unless you wanna go buy a new lower unit
  10. +1 So many lakes have quality bass population in the area. I could list another 10 more...
  11. nice fish! Cord snapping happens , easy fix , ive seen it once to my buddys sled, luckly we could tow him back to the cottage
  12. Nice catch!! I was there on Monday afternoon , weather was brutal , only landed 1 whitie , fished for 2 hours and called it a day
  13. good idea... need something like the bog
  14. the whole area was busy till about 4pm sat afternoon... very few boats around after that, at least where we were fising. no bigs in our group (4 guys-2 boats), couple 28 inchers were the biggest we got ... we did get 6-8 keepers for the fry on both days which was nice.
  15. Luckly we were taking our afternoon snooze when it hit....10 mins later it cleared up and hit the water !! Like glass out there.. too still for the eyes!
  16. Ill be out all weekend also. New lund predator or grey ranger bb. Hope the rain stays light !
  17. classic one of the pics shows the cops on a bridge with a sniper and a spotter .. Im sure the bear was ATTACKING them from 500 yards...
  18. slick ride, keep the updates coming
  19. I remember when i used to fish the opener,, fun at times,, usually just annoying... Good luck guys !! PLEASE CLEAN UP>>>> the rivers are dirty enough
  20. no joke my grandpa used to water his tomatoes with beer...once a week he would feed them beer and they would get HUGE . it actually worked but probably cost him a ton too.. he didnt care .. he loved huge tomatoes
  21. one dirtbag at a time!!
  22. Exactly... happend to me before, setup 30 decoys to have some morons setup infront of me... the shooting starte they left..... Why would fisherman setup infront of hunters? makes no sense...
  23. Nice pics! why was everyone at the pool? I stayed at NH Krystal a couple months back and the beach was jammed. I did notice the Melia side of the beach was a bit more windy.
  24. Congrats ! I noticed the motor says SALTWATER, Does that mean its good in both salt and fresh water? Sick boat !
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