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Everything posted by cityfisher

  1. wow nice tank lew !!
  2. Nice report!! Tell Cam Spiro says "whats up!" We hunted together last fall a couple times.
  3. awesome ride .. like my bros new Rig... Love your rod holder setup!
  4. +1 Algonquin
  5. sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!! good job
  6. Must be the cold Haliburton lakes need a little more time to get them going again... Smallies will keep me busy for now
  7. Congrats! I have thought about moving from GTA to a place like that but my wife would probably say " You crazy! If your going, your doing it alone!"
  8. Good points guys!.. never fished deeper than 15 feet.. .Ill try dragging a tube this weekend in deep water and see if i can find them.
  9. so many parks to choose from and WAYY easier/cottage than owning a cottage. Pick an area you like and im sure there will be manny parks to pick from... Look on kijji too!
  10. must have on anyboat...esp for the peeps that cant pull themselves back into the boat without one !
  11. Hey all, Spent the weekend fishing a lake in Haliburton for Bass. Last year we were catching a mixed bag of both Smallies/Largies. Over 3 days and 3 guys fishing, we landed 35 smallies. NO largies! Lots of spots where we caught largies last year didnt have anything on them OR they just had smallies. Water temps were 79 degrees by the time I left on Tuesday. Any thoughts on what could shut them down like that? or maybe there was a big die off?
  12. I got a 2013 Subaru Forestor back in Jan. Great ride, getting 9l/100 on mostly hwy driving. I used to have a WRX in 2004-2007... Great cars!
  13. My old family dog lived to be 19 years old on 95 percent table scraps..(Shitzu small dog)
  14. I bought my first 2 flueggers after manny years of straight shimano. My first one i brought with me to Cuba... It was seized by the time i returned... My fault.. I bought a nice sealed saltwater reel after that day. the 2nd one is great.. running strong.. but its only been a year.. we shall see. Sounds like slipping like the others have mentioned .. i always put some mono backing on my Braid setups
  15. Kenesis is hit and miss.. mostly miss... huge body of water... Def not the best lake in the area for fishing... for waterskiiing and jet skis maybe
  16. havent had a smoke since august ... It came to the point where i hated everything about it... Best thing ive done. Drinking? not likely unless it gets out of hand which is hasnt yet so i should be ok:)
  17. MItchelll has lots of smallish pike and some skis too.... Canal is similar .. both have excessive weed growth... Bring your weedless gear !
  18. Common sense is key... Ive slowed down on my Stealhead fishing over the past couple years(dont like the sharing pools with 5 guys) but in the past id take a quick pick then back in the water. Cant say everyone did that though lots are thrown on shore or carried around for a couple mins by their gills then thrown back in without proper revival.... education to our young anglers is key to the future!
  19. must of been a mini boat for them both to fall overboard .. or a canoe.. Reminds me of the day I saw a 100lb man and a 250lb women in a 10 ft dingy trying to go for walleye on quinte(electric motor).. i warned them that just because it was calm right now doesnt mean it will be all day.. quinte is known for harsh waters..they laughed at me. when i came back in from fishing they still werent back, i called the opp...they had capsized near shore and were stranded somewhere.. the helicopter spotted them and opp came to save them in the dark...they came back to shore and didnt say a word to US... too embarssed to thank someone for saving their lives .. lol
  20. hehe cute ! nice vid!
  21. spent lots of hours touring honey harbour.. lots of good size pike... Walleye? i have yet to see one EYE in the 100 hours ive fished it. +1 on the rocks +1 busiest place ever on the weekend... major reason i dont plan on going back...the channells are like the 401 for boats!
  22. Weird how noone can produce a good trail cam pic of one ..... Im sure there are a couple hunfred setup in the bancroft area alone. All i get on mine are .. deer... bear...turkeys..yotes.. but im setup in the cocyconk area.
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