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Angler management

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Everything posted by Angler management

  1. While on the topic, anybody know if i can set up my HB 898Hd si/di to work with an ice ducer? Its a new unit for me and im not very familiar with the new technology compatibilities. I wouldnt mind having a second unit to try as i've never used a graph to ice fish.
  2. Wouldnt trade my Marcum Showdown dual beam for anything in the world! Well... Perhaps the LX-7
  3. I would rather sign a petition to double the price or even triple those of a boat launch, if it would lower parking rates downtown by only $5. Sick of paying $15-20/day just to park for work. Doesnt bother me nearly as much when im heading out for fishing, and paying half that rate to use a launch, park my truck and trailer for the day and have a garbage can and outhouse... Doesnt feel nearly as much as robbery as Toronto where i cant find a lot to fit a pickup without paying $20+
  4. I wouldnt consider Hamilton GTA, but its just going to be another stadium over-run by the blue and white boys just like every other stadium within 500km. Lol
  5. Canadas population= 30million Usa population=300million Its kind of hard to compare the statistics between the two unless ofcourse youre multiplying the numbers.
  6. They should have to post a big sign stating ethanol. I think they do a good job misleading people into thinking its ethanol free!
  7. Thanks for that info! I looked into it on the Petro Canada website, and youre right! But i specifically remember the pump saying may contain up to 10% ethanol on every grade except ultra 94. I wonder if that was changed recently or maybe a change from sunoco/petro
  8. Ya my buddy caught a few wipers a little while back this year. I have pic of a 9lb wiper from the plant in pickering, i would post it if i could figure out photobucket...
  9. Thats what i was thinking... But i think they list gas stations that have regular and mid-grade gasoline without ethanol.
  10. Sail replaced my snapped Abu Villain over the counter and it was 2 months after the purchase with no receipt.... Gagnons also was willing to replace a snapped carrotstix e21, but didnt have the model i wanted. Offered me any other rod, or wait 3 weeks for replacement. I waited the three weeks and they sent me a spinning rod by mistake, so he gave me money back and i bought a worm/jig Cumara instead. He phoned me a couple weeks later and told me they finally received the right rod, and i took that as well. Lol
  11. I find ultra 94 the best fuel around. Highest octane levels in canada, and no ethanol. However its very expensive. I think 10-12 cents per liter more then regular.
  12. That is just amazing!! I cant believe i havent seen this video until now... I think it would only be right to have this pinned to the home page for all future OFC members to enjoy!
  13. Thats pretty out there but i still think its true! Lol
  14. Thats amazing! Once in a lifetime experience for sure!! Wish i could have saw that...
  15. Try lugging three 31 series batteries. Besides the fact you shouldnt have to do that regardless... Cant charge all three in one night with one charger. Glad to hear youre making out well tho!
  16. If i drove 5 hours towing a boat, and spent well over a thousand dollars for a fishing trip, i would be pretty ticked off not being able to charge my trolling motor batteries for next days outing. Especially if i booked a dock with power... Nevermind being given attitude and made feel like i was inconveniencing the lodge for my request. If you ask me, those are not little things to be bothered with considering its a "fishing lodge". One that a lot of people save up for one year or more in order to afford. Really cant see the other side of the coin on this one. Sorry...
  17. This time of year i do best when i locate deep water rock structure. Dropshots would be my go to rig.... And dont be surprised if you land a few eyes neither!
  18. Ya i confirmed it was wiper he caught, also near powerplant few weeks ago. He got a few, largest being just over 9lbs. I will be going to give it a try for sure!
  19. I saw very similar looking fish come out of lake Ontario, but im not familiar with the type of bass. Or could have been some variation of white bass/smallie. Friend showed me a pic a couple weeks ago of a 9lb fish that looked identical caught in GTA.
  20. I tend to have best luck in the fall at the north end of the lake focusing on the rocks. There are plenty of good spots and its going to take some time probably to locate the better ones. Ofcourse im only speaking of spots for smallies.
  21. Sounds like fishing... Its a shame but a lesson learned about fishing at a young age i guess. Last three times i managed to get out the weather was terrible and fishing was dead slow. Now that im at work its ideal! It sucks!!!
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