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Everything posted by bigbuck

  1. The Eagel FishMark 320 is a good unit for the price but, for $180, I don't think that there is a unit with the speed sensor. Pay extra for a good unit and save a few bux to buy the speed sensor later.
  2. If you do birdsnest it bad the when you are learning, cutting off cheap mono is no big deal @ a few bucks a spool, PowerPro and the like are $20/spool, hence, practice a bit with the cheap stuff and then put the good stuff on once you get the hang of it but for God's sake, make sure you practice a bit otherwise you'll drive yourself crazy once you hit the water.
  3. Use cheap mono to get the hang of your new baitcaster practicing in the backyard. Once you get the hang of it and plan on going fishing, then spool up with some braid.
  4. NICE!!! I've heard there are some biggun's up there, and now I've seen the evidence. Congrats!!
  5. NICE 'ski!! I guess the 'lil missus is gettin' the muskie bug!! Good for you!! At least when you grow old, the two of you will have something to do together.
  6. Yup, go to Canadian Tire, they test them for FREE (in the hopes that if you need a new one, you'll buy it from them). If one is bad, replace BOTH, otherwise you will run into the same problem. New Deep Cycles if maintained properly (always kept fully charged and topped off with DISTILLED water) should last anywhere from 5-10 years. I think it was Lew that just replaced his after 9 years and he replaced them not because they were bad but because of their age.
  7. Gotta be one of the best reports I've ever read! Awesome!!! Awesome!!! Did I mention that your trip looked like it was.........AWESOME!!!
  8. I'd give them a call and let them know that they owe you a lean adjustment knob, you may be running either too rich or too lean and that's why she doesn't like trolling or part throttle.
  9. Nice looking 'ski. Congrats on the PB!!
  10. Keeping the kids away from Nintendo and the web.............AWESOME!!! Great job on the Belle River chapter!!! Looks like all had a blast esp. the kids.
  11. Keep the kids outside and away from Nintendo and the web............AWESOME!!!
  12. Lew, what would you do with yourself if you gave up musky fishing???? Take up knitting...........LOL!! If I had caught as many 'skis as you i wouldn't bother either to photograph them unless it was a Monster!!!
  13. Nice pics, Kastoria (Kostur) is the area I'm from. It is definitely beautiful country there. It's been 20 years since I've been back to the land of my parents. Supposedly, there are some pretty big pike in Lake Kastoria along with trout, I'll have to check that out in a few years when my kids are old enough to go there. I still have some family in some of the villages but most were forced out because they were Macedonian. It's a long sad story and it is true, Macedonians (esp. from Northern Greece) and Greeks don't get along politically, but that said, some of my best friends are Greek and I grew up on the Danforth.
  14. Greece, where the men are men and the sheep are scared!!! OPA!
  15. Great report and I'll just bet that fish fry will be a huge hit!!! I'm green with envy!!!
  16. Matt, you get my cheque yet?? Come everyone, buy some tickets!! Big Jim is a really good guy, he's one of the most approachable fishing gurus out there and is willing to share his knowledge to anyone.
  17. I guess you caught yourselves a whole whack of fish!!! Awesome!!!
  18. NICE FISH Lew!!! she sure is purty!!! I hope all had a great time up at Lakair, maybe next year for me.
  19. NICE!!!
  20. You lucky buggers!! I'd give my eye teeth to be up at Lakair with you guys!!! Mind you, don't feel too bad for me, I'm off to play golf up at Bigwin Island today (work thing you understand).
  21. AWESOME!!! He's a cutie!!! Start him young, a rod in his hands from the time he's 6 months old and he'll kick KVD's butt on the Pro Bass circuit!!!
  22. Lew, call Brian at JB's, I know they sell the Walleye-1 (???) deep cycles, he might be able to hook you up.
  23. Lew, great report, especially the part about having daddy's day brekkie on the dock (BTW, it's the greatest day of the year). I hope you slay the toothy critters this year my friend.
  24. Nice boat, great wife, don't toss her back in, she's a keeper!!! Use the new boat in good health.
  25. A client who is in the process of getting divorced after 25+ years of marriage had 4 words of wisdom when it comes to marriage............BE TRUE TO YOURSELF. I wish you the best of luck but this sounds like it was doomed from the start, if the two of you did not have anything registered as joint, I don't know what to say.
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