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Everything posted by bigbuck

  1. I second the worm and Lindy rig, or a leech on a Lindy. 15+ feet of water should be your target.
  2. I would avoid 11 thru North Bay. Take the 400 up to 17 and stay on it the whole way from Sudbury to the Soo, up the Eastern shore of Superior (one of the most beautiful places in the world btw), around Marathon to Tunder Bay and up the rest of the way. No secondary roads to get lost on esp. if you are not familiar with the area. Make sure you follow the signs going thru the Soo, and you'll be fine. There's lots of places to stop along the way and it really is a beautiful drive. I'm going to miss it, my in-laws just sold the cottage on LOTW and have completed their move down to the Niagara Bench. Lots of great memories and tons of great fishing, the last night up there last year, the wife and I caught 30 walleye in less than an hour and a half on a gorgeous night, I guess the lake was saying goodbye to us.
  3. Wayne, My sincerest condolences on the loss of your mother. It has been a rough year for you but hang in there. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time. Take care of yourself and your family.
  4. West Marine in Midland has the charts, both the set of 5 that covers Port Severn to Parry Sound (I recommend that oneand I ahve both) for $35 I think and the big 1 pager (not as detailed) for $20odd. Don't mess around in GBay, there are so many shoals and rocks that it is really easy to damage both yourself and your boat. DO NOT GO OUT ON THE WATER WITHOUT A CHART!!!!!
  5. 350 sounds pretty good, esp. in the Muskoka region. You'll have tons of fun with the bass and pike up there. Good luck.
  6. The tax situation is a really important factor to look into. I grew up in the grocery business and have done just about everything there is to do in a grocery store from pushing buggies to being a butcher. Check everything out thoroughly before you make a decision. Get as much information as possible. If you know how to bone meat, I know someone who is always looking for 'boners' (don't laugh, these are th guys that make all the profit for a meat business) in Toronto if you are looking for a change and he pays well and takes care of his people.
  7. Your marina guy is definitely trying to sell you charts. I was checked by the OPP and MNR a few weeks ago and there was no mention of charts. Also, in the boaters course study material, there is no mention of having to have a chart on board. It's advisable to have the appropriate charts but not mandatory. Burn his butt, go to another guy and pick up one or two.
  8. Yup, F18 alright, I see the CF18's go to Downsview each summer for their annual refit a couple of times a year from my office at Yorkdale, they sure do shake the windows!!! As for the technology we have in our fishfinders, it's probably 30-40 year old military technology that has been released to the public with updated electronics. there is wicked stuff out there that is slowly making it's way to the consumer. BTW, thank Slick Billy Clinton for GPS, he was behind it's release for civilian use.
  9. Welcome!! Up that way, you could fish Penetang Harbour or you could head up north to Beausoleil Bay in between Beausoleil Island and Roberts Island but you would need a good map marking the rocks and shoals of which there are a lot, there are tons of props and lower ends sitting on the bottom of Georgian Bay.
  10. Drop in half of the can if the engine is not too bad, the whole thing if it runs like kaka.
  11. I'll second the Knipex cutters as being the best. Otherwise, get a decent pair of cutters from Canadian Tire for $20. It will be the best $20 you spent the first time you need to use them.
  12. I'd interview the dentist first. If the eyes light up when insurance is mentioned, go to another down the street. I've learned the hard way, in the past 6 years, I have had so many cavities drilled that it is not funny. Strange though, in the previous 32 years, I only had 4 cavities and in the year and a half since I changed dentists, I have had none. But with my previous dentist, I averaged 2-3 cavities per year. What I'm getting to is that there are some dental offices out there that are very 'aggressive' with their dentistry especially when you have coverage. My current dentist makes a good living and is not interested in taking new patients and doesn't call every couple of months to go in for a cleaning (max. 4/year with insurance). I go once a year for a cleaning and checkup and have had absolutely no problems with my teeth. To boot, he doesn't charge a dime over what the insurance company covers.
  13. And here I was thinking that it's a Tuna!! LOL!! Your buddy should study the back of the fishing regs book, it shows pics of the various sportfish here in Ontario and their identifying characteristics. Nice Northern, anywhere you fish, that is a nice one!!
  14. Congrats on the new to you boat!! I too had to compromise this year, I bought a 19ft Larson fish 'n ski earlier this year and love it!! It's comfy for the family and I can fish out of it comfortably.
  15. Contact the purchasing department of one of the big box stores, say RONA (trying to keep it Canadian) and ask for an appointment with one of their category managers. One thing though, you need to be able to have a great deal of supply and will need financing for that, I'd speak to my bank manager if I were you to start arrangements for a business loan or line of credit. The big box stores want all your ducks in line before they will even think about doing business with you. There is a lot involved, including the possibility of listing fees (you have to sometimes pay for the privelege of selling your product at stores). You may need the services of a broker. I know a lot of this because I spent my youth in the grocery business and understand it quite well.
  16. Wayne, our most sincerest condolences to you and your family. This is devastating news. Everyone, for God's sake, keep in close touch with your family, you don't know what is going to happen, life is too short to do battle with and hold grudges with close family members. I know that life is busy, with 2 young girls at home we don't have a lot of time to see everyone that we would like to but I make a point to pick up the phone and talk to relatives and friends. It only takes a minute to say hi.
  17. Cliff, go with a larger screen unit, they are soooo much easier to read!! Spend a couple of extra dollars, you won't regret that.
  18. Humminbird Side Imaging is the way to go if you are willing to spend the dough!!! I'm going that way next year!!
  19. Across from the Post office, uh-uh!! No way, there is an old unmaintained boat launch that I would not even think about. I'd give Village Marine a call and see how much they want, it's about a mile or 2 from South Bay and the guys there are great, it's a good concrete launch and you don't need to worry about damage from bad launches. Pull out from there and hang a right when you get to the main channel and you'll be in South Bay in no time. If you see me, say hi, I'll be fishing out of a 19ft Larson Fish 'n ski with a green top. Good fishing!!
  20. He was a weird one that's for sure, as for all of the rumours that he molested kids, remember one thing, he used to have a lot of money, lots of people out there would love to take advantage of that. Who knows for sure............ He was extremely talented and that is an understatement. Unfortunately, there was too much fame, too early and he got messed up. You'll be missed Mickey J!!
  21. Big hits for us that grew up in the 70's and the 80's, now I've heard that Harrison Ford's yacht sank off the southern coast of France and he's missing, jeez, Indy too.........
  22. Big hits for us that grew up in the 70's and the 80's, now I've heard that Harrison Ford's yacht sank off the southern coast of France and he's missing, jeez, Indy too.........
  23. I'll second U-Haul.I hope you don't plan on towing anything heavy.
  24. Yeah, I was at JB's yesterday when Steve got back, O U C H!!! I guess he doesn't want to mess around with the muskie stuff anytime soon. Hook removal depends on how you hook yourself, if it is really deep, get your butt to the emergency room. But remember, the hooks are for the fish, not the fisherman. The lures are for the fisherman, not the fish.
  25. Towing overweight is no fun!! You literally cannot stop your vehicle in a panic situation!! Look into renting a slip somewhere if you don't want to upgrade your tow vehicle, it will probably be cheaper that way. There are those who say go for it but I'll tell ya, I towed my boat which with the trailer weighs about 32-3300 lbs with my minivan which has a tow capacity of 3500lbs and it was not fun. The thing did not want to stop. When the boat comes out in the fall, I'll borrow my brother's big Yukon to tow it. Towing capacity is a maximum weight the vehicle can pull with a 150lb driver and absolutely nothing else. Having done some towing this year, I've come to respect the 2/3 rule, don't tow something that weighs more than 2/3 of your maximum tow capacity. I hate to be a killjoy but I've got to share the road with everyone else in a safe manner.
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