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Everything posted by bigbuck

  1. You can probably rule out Honey Harbour. The township is trying to close down the remaining campgrounds and is giving the owners a lot of static. Besides, I know our place only has serviced sites and we're full (only 10 trailer sites).
  2. U got it!! It's only 2 wires so pick the 2 you like most and use those. It is a very low voltage system used to start the central vac so that's why the wires are so thin.
  3. Why don't you try to get a job working as a mate on a charter boat for a season or two before you go and buy a boat. That way, you'll learn the ropes and things to look for when searching for fish. If the deal is right on the boat, go for it but don't think you'll get any return on your investment for a couple of years.
  4. Wind River stuff is pretty good quality so I would not be too worried about them. They should last you a long time and if they don't, take'em back.
  5. That's terrible news!!! Way too young to go. My thoughts and prayers are with Bernadette and the whole family.
  6. Put the biggest Yammie that will fit on the back of the boat. DON'T UNDERPOWER!!! What will end up happening is that you'll have 4 people on the boat and it won't want to plane.
  7. Remember, posession is 9/10ths of the law. Buy all of your toys and fishing stuff now so she can't say boo after that magic ring is on her finger, either that or have a healthy slush fund.
  8. I have really got to get around to getting my PAL and Hunter's Safety Courses.........
  9. It's a brine solution that they use. A lot less salt ends up being tossed onto the roads saving the environment and the taxpayers (supposedly).
  10. HAPPY B-DAY RICK!! You fartin' dust yet at your advanced age???
  11. I would have soiled myself coming up on the sandbar that fast and seeing 3fow. Congrats on the ski, I got skunked on Tuesday but I was fishing up by the Musquash River.
  12. That's too bad, I know a lot of guys on here carve on Chronzy but you know what, he opens peoples eyes to how simple fishing can be, he goes up North, and catches a ton of fish using a jig and a plastic minnow, no fancy baits, 30 rods/reels, etc... And he has a shore lunch, one of the most fun and enjoyable aspects of fishing in the boonies. I hope the big guy gets well soon.
  13. As for baitcasters, lube what you can easily get to, don't try to take them apart, there are waaayy too many little screws, springs and gizmos. Take it in every few years for a full cleaning and lube job and pay the $20-30 to do it.
  14. Another vote for Hot Sauce!!! As for grease, Hot Sauce Grease. I like it HOT! On my level wind worms, I put a bit of grease and work it around, on all the bearings, a dot of oil. It is much slicker than light machine oil and I find my reels perform much better.
  15. Oh I forgot to mention the 'Coffin'. Those poor guys were stuck in there!! Did Bruce Ward give you a hard time or was he in a good mood? Just kidding, he's a good guy and I've talked to him and the OPP guys on several occasions over at Picnic Island over an ice cream or a coffee. I razz them about the name of their patrol boat.
  16. NICE!!! You've got me beat for GBay muskie!! I've been skunked so far this year but I'm hoping to change that tomorrow. My boat's in the water till the weekend so I've got to finally catch one. I had 2 follows last week, I hope to convert the follows to catches.
  17. At least with these planned sinkings (blowing them up real good), everything that impacts the environment in a negative way gets pulled off of the ship, basically it's a steel hulk that gets sunk and makes a new reef for aquatic life. I watched that last night too and it was pretty cool watching the 20mm's peppering the ship, if anyone was aboard, they'd be in real trouble. It was actually kind of disturbing to see the first frigate have issues first with their gun then their missile battery, what if this were real, we'd have a ship on the bottom and a dead crew because of technical glitches, jammed guns and missiles that don't fire when they are supposed to.
  18. Pigeon or Upper Buckhorn, I'm not too sure what you'll find in your price range but good luck.
  19. Gotta love our Banking System!!! They 'hold' your money for a few more days than it actually takes to clear a cheque which is pretty quick these days since it's all electronic. Your money gets used by the bank to fund mortgages etc... on a day to day cash flow basis. Basically, they are making money off of yours during this time while you get nothing for it other than a headache trying to deal with them. My advice to you is to talk to the nearest bank manager, move the account over there with the understanding that cheques won't be held for an inordinate amount of time.
  20. IT'S A JOKE!!! The provincial gov't can't seem to figure out what they are going to do with these stops. I've been to one where just the restrooms were open and there were no restaurants or gas to be found. Thousands/month in lost revenue multiplied by how many stops??? This may sound like a crazy idea but invest a few dollars in these stops and we the taxpayer who ultimately own these places will actually turn a profit. Novel concept I'm sure for Mr. McGuinty's boneheads. To think, I actually voted for this guy the first time around. STOP THE BLEEDING!!! Engage in profitable ventures and we'll be ok.
  21. As far as I know boats over 10hp need to be insured, I could be wrong however. Needless to say though, I would get the insurance, at least liability because if anything ever does happen out on the water, I would not want to lose my house, savings, etc...
  22. Marc, great read. There COULD be a 70lb'er in GBay, you never know for sure. There have been 1 or 2 8ft tall human beings, pretty much freaks of nature, a monster musky cruising the depths at that size will probably never be seen but we don't know for sure that it does not exist.
  23. I'll second Starbrite Hull Cleaner, mix it 4 parts water to 1 part cleaner, spray on wait a few minutes, quick brushing, hose off. Good as new.
  24. You'll definitely need to register the boat and have liability insurance for it since it has a 75hp motor on it. Any boat with a motor larger than 10hp needs to be insured. That's why there are tons of 9.9's out there. As for fire theft, damgage, etc... that's up to you but for a 20odd year old boat, it'll only be a couple of hundred bucks a year.
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