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Everything posted by sturgman

  1. Thanks Rick. All of us know OFC Rocks!!
  2. And who's that dude on the cover?? He looks crazy enuff to be an OFC'er
  3. Thanks guys...Im not sure how I lost the other prop as I was only letting the dog out to run and have a pee on an island..When I pushed off and started the motor it wouldnt move. Lifted the motor and just about lost it!!! No rocks were hit that weekend, the prop was just not there.. The lost prop was an original to the motor so im unsure what the pitch was.. I purchased the prop new and it clearly stated on the box that it was rated for my motor with a 10 pitch so i bought it..Also, I was using fresh gasoline and the motor is always stored indoors during off season.. When I get back to the cottage I will maybe snap a few pics or even take the prop off and re-install it agin..
  4. Hello everyone.. I lost my propeller on lake biscotasi last year, just happenened to be at the farthest end of the lake away from my camping spot before sunset, yadda yadda, long story!! I purchased a new one last week and installed it to manufacturers specifications. The motor is a 1994 9.9 johnson and the pitch of the prop I purchased was a 10 pitch.. So i start the motor for the first time this season and it fires up effortlessly as usual. Slip it into gear and away I go..I noticed at half throttle the engine was revving higher than usual. After a few seconds maybe 10, the motor kicked in and the I could feel the boat glide into what I feel is normal full throttle behaviour. For the entire evening my baby performed poorly for me on start up as described but ran smoothly for me at full throttle.. Could this be something to do with an impropper pitch??
  5. I was thinking the same thing.. Is everyone who recieved this magazine an OOD subscriber?? I am!!
  6. I am not a professional painter by any means but I think if you are not sure of the paint you are covering, it is always safe to cover it with an oil base paint..
  7. Hope I can still hold a rod when I'm 93.. Good job Steve
  8. That Pike is a brute and I know you will never forget the feeling of holding it up for a few pics!! And releasing a trophy like that? PRICELESS!! Congrats
  9. Yahoo!! I wish I was you ! Thanks for taking the time to post your expiditions
  10. I'll second Wicksteed. Lots and lotsa rocks! Lots of Pickeral in the lake and some really decent campsites.
  11. Ahh thats easy!! Wendel Clark. Google "all heart" Almost named my first born after this guy! I still get goosebumps watching it
  12. Embarrassing? YES... Expected? Hell NO!! If I was a Canadians fan right now (this includes all the wagon jumpers) i would be very, very ashamed!! Les Habitants did have the bigger jump this evening for the last half of the game. The first half of this game was all Bruins. Good game non the less.. Good luck habs
  13. This young goalie is really smooth.. Post your vids if you have some young talent also.. Go Pens Go
  14. another one... This kid gives the goalie some major " how she goin"
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2y1oPJhpvxU...feature=related Looks like a leafs first line center in about 10 years. What a great move for a kid
  16. Is it still considered a "choke" when the team entering the playoffs stink?
  17. Been noticing the same thing tonight Gerritt. Seems the "good ol Hockey game" is long gone..............
  18. Either way a crappy call in overtime like that just burns my ass
  19. What ever happened to the unwritten rule in overtime , where you had to practically take a guys head off for a penalty.. The ref's won this game for Montreal.. That call in overtime was a freakin joke, and a disgrace to the game of hockey. 3 years ago= no penalty Montreal still sucks!!
  20. Sudden death.... Soon to be 3-2 Bruins I have 2 faveroite teams. The leafs and anyone who is playing Montreal. Go Bruins go!!
  21. I'm on the invite page (step 3) Can we invite people who are non OFC'rs?
  22. Good stuff, and thanks for helping a worthy cause out.. Cheers, sturgman
  23. I have two favorite teams in the NHL.. The leafs and any team that plays Montreal.
  24. Lew Franceschetti is awesome!
  25. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zgs5LSysGSo...feature=related I want my mullet back Awesome radio show, acoustic jammin... Dave Miniketti of Y&T
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