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Everything posted by sturgman

  1. And lets not forget Stan Jonathan of the Boston Bruins.. He could hit, score, and fight with the best of em.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6r24bUpHyo
  2. Ahhh thats easy!! Pound for pound there was only one.. The lil big man from Kelvington, Saskatchewan.. I still get goosebumps watchin this..Check this out!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EEltpSMTDPM
  3. http://www.oldpost.com/ Situated on the shores of Lake St.Joseph in the Pickle lake area.....Trophy Pike and 100-200 walleye days. Not to mention a first class establishment.. Check it out!!
  4. I'd be investing heavilly in Averys Jumla's. I havent caught a dumb fish in weeks!!
  5. Spoiled Bratts!! We have been good for a dozen frost evenings here in the last month.
  6. Great topwater action. Awesome pike. Thanks for sharin.. Cheers
  7. Hilarious! Suds up everyone...
  8. Although not a newbie, I first came here after seeing the OFC sing that TJ erected on hwy #17 many many years ago..
  9. Thank god for Musky Porn Mike the Pike!!
  10. I am making love to picture #4 as we speak Congrats on your first Musky ! Enjoy the addiction
  11. I can put you into an awesome backwoods lake with amazing Pike action, but be warned it is a rough walk in. P.m me if you are interested. Good Luck on Tomiko!!
  12. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, Hilarious!!
  13. www.oldpost.com a few hours north of Thunder bay located on the shores of Lake St.Joseph (pickle lake district) Monster Pike and countless pickeral. So many its almost boring.. John Grace is a great host and his staff is first class, as well as the accomodations.
  14. I just dont get it. Is there a rabitt in there somewhere? But seriously, awesome shot!!
  15. My sentiments exactly!! If you are careful enough while out in the bush, you shouldnt need too much other than Jack Daniels as others have mentioned..
  16. $.54 for me...
  17. Its great to smiles on the kids faces...Awesome pics!!
  18. Welcome to the board Almontefisher!!
  19. A French River Rattler perhaps?
  20. Hello Jeff, If you are looking for a no frills private cottage, I may be looking at renting my place for the month of September as it is a quieter time of the cottaging season. My cottage is located on the shores of Bain lake (15 mins. north of Sturgeon Falls) Here is a panoramic view of the place thanks to T.J.. Oh yeah btw.. Thanks T.J!! www.westnipissingouest.com/panorama0074.html
  21. I have a feeling that this arrangement could turn good/great friends into very quick enemies.
  22. Just a thought... I am experiencing the same problems as you with my 9.9 after installing a new propeller.. Maybe your prop pitch is incorrect as I have discovered mine is..
  23. A musky outing that can make even the best Musky angler drool... Congratulations on a great trip!!
  24. amazing pics Deano, you obviioussly have a great talent. The last picture of the park bench tweaks my curiousity...I believe all benches along the North Bay waterfront are memorials of loved ones lost. I think the bench you photographed is the one I promised the family to touchup and restain..My oh my the family would love this picture if it is the afformentioned bench. You didnt happen to read the name on the plaque did you?
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