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Everything posted by sturgman

  1. Thanks to the Musky hounds here I have learnt that trolling my 14ft tinny at anywhere from 4-6 mph just might catch me a fatty. I'll have to remember to take my toupey off on your boat.. Im not a guy thats into speed, but if that floats yur boat, pretty cool!
  2. Guess not. Looking forward to reporting on the trip when i get back next Sunday.. Cheers, sturgman
  3. Thanks for the awesome report. Looks like lil Ryan sure has the jigging technique down pat. What a nice weekend that must have been. My family and I are camping out (tents) on lake Biscotasing leaving Saturday mornin for a 7 day excursion. How much is the owner of the cottage asking? The only reason I ask is that my family has been pondering selling our family cottage in the Sturgeon Falls area with total privacy(and i mean total ) only minutes from the town :whistling I have no ides what the cottage is worth. Nice ta see the kiddies catch fishies.. Cheers!!
  4. Leaving Saturday mornin with the family to lake Bisco for well over a week and was hoping to talk to anyone who has ever been there before as i'm a Bisco newbie. We are launching from Bisco onto the main lake and wingin it for 7 days and im a little aprehensive about finding a camping spot on the lake that will hold 4 tents comfortablly. But like always it always works out. Guess im just looking for tips on catching pickeral the pike and maybe even a few lake trout ta boot. Does anyone have a map that they could send me? as im going in totally blind... Bags are packed, boats ready for launch and i'm pumped Cheers, sturgman
  5. Good stuff Phishy!! Welcome back and looking forward to your report..
  6. 10 lb Trilene..........I can pull Canada from the bottom of the lake to the boat with this stuff
  7. Yup, very interesting, thanks!! Heard some where that an asian carp was caught or netted in Lake Ontario. Any truth to that?
  8. Never had a problem with sorting through lumber at my local Rona store. As a matter of fact, I was there today and picked up a crapload of lumber and will be bringing a few boards back that dont meet my talents of a really ruff carpenter..lol Im not expecting any trouble returning a couple warped boards in exchange for ones that are straight. The Rona that I buy from is in a really small comunitty of St. Charles (north of Sturgen Falls) All these posts make me happy to be living in hicksville where customer satfaction is #1
  9. That first Pickeral has some chunk too er. Congrats on the great fishing on Nip.
  10. bay weee es tee!! Thanks for the help guys
  11. My cottage sit's on a really small spring fed lake that has no water coming in or out. At times its a crapshoot catching a pickeral or smallie, but I always thought I could find more fish if i could only locate the springs on the lake. Wouldnt water gushin from the bottom of the lake attract fish? Is there anyway to locate them? Cheers!!
  12. Lets git er done!!
  13. Yeah that's a huge sheepshead. I remember as a kid casting off the Cache Bay docks a friend of mine nailed one on light gear, it eventually fried his spinning reel but was able to hand line it in. Theres a beautiful jewel in there heads, anyone ever see em?
  14. For all those that doubt lake nipissing as one of the greatest fisheries in Ontario. Trust me i know it can be a frustrating lake some days but man when its on there is non stop action that is comparable to any other fishery in the province! What he said Not many lakes in this province that holds so many trophy fish indeed..Thanks for your report.
  15. Nice way to spend a day with your Dad Steelcat. Congratulations on the fish too
  16. Good Luck Bucktail.. I'll be on lake bisco for a week in August. Let us all know how you make out.
  17. Good fishin Jil. Nothin wrong with a few mudcats! Reminds me of a time when years ago my Dad took me fishing on the mouth of the Sturgeon river where it enters Lake Nipissing. Fishing was slow so Dad's trying to pull the anchor out of the water with no luck, so he calls me over to help. SNAGGED!! Or so we thought. We heaved and howed, and heaved some more, just to get it to the surface only to realise it was hooked onto a much larger anchor that would have been used on the tugs, or carrier vessels of nipissing many years ago.
  18. Yeah definitely a tough thing to do.. p.m sent
  19. Ahhh, such sad news Lew. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
  20. Rick Bain?? You mean Peter right?
  21. Read all the posts Joe!!
  22. Good on you Jil for homing the lil pipers.. I searched for a wild animal rescue site that I believe is in the Powassen area, but with no avail.. They would have given you proper advice on how to care for the young sandpipers. Maybe you could call the North bay Humane society for help?
  23. awesome sites guys,Thanks!! keep em commin
  24. yeah whatever, Take off hoser!! My bud and I as kids would put on our dads mackinaws and wear our touques indoors and listen to Bob and Dougs album with our full stubbys filled with coke.. ahhh good times!!
  25. Sounds like quite a day, Congratulations. I have to get out and fish that lake one of these days, considering its in my backyard too. I've heard that the walleye can be elusive in the summer but good size to them..
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